
sī fǎ pàn lì
  • judicial precedent
  1. 笔者试图运用相关理论学说和司法判例对人格混同进行分析和研究。

    The author tries to analyze and study confusion of corporate personality through using the relevant legal doctrine and judicial precedent .

  2. 从司法判例入手,讨论原因与条件之间的逻辑关联性是认识因果关系理论的新视角。

    From the judicial precedent , discussing about the logical connection between causes and conditions is a new angle in realizing the causation theory .

  3. 本部分结合了相关司法判例进行分析。

    Some relevant judicial precedents analyses were combined in this paper .

  4. 再论司法判例制度的性质、作用和过程

    On the Nature , Role and Process of the Case Law Method

  5. 美国对等同原则的发展也是通过司法判例加以变革的。

    Development for the doctrine of equivalent of America is also changed by judicial decisions .

  6. 目前,国际淡水资源利用和保护法中的许多习惯法规则的形成,也在很大程度上归功于相关的司法判例和国际软法。

    Relevant international judicial cases and soft laws have formed a lot of international custom rules .

  7. 这一部分通过回顾司法判例分析搭售行为法律判断标准的演变。

    This part analyzes the development of judge standard on tying arrangements through reviews judicial cases .

  8. 因此,一些国家通过立法和司法判例确立了信用证欺诈例外原则,以弥补信用证独立抽象性原则的不足,防止信用证欺诈的发生。

    Consequently , the principle of fraudulent exception on the letter of credit was developed in some countries .

  9. 不真正连带责任制度为多数国家的立法、司法判例所采行。

    The legislations and legal precedents in most countries have built up the theory of the unreal joint obligation .

  10. 第二章介绍了德国、日本、美国和台湾地区有关专断医疗的司法判例和学说并在此基础上进行相关评析。

    Chapter two : introduce and analyse the judicial precedents and theories in Germany , Japan , USA , and Taiwan area .

  11. 本论文以国际航空货物运输承运人责任相关的国际条约、国内立法、司法判例为研究对象,通过理论分析、实证研究的方法,考察了国际航空货物运输承运人责任制度。

    This thesis studies the international air cargo carrier liability by analyzing relevant international treaties , legislation and judicial cases in different countries .

  12. 在美国司法判例中,出租人违反安全保障义务的归责原则主要是过错归责。

    The lessor acts against the safety and security obligations the imputation principle is fault principle in the Judicial precedents of United State .

  13. 19世纪,英国的司法判例中首次将产品责任作为一个法律问题提出。

    In nineteenth Century , British came up with the product liability as a legal question in their judicial precedent for the first time .

  14. 显而易见,传统犯罪对象理论将虚拟财产排出犯罪对象之外有违司法判例和网民的法感情。因此,现实与传统的冲突,迫使我们要尽快重建能够囊括虚拟犯罪对象的新的犯罪对象理论。

    So the conflicts between the reality and tradition theory force us to reconstruct the theory concerning the object of crime including the virtual assets .

  15. 最密切联系原则是源于英美国家司法判例的一项国际私法制度。

    Closest contact doctrine is a new system in international private law , which is rooted from the judicatory prejudication in Britain and the USA .

  16. 第一部分主要介绍了减损原则在世界一些主要国家的立法规定与司法判例。

    The first part introduces some statutory provisions and case laws concerning the doctrine of duty to mitigate harm in some countries in the world .

  17. 在第二章中分析了美国关于董事内部控制职责的理论研究和司法判例。

    In the second chapter , I introduced the theories and judicial precedents in the United States concerning with the directors ' responsibility on internal control .

  18. 本文结合具体的司法判例,比较详细地分析了美国与接近权有关的法律制度。

    This paper analyses the legal system of America related to the right of access to the media by study of the specific cases in detail .

  19. 然后,考察了国际公约、美国、欧盟和日本在商标产品平行进口问题上的相关立法和司法判例;

    Part 4 inspects the attitude view of international treaty , America , the Europe Union and Japan over the parallel import of the trademark goods .

  20. 最密切联系原则作为源于英美国家司法判例的一项国际私法制度,其产生、存在和发展有其深刻的政治、经济和思想文化根源。

    As a new system in international private law , the doctrine of the most significant relationship results from the political economic cultural and philosophical base .

  21. 接着再从比较法的角度分析处于不同的经济背景和市场环境下,立法和司法判例对转售价格维持所采取的不同态度和规制方式。

    Thirdly , give a brief of legislation and judicial practice taking some different approaches to regulate the Resale price maintenance , in different economic background .

  22. 国际淡水资源利用和保护法的发展表明,司法判例和国际软法文件在国际环境法的发展中将起着重要的作用。

    The development of international water protection law shows that the international judicial cases and soft laws play important roles in the development of international environmental law .

  23. 在司法判例中,多项海事优先权纠纷,法院要直接适用英国法处理,这对合宪性是一大挑战。

    It is usually big challenges for the constitution that the courts have to directly use British law to deal with many maritime disputes in respective cases .

  24. 但即便是上海地区,在《侵权责任法》颁布实施后的司法判例中也未能言明何谓医疗过失,判例中标准不一。

    However , the judicial precedents in shanghai are lack of unified standards to define " medicalnegligence ", even after the enacting of " tort law " .

  25. 其次,通过案例分析法全面剖析当前的典型的司法判例,分析当前学位制度的缺陷和不足及其原因。

    Secondly , through case analysis , a comprehensive analysis of the typical judicial precedents , analyze the current degree system defects and deficiencies and their causes .

  26. 加入世贸组织,我国政府即承诺我国与贸易有关的法律、法规、司法判例与世贸规则相符。

    As soon as we enter the WTO , our government promises that the laws , regulations and judicial precedents concerning trades would tally with WTO rules .

  27. 国际组织的决议、国际条约、国际习惯(司法判例)等是国际组织法律责任制度的主要法律渊源;

    What makes the source of legal obligation system for the international organization is the resolution of international organization , international treaty , international convention and so on .

  28. 本文主要借鉴国外成文法以及司法判例已经取得的先进经验,对网络服务提供者的侵权责任进行了研究。

    Based on the well-developed experience from the statutes and judicial cases worldwide , the writer made a systematic study on the Internet Service Provider 's tortious liability .

  29. 与美国类似,英联邦国家对于公司机会的判断标准也产生于判例中并在司法判例中得到发展和完善。

    Similar to the United States , the commonwealth countries opportunity judgment standard for the company also produces in jurisprudence and gets development and perfection in the judicial precedents .

  30. 通过对南京国民政府时期和外国有关婚约的立法和司法判例进行比较和分析,对前的婚约制度建构具有极大的启发意义。

    Through the National Government and foreign countries during the marriage legislation and judicial precedents for comparison and analysis , construction of the current marriage system of great instructive .