
lù dōnɡ
  • the east side of a road
  1. 南昌市阳明路东延伸一期工程总体设计

    Overall Design of Nanchang City Yangming Road East Extension Phase ⅰ Project

  2. 路东走来灰色兔。

    From the east comes the gray rabbit .

  3. 连接皇珠路东行及屯门公路北行的支路;

    The slip road connecting Wong Chu Road eastbound and Tuen Mun Road northbound ;

  4. 相反,他们一路东撤,沿途焚毁庄稼和民居。

    Instead , they retreated eastward , burning their crops and homes as they went .

  5. “四横”即广深高速、黄云路、环场路东延线、广园东路;

    " Four cross " that the GS , Huang Road , Ring Road East extension field , Guangyuan Road East ;

  6. 他搭上了开往托特纳姆宫路的东向地铁列车。

    He caught an eastbound train to Tottenham Court Road .

  7. 绕环岛路观赏东海岸风光并游览福建名刹-南普陀寺及厦门著名之胡里山炮台;

    Tour of Xiamen city including scenic drive along Round Island Road , the famous ancient Buddhist temple-South Putuo Temple ;

  8. 但是据《华盛顿邮报》报道,冈萨雷斯沿着门廊一路跑进东厅,之后才被制服。

    But the Washington Post reports that Gonzalez ran down the main hall way to the East Room before being tackled .

  9. “丝绸之路”东起长安,向西到地中海东岸,转至罗马帝国。

    The Silk Road started from Chang'an in the east and stretched westward to reach the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and the Roman Empire .

  10. 起源于印度的佛教石窟艺术,经由我国古代的丝绸之路渐次东传,并积极地接受了中国本土文化对它的选择与改造。

    The grotto art of Buddhism , originated from India and spread eastward through ancient Silk Road of China , has been selected and improved by Chinese native culture .

  11. 我面前这条大路是穿过UIC校园的,东西方向,我想我只要沿着这条路一直向东就一定能走到密歇根湖畔。

    The road on front of me was though the campus of the UIC , from the east to the west , I thought if I went up to the east along with the road , it would be the front of Michigon lake .

  12. 中华路街道办事处驻东大街。

    China Road Subdistrict Office in East Street .

  13. 这条路从这儿向东延伸。

    The road goes east from here .

  14. 介乎大球场径与棉花路之间一段东院道,改为单程北行;

    Between stadium path and Tung Lo Wan Road will be re-routed to one-way northbound ;

  15. 那就让我们加快旅行的步伐,到北京市区靠近光华路一角和东三环路的两个摩天大厦的建筑工地上去吧。

    Let 's press on with the tour anyway , starting with two giant building sites in central Beijing , near the corner of Guanghua and the east third ring road .

  16. 拆除后延安路高架将向东直接连入地下通道,到浦东的车辆则继续沿延安东路隧道行走。

    After the removal of the Yan'an Elevated Road east will be a direct link to the underground passage to the Pudong vehicles continued to walk along the tunnel Yan An Road East .

  17. 我只不过是一个骑车独自旅行的人,颠簸于一段延伸60英里的荒凉之路,这条路婉蜒向东穿过山脉通向海岸。

    I was just a guy on a bike , alone , riding a60-mile stretch of lonely road that winds through mountains eastward to the seacoast .