
  1. 王宇说:金牌会员往往比铂金会员年龄更大,因为后者经常属于‘富二代’。

    Gold members tend to be older than Platinum members because the latter often belong to the ' rich second generation ', says Wang .

  2. 公司职员王宇认为,在网上比较商品的价格需要花相当多的时间和精力,这就是为什么买家情愿花钱请人砍价。

    Wang Yu , a white-collar , said it takes time and energy to compare prices on the Internet . That is why people are willing to pay for the bargaining service .

  3. 王宇表示,当一条鱼达到5公斤时,就可在我国市场上出售了,预计今年年底至明年4月将是收获期。

    Wang said that when individual fish reach 5 kg , they will be ready for sale in the Chinese domestic market . From the end of this year until April next year is expected to be the harvest time .