
  1. 论王光祈的少年中国理想

    On Wang Guang-qi ′ s Ideal of " Young China "

  2. 音乐学家王光祈评述

    The commentary of the musicologist Wang Guangqi

  3. 王光祈的一生是一个从政治救国到音乐救国不断求索、不断奋斗的过程。

    Wang Guangqi kept fighting for saving the nation by politics to saving it by music all his life .

  4. 王光祈的少年中国理想,是以少年意大利为基础,汲取五四时期社会主义思潮的积极成分而形成的。

    Wang Guang-qi ′ s ideal of " Young China " came from " Young Italy ", and was influenced by socialism in the period of May 4th .

  5. 王光祈是我国“五四”时期杰出的爱国主义社会活动家,也是我国近现代音乐史上杰出的音乐理论家,是我国近现代音乐学的开拓者和奠基人。

    Wang Guangqi was the distinguish patriotic social activist during the May4th Period , the outstanding music theorist and pioneer as well as founder of musicology in modern China .