
  • 网络predicable
  1. 成熟文字记录语言技术的核心就是表词技术,即表词方式。

    Therefore , the core skill of recording language is the Method of Recording Words .

  2. 本文主要结论有:一、水文是一种处于相对不成熟阶段的表词&意音文字。

    Shui character is a kind of Word-ideo sound Written Languages which is only in a comparatively immature stage . 2 .

  3. 汉语学习者在进行转折关系词语学习的过程中会出现不能准确的表词达意,更甚者会出现语法错误,这给语言交流带来了很大的不便。

    Chinese learners during the transition process of learning words will appear not accurately express . Worse still , there will be a syntax error , which gave verbal communication is a big inconvenience .

  4. 第一个查询还引入了AS子句,该子句可用于创建表同义词(tablesynonym)。

    The first query also introduces the AS clause , which you can use to create a table synonym .

  5. 依据普通话语音声、韵、调三维平衡和言语测听要求编辑了10张词表,每表50词。

    Ten Monosyllable lists , each of which has 50 mandarin words according to phonemic balance and criteria of speech audiometry , were edited .

  6. ‘therefore(因此)’是个表推断的词。

    ` therefore ' is an illative word .

  7. merge语句还支持在set子句的子查询,以及values子句中的子查询中采用远程表、同义词以及视图。

    The merge statement also enables remote table , synonym , and views references in the subqueries of the set clause and in the subqueries used inside the values clause .

  8. 用下表中的词完成下面的段落。

    Use the words in the box to complete the passage .

  9. 避免词汇表中的词和概念经常出现在问题说明书的正文中。

    Often essential words and concepts that appear in the glossary don 't appear in the main body of the problem statement .

  10. 金属材料--硬度试验--平面试验用布氏硬度值表这些形容词表示高度或深度形式较规则的平面。

    Metallic materials - Hardness test tables of Brinell hardness values for use in tests made on flat surfaces These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions .

  11. 未登录词识别技术研究着眼于Web资源中未登录词的获取,并提出一种基于Web查询曰志的未登录词识别算法,本算法分析Web查询日志的搜索关键字频度表识别未登录词。

    The study of the recognition technology of unknown words focuses on obtaining the unknown words from Web resources , and propose an algorithm on the basis of Web query logs , which analyze query word frequency for unknown words recognition .

  12. 其中NULL是Sphinx中特殊的语法结构,它可以自动匹配关键词表外的任意词,适用于递归的语法结构。

    In Sphinx , NULL is a special grammatical structure . It can automatically match any word outside the keywords table and be suitable for recursive grammatical structure .

  13. 下表显示了干扰词文件及其相应的语言。

    The table shows the noise-word files and their respective languages .

  14. 表名物的同义词的词义分析

    Analysis of Word Meaning of the Synonyms Representing Objects

  15. 崇明方言的指示词包括7个基本指示词、7个复合指示词、19个表处所的指示词、10个表时间的指示词。

    Chongming demonstratives include 7 basic demonstratives , 7 compound demonstratives , 19 locative demonstratives and 10 temporal demonstratives .

  16. 这些字典帮助您在创建字典期间判断某个单词是词汇表中已有的词,还是词汇表以外的词。

    Those dictionaries help you during creation of your dictionary to determine whether a word is in-vocabulary or out-of-vocabulary .