
  1. 在诸法合体的封建立法体系中,监狱立法混列于各朝大法之中,缺乏系统性;

    In feudal society law system , where all laws were united , the prison legislation was not systematic .

  2. 我国古代的刑事执行立法,存在诸法合体、实体与程序不分的特点。

    In ancient China , the legislation of the criminal execution has the trait of combination of all laws .

  3. 诸法合体是中国古代农业自然经济、封建集权政治、及律学传统的产物;

    Combination of all laws is the products of natural economy of ancient agriculture , feudal centralized politics and legal traditions .

  4. 近代刑法观念从诸法合体向刑法独立的裂变意义广泛而深远。

    It is of extensive and far-reaching significance for the fission from combination of all laws to independence of criminal law .

  5. 中国法文化是以儒家经典为法源的封建法律制度的总称,中华法系源远流长,诸法合体,体系独特。

    Similarly , as feudal legislative systems originated from Confucianism , Chinese legislative culture is a combination of different legislative branches with a long history .

  6. 法律治理如此重要,这是因为法律是社会主要的调控手段,即使在诸法合体的古代中国。

    Legal governance is so important , because the law is the main control means society , even in the " all phenomena fit " in ancient China .

  7. 中国传统法制是诸法合体,程序法与实体法不分,程序法很不发达。通过对跨境破产法律制度的发展的考察,揭示了由于此领域法律的不统一,从而导致法律冲突频频出现。

    Traditional Chinese legal system made no distinction between substantive law and procedural law , which was not well-developed . Bankruptcy law contains substantive law and procedural law .

  8. 通过对名誉权保护制度历史的研究和比较发现保护名誉以及制裁诽谤的法律在古代诸法合体的成文法典中占有重要的地位。

    From studying and contrasting the historical system of the protection of reputation right and other latter-day countries ' practice we find that the protective stipulation play an important role in the archaic law .

  9. 随着以鸦片战争的爆发为标志的中国近代社会的开始,近代刑法观念产生了从诸法合体向刑法独立的裂变。

    Along with the beginning of modern Chinese society marked by the outbreak of the Opium War , modern legal concept has made fission from combination of all laws to independence of criminal law .

  10. 从诸法合体到刑法独立是一步重开历史先河的转变,究竟哪些原因促成了这一观念裂变?

    Changing from combination of all laws to independence of criminal law is the first step of the changes in the criminal history , What reasons on earth led to the fission of the concept ?

  11. 中华法系的基本特点就是诸法合体、民刑不分、重刑轻民、诉讼法地位甚低。

    It is the basic characteristic of chinese legal family that all kind of law are united , civil law is despised and criminal law is treasured , and the position of procedural law is very low .