
  • 网络right of way;Right-Of-Way;ROW
  1. 铁路线及其合法路权、车站和从主要道路至车站的通路应属业主责任。

    The railway route and its legal right of way , stations and access from the main roads to the stations will be under the employer 's responsibility .

  2. 在处理知识产权问题时,我们如何知道谁是侵犯他人土地者,而谁又是试图排挤公众路权的贪婪地主呢?

    When we are dealing with intellectual property , how do we know who is a trespasser and who is a greedy landowner trying to enclose the public right of way ?

  3. 关于线形图纸,参考方案第c-4章路权。

    Refer to proposal section c-4 , right-of-way , for alignment drawings .

  4. 根据专用路权的级别,将国内外BRT建设模式归纳为6种,从红线宽度、沿线用地、道路现状及拓宽可能等方面分析各自的适用情况。

    According to the level of special rights-of-way , domestic and foreign BRT construction patterns can be summarized to 6 different types and their adaptation situations are analyzed based on the width of red line , land use along the line , the current road status and possibility of extension .

  5. 相关指定线形路权规定,包括fhsra提供的44英尺宽的最小轨道中央围护结构,宜参考建议要求书。

    The RFP should be referred to for the relevant designated alignment row provisions that include a minimum median rail envelope of44 feet wide to be provided by the fhsra .

  6. 多相位交叉口半幅路权控制系统及其变形的设计方法

    Design Method for Half-roadway Right Traffic Control System at Multi-phase Signal Intersection

  7. 未对已确认路权地块进行检查。

    No inspection has been made of identified row parcels .

  8. 测试焦点然后转移至路权。

    Testing focus will then shift to the right-of-way .

  9. 有线电视多功能寻址用户路权管理的研究

    The Research of the Route Management of Multi-purpose for Address in CATV Consumer

  10. 优先采购既有国有路权以的外所需包裹。

    Priority procurement will proceed for the parcels needed outside the current state-owned row .

  11. 其核心是在依赖心理驱动下生成路权与债权交换的主导思想。

    Driven by dependant psyche their guiding thoughts became exchanging railway right for debt right .

  12. 简单来说,路权就是人们使用道路的权利。

    In short , the right-of-way is the right that people have to use the roads .

  13. 目前,人们在道路交通活动中存在的路权权力化倾向已对交通秩序和安全造成了严重的危害。

    Now , the emphasis of traffic power does great harm to the traffic order and safety .

  14. 与路权和其他相关部门进行协调,整合管线保护监控体系。

    Coordinate with ROW and other related departments to integrate the security monitoring system for pipeline protection .

  15. 结合防洪撤退过程的特点,提出一个随机模型计算道路的路权。

    Based on the flood disaster characteristic , a random calculation model of road right was put forward .

  16. 与获得路权使用权相关的延迟未考虑进项目时间表或标书费用。

    Delays associated with obtaining row access are not considered in the project schedule or the proposal cost .

  17. 清扫及翻掘活动预定为在路权获得及准许完成后立刻开始。

    Clearing and grubbing activities are scheduled to begin as soon as row acquisition and permitting is complete .

  18. 本文详细记述了罗斯福插手粤汉路权交涉的经过,并分析了他插手的原因。

    This article describes how Roosevelt intervened in the negotiations in detail , and analyzes why he did so .

  19. 外部效益不能内部化是企业没有积极性去维护路权的主要原因。

    The external benefit cannot be given the internal part , so the enterprise has not activity to maintain road right .

  20. 路权管理技术与条件接收技术协调互补,促进了有线数字电视的发展。

    The addressable path management technology can be complementary with conditional access technology , which accelerates the development of digital CATV .

  21. 时人主张路权自主,由官方控制和主导,设立专管机构;

    People then advocated to keep railway in administration 's own hands and to set up a specialized and integrated railway administrative organization .

  22. 本文对高架桥下交叉口的时空资源进行了分析综合利用,提出了一种多相位半幅路权系统。

    In this paper , an analysis and utilization for the time-space resource at an intersection with a wider separation band is given .

  23. 维护计划包括行车轨道、道岔和路权地区(包括排水和土方工程)的日常安全与安保检查。

    The maintenance program will include routine safety and security inspections of the running track , turnouts , and row including drainage and earthworks .

  24. 文中给出了半幅路权交通控制系统各种可行的设计方法。

    Based on these characteristics , a method to design a half-roadway right traffic control system at a multi-phase signal intersection is put forward .

  25. 总体而言,中央和地方政府维护吉长路权的意识仍处于萌动阶段。

    In balance , the consciousnesses of the central and local government to struggle for the railway right were still in a preliminary stage .

  26. 高速公路路政管理工作对于保障公路畅通、维护高速公路的路产路权有重要意义。

    The road affairs management on freeway has an important significance to guaranteeing the open highway and protecting the road properties and road rights .

  27. 路权的侵犯主要体现在侵犯通行权和违反通行规则,相应的要承担行政、刑事和民事法律责任。

    Violation of right-of-way is mainly the violations of the wayleave and the prevailing rules , which must bear administrative , criminal and civil liability .

  28. 在须获得新路权的区域的工程应在,必要时,提供入场权后开始。

    Work in areas where new row is to be acquired will begin , as necessary , after the right of entry has been provided .

  29. 由此得出结论道路性质发生改变后,政府应该主动承担界定路权的责任。

    The conclusion is obtained from this : after change of road nature the government ought to initiatively bear the duty of the limited road right .

  30. 提出了交叉口安全保障的一般措施,并具体介绍了明确路权、降低车辆行驶速度和增加交叉口行车视距的方法。

    In general , safety of at-grade intersections would be improved by making clear the road right , reducing driving speed and providing enough visual distance .