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  1. 司马懿和儿子司马昭率领军队冲进山谷后,发现一个人也没有。

    Sima Yi and his army burst into the gorge , but found no one there .

  2. 魏嘉平三年(251)司马懿卒,其子司马师、司马昭先后掌权。

    In 251 , Sima Yi died and his post was inherited by his sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao successively .

  3. 司马昭放心南下征伐蜀汉,公元264年,打败蜀后,自封为晋王,同年秋司马昭死,其子司马炎时年30岁即位。

    By 264 victory in the west was complete , and Sima Zhao took title as King of Jin . In the autumn of the year Sima Zhao died , he was succeeded by his eldest son Sima Yan , then thirty years old .