
  • 网络classicism;The Classical Period;Classical Era
  1. 第三:17世纪古典主义时期。

    The third , France classicism period , 17th century ;

  2. 古典主义时期诗画之争与德意志民族艺术理想&莱辛美学思想探析之二

    " The Argument about Poems and Paintings " during Classicism Period and Deutsche National Artistic Ideology & Second Analysis on Lessing 's Aesthetic Thought

  3. 这种新的作品往往缺乏古典主义时期那种明快感。

    The new compositions frequently lacked the cheerfulness of the classical period .

  4. 在音乐领域中,他完美的构建了座从古典主义时期过渡到浪漫主义时期的桥梁。

    He had built a wonderful bridge between the classical music and the romantic music .

  5. 在古典主义时期,三一律被正式提出,虽然这是在戏剧结构上的一种编剧技巧,但正是因为时间和空间的约束,戏剧情境在无意中已经变成了对于情节和人物的重要限制。

    But confined by space and time , play situation has become critical restrictions on plots and characters .

  6. 同时,17世纪古典主义时期的园林对现代园林的发展具有很强的指导意义。

    At the same time , the traditional garden is of great significance in guiding the modern Landscape Architecture .

  7. 斯特拉文斯基的《士兵的故事》是作曲家从俄罗斯时期向新古典主义时期过渡的重要作品。

    Stravinsky 's Soldier 's tale is an important piece of work during his transition from the Russian Period to the Neo-Classical Period .

  8. 其作品涵盖了现实主义和抽象色彩:从蓝色时期、玫瑰时期、非洲时期,解析立体主义和合成立体主义时期,到新古典主义时期,乃至超现实主义。

    His works range from realistic to abstract : the Blue , Rose , and African periods , Analytical and Synthetic Cubism , Neo-Classicism , Surrealism .

  9. 路德维希·冯·贝多芬作为古典主义时期德国最伟大的作曲家之一,在整个音乐史的发展长河中有着极其重要的地位。

    As the one of the greatest German composer in the classical period , Ludwig von Beethoven has played an extremely important role in the whole development of the history of the music .

  10. 但现有大多数研究都更多的关注巴洛克时期和古典主义时期,而忽视了前古典主义这一时期的重要性,忽视了这一时期的承接作用。

    But most existing research are more attention the baroque period and the classical period , and ignore the classical this period before the importance , and ignore the period for the role .

  11. 古典主义时期与浪漫主义时期是欧洲音乐历史中的两个重要时期,古典主义精神与浪漫主义精神分别在当时得到最丰满的体现。

    The period of classicism and the period of romanticism are the two important particular periods in the music history in Europe , the spirit of Classicism and the spirit of romanticism got the most plentiful embodiment respectively .

  12. 无论是社会还是音乐理论还是科学发展都为这一时期的器乐音乐的发展铺平了道路,促进了这一时期的发展,并最终引发了古典主义时期的到来。

    Whether social or music theory and science development for the period of the development of instrumental music paving the road , promote the development of this one period , and finally triggered the arrival of the classical period .

  13. 莫扎特是古典主义时期的代表人物之一,对欧洲音乐的发展起到强大的推动作用。作为莫扎特钟爱的音乐体裁&钢琴协奏曲在其创作中占有比较重要的地位。

    Mozart who had promoted the development of music in Europe immensely was a great master in the era of classic music . He has a strong passion for piano concerto which plays an important role in his works .

  14. 并且,这一时期的科学技术得到了空前发展,一批精致乐器得以完成,乐器的音色、音调也更加精准,为前古典主义时期的器乐音乐发展提供了物理支撑。

    And , this period to enjoy unprecedented science and technology development , a batch of delicate instruments to perform , instrument tone , tone and more accurate , the classical period for the former provides physical music instrumental support .

  15. 浪漫主义时期的音乐在创作上较之古典主义时期有了许多形式上的创新与变革,包括和声、旋律以及情感等诸多方面。

    During this period , there are lots of formal innovation and changes on the music forms , including harmony , melody and emotion etc. Large numbers of excellent composers kept coming to the fore in this period as well .

  16. 启蒙主义思想对古典主义时期人们的生活、文化、审美等等各个方面都有非常深刻的影响,所以我们把这个时期的音乐审美观叫做启蒙主义音乐审美观。

    The Enlightenment had much important influence on the life , culture , aesthetic and other aspects of people in the period of classicalism , so we call the music aesthetic in this period " Music Aesthetic of Enlightenment " .

  17. 弦乐四重奏是古典主义时期最重要的室内乐形式,它以精致、抒情为本,善于营造出人与人之间亲切对话式的音乐氛围,受到人们的青睐。

    String Quartet is the most important chamber music form in the classical period . Rooted by exquisite and lyric characteristic , String Quartet gets the favour of people by creating a type of kind dialogue music atmosphere between person and person .

  18. 作曲家处于浪漫主义艺术家们寻求表现内容和技法创新的时代,在创作方面他以古典主义时期盛行的交响曲、协奏曲为主,继承了古典艺术体裁、结构形式及织体手法等。

    In the era that Romantic artists sought the performance of the content and techniques of innovation , the popular classical period symphonies , concertos makes the largest part of his creations . , which mainly inherited classical art genre , structure and texture practices .

  19. 同样,浪漫精神也不是从天而降,它也是流淌在持续的历史文化中,只是在古典主义时期之后找到了最适合其生根发芽的土壤,从而弥漫整个欧洲音乐界。

    Equally romantic spirit is also not very unexpectedly , it is also flowing in the history civilization that went on , and it was to find after classicism period is fit for his most takes root soil that sprouts , thus fills the air whole Europe music circle .

  20. 欧洲音乐进入古典主义时期,人们新的思想、感情观念.包括其中的矛盾、斗争,反映在音乐艺术里都要求音乐思维的深化和表现内心世界的深化。

    European music into the classical period , the people of new ideas , feelings , ideas . Including one of the contradictions , the struggle is reflected in the musical arts in music are required to deepen the thinking and performance of the deepening of the inner world .

  21. 古典自由主义时期,自然自由和社会自由的分类已经被明确提出。

    In the period of Classical liberalism , the classification of natural and social freedom had already been proposed clearly .

  22. 西方社会福利函数理论的发展经历了四个时期:古典效用主义时期的社会福利函数把社会福利看作是所有社会成员的福利或效用的简单加总;

    Development of the theory of social welfare function has experienced four stages . The classical utilitarianism looks at social welfare as simply the sum of welfare of all members of that society .

  23. 它的存在对于西方器乐性体裁的发展起到了举足轻重的作用,这种兼顾了两个时期的音乐特点以及双重属性的体裁,给之后古典主义成熟时期的创作发展打下了扎实的基础。

    Its existence played a pivotal role in the development of western instrumental genres . Symphonie concertante bears characteristics of both baroque and classical periods and features of both symphonies and concertos . It laid a solid foundation for the creation of matured classicism .

  24. 我们能想到的关于阿姆斯特丹的不外乎就是:这城市是17世纪荷兰古典主义的鼎盛时期的产物。

    Much of what we think of as Amsterdam is the product of the Golden Age of Dutch classicism , the17 th century .

  25. 斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。

    Scriabin 's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age , have the characteristics of typical sonata song form .

  26. 而在古典主义、浪漫主义时期,由于音色或乐器演奏技巧的局限,很少出现双簧管的独奏作品,双簧管音乐大都藏匿于乐队片段之中。

    Classicism , romanticism period , due to the limitations of the tone or instrument playing skills , rare oboe solo pieces , oboe music is mostly hiding in the band fragments into .

  27. 文章对古典主义和浪漫主义时期的音乐风格进行了分析总结,指出音乐的风格的变化好似在倾向理性思考和倾向个性表现这两种流派之间所作的钟摆式的运动。

    This study analyses the musical style of Classicism and Romanticism , reveals that the change tendency of musical style seems to be a pendular movement between two schools : The tendency of reasoning and The tendency of personality .

  28. 通过剖析和研究古代至中世纪时期、文艺复兴及巴洛克时期、古典主义及浪漫主义时期、近现代时期的西方音乐节奏发展演变和不同特征,可以更进一步地认识西方音乐节奏及其发展趋势。

    Studying the evolution and character of 4 periods which from Ancient to Medieval , Renaissance and Baroque , from classicism and romanticism , modern and contemporary age , help as to understand western music rhythm and its developing trend .

  29. 新自主义是古典自由主义在新时期历史条件下的发展,它主张限制国家干预,并充分发挥市场机制。

    Neo-liberalism asked to limit the power of the Government , limit the national management and intervention and give full play to the market mechanism , which is the development of classical liberalism in the historical conditions of the new era .

  30. 他的作品涉及范围很广,在体裁上涉及交响乐,奏鸣曲,清唱剧等等。一方面他的作品具有古典主义和浪漫主义时期的特征,另一方面还具有法国民族的特点。

    His works involve a wide range ; in style they involve symphony , sonatas and cantatas , etc. On one hand , his works had the characteristics of the period of classicalism and romanticism ; on the other hand , they also had the feathers of French nation .