
lù chéng
  • distance;journey;road;route;distance travelled
路程 [lù chéng]
  • (1) [distance travelled; journey]∶人、交通工具走过或驶过的距离

  • 他不知道他走了多少路程

  • (2) [route]∶特定时间内所走过的行程

  • 该城距此至少有一天的路程

  • (3) 也用于比喻

  • 革命的路程

  • (4) [road]∶道路,路径

  • 这是主人怕你知道路程,所以如此的。--《孽海花》

路程[lù chéng]
  1. 一边监控慢跑路线,同时算出跑的路程与消耗的热量,这样的服务可能也会受欢迎。

    Services that monitor jogging routes , and work out distance travelled and calories consumed , might also prove popular .

  2. 他们要走80英里的路程,最后决定搭便车。

    They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike

  3. 要不是这车结实,根本走不完这段路程。

    A less rugged vehicle would never have made the trip .

  4. 上班要走往返30英里的路程。

    It 's 30 miles round trip to work .

  5. 我上班的路程很近。

    I have only a short commute to work .

  6. 爬到顶上路程很长,虽然费力却很值得。

    It 's a long climb to the top , but well worth the effort .

  7. 离最近的酒吧有长长的5英里的路程。

    It was five long miles to the nearest pub .

  8. 洛杉矶的平均上下班路程为每天60多英里。

    The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day .

  9. 伦敦离这里有1小时路程,当我赶到时,手术已经完成了。

    London was an hour away and by the time I arrived the operation had already been performed .

  10. 出于尊重,皇帝在离首都还有几个星期路程的地方迎接了他。

    As a mark of respect the emperor met him at a point several weeks ' march from the capital

  11. 我原以为我们最远能到达橡树谷,结果只走完了第一段路程。

    I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley , but we only managed the first lap of the journey .

  12. 大约半小时路程。

    It 's about half an hour 's journey .

  13. 火车站离我们学校两英里路程。

    The railway station is at a distance of two miles from our school .

  14. 公共汽车队带他们走完剩下的路程。

    Fleets of buses took them the rest of the way .

  15. 他一口气跑完了通往他家的路程。

    He covered the distance to his house at a run .

  16. 从这儿到电影院只有几分钟的路程。

    It 's only several minutes from here to the cinema .

  17. 搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已精疲力尽。

    It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted .

  18. 当汽车抛锚时,我们正行驶了一半的路程。

    We were driving half when the car broke down .

  19. 从我家到车站有10分钟的步行路程。

    The station is ten minutes'walk from my house .

  20. 我们一直走到车站,大约3英里的路程。

    We walked the whole way to the station , a matter of3 miles .

  21. 机车车辆厂离我们住的旅馆大约有半小时的路程。

    The rolling stock factory was about a half hour drive from our hotel .

  22. 当我们离目的地只有几英里的路程时,汽油用完了。

    When we were only a few miles from our destination the petrol gave out .

  23. 相距骑摩托雪橇不足一小时路程外。

    Less than an hour away by snowmobile .

  24. 不去养老院的老人中,约75%住在距至少一个子女30分钟路程内的地方。

    About 75 % of elderly parents who don 't go to nursing homes live within 30 minutes of at least one of their children .

  25. 这一景象在乞力马扎罗山尤为显著,因为爬山者会在短短几公里的路程中穿过五种生态系统。

    This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as clmbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers .

  26. 很遗憾,一英里的路程打破了她的梦想。

    It was a great pity that one mile broke her dream .

  27. 过去,他们走同样的路程要花几天或几周的时间。

    In the past , it took them days or weeks to travel the same distance .

  28. 参观露天博物馆。露天博物馆距格雷梅市中心大概15分钟步行路程。

    Visit the open-air museum The open-air museum is about 15 minutes ' walk away from the center of Goreme .

  29. 这条丝绸之路是一段充满挑战的旅程,因为大部分路程都是在汽车上度过的。

    This Silk Road route is a challenging journey , for most part of the journey will be made by bus .

  30. 当这些动物在草地上安静地散步时,他们很容易忘记,繁忙之都圣安东尼奥其实距离这里只有几分钟的路程。

    As the animals walk peacefully around the grounds , it is easy for them to forget that San Antonio , a busy city , is just a few minutes away .