
  • 网络pyramide;glass pyramid
  1. 看看雷佐。皮耶罗设计的伦敦塔,细长的玻璃金字塔组成一个闪耀的石笋直指伦敦上空,在空中形成美丽的轮廓。

    Just look at Renzo piano 's London Bridge Tower , a slender glass pyramid that forms a glittering stalagmite against the old city 's skyline .

  2. 与另一位美国设计师贝聿铭不同——后者给卢浮宫设计的玻璃金字塔位于香榭丽舍大道的轴线上,盖里完全没有理会法国的几何传统。

    Unlike his compatriot I. M. Pei , who placed the glass Pyramid at the Louvre to acknowledge the long axis of the Champs É lys é es , Mr. Gehry ignored France 's geometric traditions .

  3. 这些年来,巴黎人在建筑上开始接受一些更为大胆的尝试,比如卢浮宫庭院里的玻璃金字塔或蓬皮杜中心——这个建筑的外侧布满五颜六色的水管和空调管道网。

    Over the years , Parisians have come to embrace some of the city 's bolder architectural adventures , such as the glass pyramids inside of the Louvre courtyard or the Pompidou Center , built with its network of colorfully painted water pipes and air-conditioning ducts on the outside .

  4. 而赫尔佐格-德梅隆建筑公司为巴黎设计的新大厦将包括办公空间和一家酒店,其玻璃三角形设计呼应了贝聿铭(IMPei)设计的卢浮宫玻璃金字塔。

    while Herzog & de Meuron 's new Paris building , with its glass triangle echoing IM Pei 's Louvre pyramid , will hold office space and a hotel .