
  • 网络LUKE;LuCA
  1. 我也说了他可能用了Q,假设的文书,这是通过对比路加和马太福音发现的。

    I 've also said he probably used Q , this hypothetical document because we find that by comparing Luke and Matthew .

  2. 到底是马太拥有更原始的Q资料,还是路加的原始,我也会想Q里有什么,还有马太如何基于它来编修。

    Whether Matthew has the more original version of Q or whether Luke does , and I might try to imagine what was in Q and how Matthew may have changed that & edited that .

  3. 首先看《路加福音》,正如你们记得,基督论是讲你信仰基督的什么。

    First look at luke , of course christology , as you recall , is what you believe about christ .

  4. 从SAF应力吸收层混合料的级配设计控制、材料性能评价和施工质量控制等方面进行分析,得出了SAF应力吸收层混合料在旧路加铺中的施工工艺。

    This paper analysed its gradation design control , material performance evalua - tion and quality control in construction . Thereby we obtained the construction technology of SAF stress absorbing layer in the overlay - ing on old cement concrete pavement .

  5. 但在路加福音中耶稣之死的意义是什么?

    But again what is the meaning of Jesus'death in Luke ?

  6. 水泥路加铺沥青砼面层的施工要点

    Construction Method of Paving Asphalt Concrete Surface Layer on Cement Pavement

  7. 桑儿又问忒希奥,“路加有什么线索吗?”

    Sonny turned to tessio . " any leads on luca ?"

  8. 路加谢绝了递过来的酒,自己点着一支香烟抽了起来。

    Luca refused the drink offered to him and lit a cigarette .

  9. 当然我们也已读过《路加福音》和《使徒行传》

    Of course we 've already read Luke and Acts , too .

  10. 路加坐在酒吧间,布鲁诺塔塔格里亚到里面去了。

    Luca sat at the bar and Bruno Tattaglia went behind it .

  11. 在路加福音15章,他说到迷失的羊。

    In Luke chapter 15 , he talked about the lost sheep .

  12. 路加就是这样看待犹太律法的。

    This is the way Luke is thinking about the Jewish law .

  13. 听起来不像马太,马可和路加福音。

    It doesn 't sound like Matthew , Mark , and Luke .

  14. 路加修女,这是私下作补赎的方式。

    Sister luke , this is the discipline for penance in private .

  15. 四谁值得钦佩路加福音的这条训诫

    Number 4 Who is worthy of admiration ? The admonition from Luke

  16. 路加写的书有路加福音和使徒行传。

    Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts .

  17. 路加想表达的最基本的信息是什么?

    What are some of Luke 's basic messages ?

  18. 现在学者争论,这句话最初是否存在于《路加福音》

    Now scholars have debated about whether it was originally in the text .

  19. 路加这人感情容易冲动,也许是老头子惹恼了他,这是可能的。

    Luca was very touchy . Maybe the Don offended him some way .

  20. 所有人都拿到路加福音和使徒行传的梗概了吗?

    Did everyone get a handout of the outline of Luke and Acts ?

  21. 路加福音是在哪里提到外邦人的日期的?

    Where is it that Luke talks about the time of the Gentiles ?

  22. 《路加福音》显然是出于其他原因把它写进去了。

    Luke obviously included it for some other reason .

  23. 路加写了跟保罗一样多的内容。

    Luke wrote as much as Paul in volume .

  24. 路加福音对于律法有很不同的观点。

    Luke has a different view of the law .

  25. 路加又是如何看待犹太律法的?

    What does Luke believe about the Jewish law ?

  26. 这才是耶稣之死在路加福音与使徒行传中的意义。

    That 's the meaning of the death of Jesus in Luke and Acts .

  27. 所以路加也用了这个错误预言的素材,但是是在不同语境下。

    So Luke 's using that false prophet material but not in this context .

  28. 而这句话在路加福音中是找不到的。

    That saying is never found in Luke .

  29. 路加的词汇很丰富并且反应了他对地理和文化的敏感性。

    Luke 's vocabulary is rich and seems to reveal geographical and cultural sensitivity .

  30. 我们今天会着重讲路加福音和使徒行传。

    We 're going to go through a lot of Luke and Acts today .