
  1. 博物馆将游客带回古希腊时代。

    Museums take visitors back to the time of ancient Greece .

  2. 孟狄斯在古希腊时代达到全盛期。

    Mendes reached its heyday during the ancient Greek era .

  3. 在西方,隐喻研究始于古希腊时代。

    The study of metaphor can be traced back to Ancient Greek times .

  4. 西方学者对资本的认识,我们可以追溯到古希腊时代。

    Western scholars ' understanding of capital can be traced back to the ancient Greece times .

  5. 我们仅能凭借想象来还原十四世纪或者古希腊时代的样貌。

    We can only imagine what life was like in the14th century or in classical Greece .

  6. 古典柱式是西方建筑体系的基础,它产生于古希腊时代,在文艺复兴时期又再度兴起。

    The model of classical column , originated in ancient Greece and revived in Renaissance , is the basis of Western Architecture .

  7. 先秦时期与古希腊时代的体育思想对东西方体育思想的发展影响深远。

    Both pre-Qin period and ancient Greece ' PE idea give deep influence upon the PE idea development in the east and west .

  8. 第一阶段,简要的分析了古希腊时代最初法社会学思想的萌动与本源表述。

    The first phase , a brief analysis of the ancient Greece the first sociology of law and the origin of ideas germinating statements .

  9. 至少远至古希腊时代,人们已在书写富贵人家的兴衰故事。

    People have been writing stories about the rise and fall of the rich and powerful at least as far back as ancient Greece .

  10. 法治的理念来自于古希腊时代,但是此后历经各思想家的讨论而有多种解读,其中包括亚里士多德、戴雪、富勒及拉兹等。

    The idea of rule of law is original from ancient Greek , but many theorists including Aristotle and others continued to discuss it .

  11. 对良法的思考开始于古希腊时代,在其后的岁月里,良法受到了广泛的关注并形成了不同的良法理论。

    The thinking of good law begins with ancient Greek era , during following years , extensive concern and formed different theories of good law .

  12. 社会责任的概念起源于两千多年前古希腊时代,如今已经成为经济学、管理学、法学和社会学等学科共同研究的热点问题。

    Originated in ancient Greece two thousand years ago , Social responsibility conception now has become a hot issue for the economics , management , law and sociology .

  13. 第三章介绍了古希腊时代的四种批评类型:专业批评、哲学批评、修辞学批评和大众批评。

    Chapter 3 sets out four kinds of Art Criticism in Antiquity : Professional Criticism , Art Criticism in Greek Philosophy , Rhetorical and Literary Criticism and Popular Criticism .

  14. 首先阐述了船舶优先权最早源于古希腊时代的地中海沿岸各国,是一种海上商业习惯作法,船舶优先权的出现和古代欧洲的冒险贷款制度有关。

    Firstly , maritime liens roots from the Mediterranean coastal countries in ancient Greece and it is a maritime commercial practices . The emergence of maritime liens relates to ancient European adventure loan system .

  15. 希腊是西方古典文明的发源地,早在古希腊时代,人们就对经济方面的许多问题进行过深入的思考,经济思想是古希腊人的重要文化成就之一。

    Greece is the source of the west civilization . Greek had thought carefully many economic problems in the ancient . The economic thought is an important part of the cultural achievement of the ancient Greece .

  16. 和谐与和谐社会思想,在人类思想史上有着深厚的底蕴和历史渊源,其历史根基可以追溯到我国的春秋时代及西方的古希腊时代。

    Harmony and the idea of harmonious society have profound details and long history in the history of human ideology . The history basement of them can be tracing back to Spring – Autumn period and ancient Greek times .

  17. 线,在古希腊时代是黄金分割的完美图解,是文艺复兴时期画家笔下写实叙事的交响乐,在古典情怀中是温柔如水的诗篇。

    Line , just a word , but was the perfect illustrations of golden section in ancient Greece , was beautiful realistic and narrative symphonies in the renaissance period which always echoed in artists ' heart , was so gentle poems that are full of classical sensibility .

  18. 雕像的头部一定是古希腊罗马时代就被发现并受到精心保护的。

    The head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved .

  19. 在创作这座雕塑前,她研究了古希腊罗马时代的所有杰作。

    Before creating this sculpture , she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity .

  20. 试论古希腊罗马时代科学发展的特点及其影响

    About Characteristics and Influence in the Development of Science During the Ancient Greek and Roman Times

  21. 作为生活在古希腊城邦时代的一名学者,他的思想是在城邦社会的环境下诞生的。

    As living in the era of ancient Greek city-states , a scholar , and his thinking is the social environment in the city was born .

  22. 本文从科学发展的形式和内容以及研究方法两个方面,对古希腊罗马时代科学发展的特点进行了初步探讨;

    This article looks into some characteristics of science development in the ancient Greek and Roman times from the aspects of form , contents and methodology .

  23. 制裁作为一种历史悠久外交工具,最早出现在古希腊城邦时代。

    Sanctions is a diplomatic tool that has a very long history , the ancient Greeks had announced the first sanction according to the extant historical data .

  24. 其渊源可追溯至古希腊罗马时代的自治市,是西方文化演进的结果。

    Its origins can be traced back to the municipalities in the ancient Greek and Roman times , and is the result of the western cultural evolution .

  25. 笔者研究发现,古希腊城邦时代是一个积极公民时代,现代公民的独立性、公共性和宽容性可以在这一时期找到源头,因此古希腊时代可以被看作现代公民精神的溯源地。

    The publicity , independence , and generosity of modern citizen are rooted in the era of ancient Greek poleis , an era of positive Citizen Virtue .

  26. 古希腊罗马时代出现四种形式概念:即毕达哥拉斯学派的数理形式概念,柏拉图的理式,亚里士多德的四因说,贺拉斯提出了合式的概念。

    In the time of ancient Greek and Rome , there were four concepts of form Pythagoreans ' mathematical form , Plato 's idea , Aristotle 's four causes , and Horatius ' decorum .

  27. 母亲节的起源可以追溯到古希腊和罗马时代。

    Origin of Mother 's Day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans .

  28. 本文认为,纯学术观的两个源头分别是古希腊和启蒙时代的德国。启蒙时代的学术观深受古希腊哲学的影响,但又有所拓展。

    The idea of pure science originates in ancient Greece and the Age of enlightenment in Germany .

  29. 过滤被用于纯化葡萄酒,而沉降早在古希腊一罗马时代即被人们用于净化饮用水。

    Filtration was used to purify wine , and some people in the Greco-Roman period used sedimentation to clarify their water .

  30. 斯巴达军事体育教育代表了古希腊城邦制时代一种不同于雅典的教育观念和实践。

    The military and physical education of Spartan is a kind of education that is different in both thoughts and practice from the education of Athens in the ancient Greece .