
biǎo liàn
  • watch chain
表链[biǎo liàn]
  1. 然后她跑了很多店想找到一条和Jim的表相配的表链。

    Then she searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jims watch .

  2. DOS系统下硬盘分区表链的特点

    Th Features of Hard Disk Partition Table Chain Under DOS

  3. 线性表链式存贮结构的动态建立

    The dynamic creation for linkage memory structure of the linear lists

  4. 但是表链的另一端挂了什么呢?

    But what was on the other end of the chain ?

  5. 文静而有价值&这句话拿来形容表链和杰姆本人都恰到好处。

    Quietness and value & the description applied to both .

  6. 线性表链式存储结构探讨

    Discussion on the Linked Storage Structure of Linear List

  7. 他感觉到有人扯了一下他的表链。

    He felt a twitch at his watch chain .

  8. 这表链完全配得上那只表。

    The chain was even worthy of the watch .

  9. 他边听我讲边弄着表链。

    He was twiddling with his watch-chain while he was listening to me .

  10. 她一见这条表链,就知道一定属于吉姆所有。

    As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jims .

  11. 我从表链上解下手表。

    I detached my watch from the chain .

  12. 他把手表从表链上拆下来。

    He detached his watch from the chain .

  13. 他百无聊赖地玩弄着他的表链。

    He played with his watch-chain wearily .

  14. 那是一条金表链。

    It was a gold watch chain .

  15. 我有一个幸运手链,那是我曾祖父的表链。

    I have a lucky charm bracelet , which is my great-grandfather 's watch chain .

  16. 黑色陶瓷表壳和表链。

    Black ceramic case and bracelet .

  17. 你这是金表链吗?

    Is that a gold watch-chain ?

  18. 我的表链坏了。

    My watch chain was breaken .

  19. 手表金属表链常用不锈钢,甚至钛合金等材料制成。

    Metal bracelet of watches commonly made of stainless steel , titanium alloy and other materials .

  20. 你会把我的表链弄断的。

    You 'll bust my watch-band .

  21. 杰姆有了这条表链,在一切场合都可以毫无顾忌地看看钟点了。

    With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company .

  22. 青,我把我的表卖了一百法郎,把表链和坠子卖了三百法郎。

    See , I have sold my watch for 100 francs , and the guard and seals for 300 .

  23. 而且它正配得上那只金表。她一见这条表链,就知道一定属于吉姆所有。

    As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim 's. It was like him .

  24. 他不时从他的表链上取下一个金铅笔盒,在书边上做个记号。

    Now and then he took a gold pencil-case from his watch-chain and made an entry in the margin .

  25. 确实如此,那些照片只拍下那些戴大礼帽、甲上悬挂着金表链的家伙。

    Just - that 's right - those guys with the tall hats and the gold chains across their vests .

  26. 柯立芝醒来发现一个不速之客正在翻寻他的衣物,掏出一个钱包,解开一条表链。

    Coolidge awoke to see an intruder go through his clothes , remove a wallet and unhook a watch chain .

  27. 在装配表链扣和末端的部件之前,两段表链必须成功通过装配员的视觉检测。

    Before fitting the clasp and endpieces , the two parts of the bracelet must successfully pass the visual testing procedure .

  28. 对果粉来说,另一个好消息是:任何一个版本的苹果手表都可以搭配任意一款你心仪的表链。

    A bit of good news for those who follow Apple rumors : Any Watch band can be used with any Watch .

  29. 德拉手里握着对折的表链,坐在门口节目进来时必经的桌角上。

    Della double the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door that he always entered .

  30. 德拉将表链对叠握在手心,坐在离他一贯进门最近的桌子角上。

    Della doubled the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door that he always entered .