
  • 网络Stephen;Stephanas
  1. 司提反看见耶稣站在神的右边。

    Stephen saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God .

  2. 这个时候,司提反没有报怨,也没有屈服。

    As they did , still Stephen did not complain or give in .

  3. 徒8:2有虔诚的人、把司提反埋葬了、为他捶胸大哭。

    Some devout men buried Stephen , and made loud lamentation over him .

  4. 反耶稣教导的人们杀了司提反。

    Those against the teaching of Jesus killed Stephen .

  5. 司提反在他的演说中做了两件事。

    Stephen has done two things in this speech .

  6. 别的信徒把司提反埋葬了。

    Other believers took his body and buried it .

  7. 司提反就是七人之一。??

    Stephen was one of the seven men chosen .

  8. 他们为他们亲爱的司提反深深地哀痛。

    They were deeply saddened by the death of their beloved friend Stephen .

  9. 司提反这个名字的来历吗,请举手,你知道?

    Where the name Stephen comes from ? Raise your hand , yes sir ?

  10. 这似乎是司提反的观点。

    That seems to be Stephen 's view .

  11. 他们抓住司提反,把他推到城外,用石头打他。

    Then they grabbed Stephen and dragged him out of the city to stone him .

  12. 他们捡起很大的石头,想要砸死司提反。

    Picking up huge stones , they began to hurl them at Stephen to kill him .

  13. 但他在司提反所说的话中却既包含了,反对圣殿,也包括了反对律法。

    But he includes in here a speech by Stephen that is both anti-temple and somewhat anti-law .

  14. 事实上,司提反本人亲自与这些说希腊语的犹太人对话。

    In fact it says that , Stephen himself would have talked with these Greek speaking Jews .

  15. 在神的掌管下,司提反的死,结果带来了扫罗的新生。

    God overruled so that out of the death of one came the wonderful life of another .

  16. 我们已经讲过几次司提反了,他可能是最早的基督教殉教者。

    We 've talked about Stephen several times already , he 's supposedly the first Christian martyr .

  17. 注意这一节司提反集中强调了,关于摩西的故事。

    Notice that 's the verse that Stephen centers on at this point to emphasize the story about Moses .

  18. 司提反告诉他们,他看见了神与耶稣的荣耀,临死前还在和耶稣说话。

    Stephen told them of seeing the glory of God and Jesus , and acknowledged Jesus in his death .

  19. 我也给司提反家施过洗。此外给别人施洗没有,我却记不清。

    And I baptized also the household of Stephanas : besides , I know not whether I baptized any other .

  20. 但司提反传讲耶稣的时候,这些人就和司提反辩论。

    As Stephen went out in public places to preach about Jesus , these enemies began to argue with him .

  21. 这些犹太人的领袖们就象野兽一样对著司提反呲牙吼叫。

    The Jewish leaders were like wild animals as they turned back their lips and gritted their teeth at Stephen .

  22. 事实上,司提反殉道不久,扫罗就认识了基督,变成了我们所熟悉的出色宣教士保罗。

    It was not long after Stephen 's death , that Saul found Christ and became Paul the mighty missionary .

  23. 只要你读完第七章全章,你便会发现司提反是如何的熟悉圣经。

    If you were to read the rest of chapter seven , you would discover how wonderfully Stephen knew his Bible .

  24. 腓利与司提反一样,也是七执事之一,腓利是希腊语名,对吗?

    Phillip , who was one of those deacons along with Stephen , Phillip , that 's a good Greek name right ?

  25. 司提反满得恩惠能力,在民间行了大奇事和神迹。

    8Now Stephen , a man full of God 's grace and power , did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people .

  26. 他们正用石头打的时候、司提反呼吁主说、求主耶稣接收我的灵魂。

    And stephen , while he was being stoned , made prayer to god , saying , Lord jesus , take my spirit .

  27. 愤怒的人群大声喊叫,捂著耳朵,齐心拥上前去,他们的叫声掩盖了司提反的声音。

    The angry crowd cried out loudly to drown out Stephen 's voice , they stopped their ears so they couldn 't hear him .

  28. 司提反是当地最初信主,也是保罗亲自替他施洗的信徒之一。

    Stephanas is mentioned as being one of the earliest converts in the area , and as one of the ones baptised by Paul .

  29. 司提反,和福徒拿都,并亚该古,到这里来,我很喜欢。因为你们待我有不及之处,他们补上了。

    I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus : for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied .

  30. 林前十六17我因司提反和福徒拿都并亚该古的来临而喜乐,因为你们的不在所致使的短缺,他们都补足了。

    Cor.16:17 Now I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus , because these have filled up the lack caused by your absence ;