
  • 网络President of Bolivia
  1. 对于玻利维亚总统来说,男人为什么秃头、人为什么有不同的性取向,这两个困扰人类很久的问题一点都不难解决:他宣布,这都是因为吃鸡肉的原因。

    Male pattern baldness and the mysteries of human sexuality are no puzzles for the president of Bolivia , who has declared they are caused by eating chicken .

  2. 玻利维亚总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯说斯诺登在他的国家是受欢迎的。

    Bolivian President Evo Morales says Snowden is welcome in his country .

  3. 不过,这个观点并没有得到玻利维亚总统莫拉雷斯的赞同。

    That view is not shared by Bolivian President Evo Morales , however .

  4. 他在与玻利维亚总统通电话时发表上述讲话。

    He made the remarks during a conversation with his Bolivian counterpart over the phone .

  5. 玻利维亚总统已经表示他愿意考虑斯诺登的避难。

    The Bolivian president has said he would be willing to consider asylum for Snowden .

  6. 查韦斯表示,其他的地区领导人要当心,包括他的亲密盟友,玻利维亚总统埃沃莫拉莱斯。

    Chavez said other regional leaders should beware , including his close ally , Bolivian President Evo Morales .

  7. 玻利维亚总统专机在加那利群岛进行补给后,继续踏上回国旅程。

    A plane carrying Bolivia 's president is continuing on to Bolivia after a refueling stop in the Canary Islands .

  8. 在莫斯科出席会议后,玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯被迫紧急降落在奥地利。

    Bolivia 's president Evo Morales was forced to make an emergency landing in Austria after attending a conference in Moscow .

  9. 门楚声称自己是玻利维亚总统埃沃?拉莱斯的亲密朋友,后者也具有土著血统。

    She calls herself a close friend of Evo morales , bolivia 's president , who is also of indigenous descent .

  10. 玻利维亚总统胡安·埃沃·莫拉莱斯·艾玛在现场观看了发射过程,这是外国国家元首首次亲临中国卫星发射现场观看发射。

    Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales Ayma was present , the first time a foreign head of state has witnessed a satellite launch in China .

  11. 本周早些时候,在两国接受庇护申请前一天,玻利维亚总统的专机因有怀疑指国安局前雇员斯诺登在飞机上而调整航线。

    The offers come just one day after Bolivian President 's plane was rerouted earlier this week over speculation that the ex-NSA contractor was on board .

  12. 玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯,在她与反对党在12月大选法律方面达成共识之后,结束了五天的绝食抗议。

    Evo Morales , Bolivia 's president , ended a five-day hunger strike after his government and the opposition reached agreement on a law that sets a general election for December .

  13. 稍早,玻利维亚总统与参与选举的候选人援引巴西赢得世足赛冠军为例,鼓励民众踊跃投票,虽然联邦法律规定,凡达投票年龄的玻利维亚人都必须投票。

    Earlier , the Bolivian President and candidates in the elections , citing brazil 's championship at the World Cup soccer tournament , encouraged the public to actively participate in the elections even though every Bolivian who has reached the voting age is required by the federal law to vote .

  14. 玻利维亚举行总统与国会选举

    Bolivia Holds Presidential and Parliament Elections

  15. 玻利维亚前总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯拒绝提名美国官员担任美洲开发银行行长。

    Former Bolivian President Evo Morales has rejected the nomination of a U.S. official to the Inter-American Development Bank .

  16. 教宗方济各星期三抵达玻利维亚,莫拉莱斯总统前往机场欢迎。玻利维亚是教宗南美三国之行的第二站。

    Pope Francis was greeted by Bolivian President Evo Morales when he arrived Wednesday on the second leg of his three-nation tour of his home continent of South America .

  17. 莫拉莱斯是玻利维亚第一位原住民总统。他2006年就任后,玻利维亚天主教会和政府间的关系出现紧张,但2013年方济各出任罗马天主教教宗之后,关系有所改善。

    Relations between Bolivia 's Catholic Church and the Bolivian government became strained after Mr. Morales , the country 's first indigenous leader , first took office in 2006 , but have improved since Francis 's election in 2013 .

  18. 玻利维亚指控美国要求多个欧洲国家拒绝玻利维亚总统专机过境,起因是由于有传言称,美国安全局泄密者爱德华·斯诺登在专机上。

    Bolivia accused the United States of ordering European countries to block the flight from their airspace , due to rumors that NSA leaker Edward Snowden was aboard .