
  1. 主是中国古代哲学思想中的重要概念。

    Zhu is an important concept in the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  2. 古代哲学思想对体育管理的影响

    The Infection of Ancient Philosophy Ideology to P.E. Administration

  3. 道是中国古代哲学思想。

    Taoism is the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  4. 下面我要用最基本的方式介绍在古代哲学思想中最重要的两个思想流派。

    I want to introduce , in the most basic way , two ideas in ancient philosophy .

  5. 园林之魂&浅析中国古代哲学思想对古典园林艺术的影响

    The Soul of Landscape & the Influence on the Classical Landscape art by the Chinese Ancient Philosophy

  6. 它源自中国古代哲学思想,与许多西方思想家的思想也不无近似。

    It stems from the ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts and has some similarity with the thoughts of many western thinkers .

  7. 以中国古代哲学思想为切入点,从道家思想的准则,阴阳对立统一的规律2个方面对中国武术发展的历程进行研究。

    The course of Chinese Wushu evolution is studied with Chinese ancient philosophic and taoist thought , linking YinYang oppose and unite rule .

  8. 《月令》观念系统通过影响阴阳五行在某种程度上决定着中国古代哲学思想的基本面貌。

    The Yueling literatures have greatly influenced the Yin-Yang and five elements , serving as the decisive foundation for the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  9. 本文简要地回顾了传统美术的发展历程,并系统地探讨了古代哲学思想对美术的影响和渗透。

    This paper reviews the historical development of traditional art in China and discusses the influence of traditional Chinese philosophical ideas on the art .

  10. 阴阳学说是中医研究纲领的重要组成部分,阴阳学说属于富含唯物论和辩证法的古代哲学思想。

    Yin-yang theory is an ancient philosophy which enrich Materialism and Dialectics , which is the important part of the creed of Chinese medicine research .

  11. 通过风水文化渊源、传承、流变的分析,认为风水文化中融入了中国古代哲学思想环境意识和传统美学理念,是风水的精华;

    This paper analyzes the sources , the propagation and the evolution of the geomantic culture and considers that it is mixed with Chinese ancient philosophy and aesthetics .

  12. 作为中华文明的早期成果&神话,不仅大力地推动了中国文学的发展,而且也是中国古代哲学思想的源头。

    Myth , as one of the early achievements of Chinese civilization , not only promotes the development of Chinese literature vigorously , but also is the origin of Chinese ancient philosophy .

  13. 作为我硕士毕业论文研究,我参与在中国、美国还有瑞典的戏剧创作,我想从中国古代哲学思想的角度来分析我今天的所见所闻,所做的。

    As part of my thesis work , I participate in theatre productions in China , America and Sweden – I want to use Chinese ancient values to analyze what I see and do .

  14. 孟子思想是中国古代哲学思想的重要组成部分,其核心和精华之所在即为孟子所提出的人性本善论。

    Mencius ' Thoughts in ancient China , an important part of Chinese philosophy , its core and essence of which is the human mind of four-terminal and theory of original goodness of human nature .

  15. 然后从中国古代哲学思想和而不同的视角出发,提出了和谐教育观,尤其强调只有教育创新,才能在多边互动中具有平等话语权。

    Then from the ancient Chinese philosophical thought " Agreeing to Disagree ", it proposes the harmonious educational view , and it emphasizes especially : only by educational innovation , could we have equal words right in multilateral inter-work .

  16. 盛唐山水田园诗中生态智慧的形成有着久远的文化渊源,其中古代哲学思想承传和盛唐的审美意识的浸润以及盛唐文化风尚的影响是主要成因。

    In tang landscape ecological wisdom holds the formation of the cultural origin of a long tradition of ancient philosophy , aesthetic consciousness of inheriting and invasion of the tang dynasty and the influence of tang cultural vogue is main reasons .

  17. 受古代哲学思想、文化底蕴的影响,比喻辞格在中医典籍中很常见,尤其是中医学的奠基之作《黄帝内经》,仅比喻就包括四种,即明喻、暗喻、借喻和事喻。

    Under the influences of ancient philosophical ideas and culture , tropes are extremely widespread in Chinese medical classics , especially TCM fundamental book Huangdi Neijing where only tropes include four kinds , namely simile , metaphor , metonymy and logical metaphor .

  18. 从古代哲学思想中系统观的提出到近代形而上学主体性思维对其的消解再到系统科学的诞生与系统性思维方式的确立,系统性思维经历了漫长而又复杂的发展阶段。

    The system concept put forward in Ancient Philosophy , and digested by metaphysics of subjectivity of thinking in the modern times , then established with the birth of systems science . The systemic thinking has undergone a long and complex stage of development .

  19. 近年来,许多学者都注意到天人合一这一中国古代哲学思想蕴含着深刻的生态意义,但是,几乎都将其解释为天人同一而不是天人合一或天人和一。

    Although realizing the ecological implications of the " unity between man and heaven ", a school of thought in ancient Chinese philosophy , many scholars interpret it as the identity of man with heaven rather than the union or harmony between man and heaven .

  20. 结合地缘因素、中国传统建筑思想、古代哲学思想、中华民族独特审美心理等方面知识,论述风水的文化属性,探寻风水的美学价值与意义。

    Considering the geopolitical factors , the thoughts of Chinese traditional architecture , ancient philosophy , unique aesthetic psychology of the Chinese nation and some other facts , it is discussed about the cultural property of geomancy and explored the aesthetic value and significance of geomancy .

  21. 近年来,随着国家和学界对传统文化的提倡,有关古代哲学思想、中国书法、宗教、民风民俗等传统文化内容的出版活动越来越受到关注。

    In recent years , with the country and the educational circles recommending the stress of teaching traditional culture , close attention has been paid to the publication activity in traditional cultural issues , such as ancient philosophy thought , Chinese calligraphy , religion , and folkways ;

  22. 具有上千年历史的古村落,是中国农耕文化的载体,在村落选址布局和民居建筑方面蕴涵着丰富的古代哲学思想,是当地社会发展、科学技术进步与文化艺术成就的重要见证。

    The ancient village with a history of thousands of years is the carrier of farming culture in China . It implies abundant ancient philosophy ideology in village distribution and residence architecture , is also the important witness of social development 、 science and technology advancement and cultural achievements .

  23. 中国古代有哲学思想,但中国古代一直缺乏哲学的话语方式。中国哲学要自立于世界,必须真正形成自身特色。

    Ancient China lacked a kind of philosophy consciousness and philosophical mode of discourse .

  24. 并对传统印染工艺所折射的古代哲学美学思想进行了简单的论述。

    Also , this paper elaborated ancient philosophy and esthetics thought which involves in the traditional printing craft .

  25. 概要介绍了印度古代哲学的思想脉络及其主要文献和流派的信息、系统、复杂性思想。

    This paper introduces the thread of the ancient Indian philosophy and the information , system and complexity thoughts in its main works and genres .

  26. 本文正是受到这些讨论的启发,试图从历史的角度,分析古希腊与古代中国哲学思想与自然科学的关系及其原因。

    The thesis is just inspired from these discussions and tries to analyze the different relations between the philosophy and science in ancient Greece and China with the historical point of view .

  27. 以中国古代审美哲学思想的演变为基本线索,从古代审美心理的本质特征、美学范畴中的美德关系和美德结构等三方面论述了传统美学思想中道德价值取向的基本内涵。

    From the evolution of ancient China 's aesthetic philosophy , this paper discusses the connotation of moral values in respect of the essence and categories of ancient aesthetic as well as the structure of virtue .

  28. 摘要文章从点线的起源说起,以中国古代的哲学思想对其的影响阐明了为何点线成为中国画这种传统艺术的主要表现形式之一。

    The essay deals with the origin of the strokes , and then the reasons that the strokes have become a major concern of forms in the traditional Chinese paintings by means of elaborating the influence of ancient philosophical idealism on it .

  29. 提升对我国古代哲学、心理学思想的研究;

    Make much of research about ancient philosophy and psychology ;

  30. 中国艺术思想、中国传统医学理论均源于古代道家的哲学思想。

    Both Chinese art and TCM theory originated from the philosophical theory of Taoist in ancient times .