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sī wù
  • 古〉 petty official in charge of miscellaneous duties ;craftsman;workman
司务 [sī wù]
  • [officials of miscellaneous affairs] 旧时对手艺匠人的尊称

  • 厨司务

  • 大司务

  1. 他从炊事班战士一步一步地做到了司务长。

    He was promoted to company quartermaster from a cookhouse soldier rank by rank .

  2. 本文从士官司务长财经基础课程实践性教学现状入手,对其教学改革提出几点建设性意见。

    This article the finance and economics core curriculum practical teaching present situation obtains from officer mess officer , gives several constructive comment to its educational reform .

  3. 本文从司务长教学存在的三对矛盾展开论述,并从三个方面提出建议和对策。

    This article the teaching existence 's three pairs launches the elaboration contradictory from mess officer , and puts forward the proposal and the countermeasure from three aspects .

  4. 他们保留了在战略、战术和航行方面的权威,但把纪律、配给和惩罚权力下放给司务长(由船员选举)。

    They retained authority over strategy , tactics and navigation , but delegated discipline , rations and punishments to the quartermaster , who was elected by the crew .

  5. 自从他的火柴厂亏本以来,他将半边的厢房挪空了,预备分租出去,他又辞歇了一个饭司务,两个奶妈。

    Since his match factory had folded up , he had vacated one wing in case he had to sub-let part of the house , and dismissed one cook and two maids .

  6. 省长和他告辞时说。一离开省长那里,尼古拉随即雇了一辆驿车,带上司务长乘车直奔二十俄里外的地主养马场。

    Nikolay took a posting carriage , and making his quartermaster get in beside him , galloped straight off from the governor 's to the gentleman with the stud of fine horses twenty versts away .

  7. 青年陈少平是个吹鼓手,他和卖报的老王、卖水果的小贩、剃头司务、失业者结拜成兄弟,住在同一个弄堂的小阁楼上,对面住着一对生活贫苦的姐妹小云和小红。

    The youth , Chen Shaoping , who was a trumpeter and news vendors , live together with his sworn brothers included Laowang , fruit seller , barber , and the street walker in an attic . Towards the attic live the two poor sisters , Xiao Hong and Xiao Yun .