
  • 网络Epidermal tissue;Epidermis;dermal tissue;surface tissue
  1. 结论该株人源性抗角蛋白Fab抗体主要与表皮组织结合,对银屑病等表皮增生性皮肤病的损害具有较高特异性。

    Conclusion The immunohistochemical straining of the genetically engineered human antibody against keratin was mainly found in epidermis and was highly specific in lesions of some dermatomes with epidermal proliferation .

  2. 表皮组织重建模型的研究进展

    Recent Advances in Human Epidermis Reconstructed on Dermal Substrates in Vitro

  3. 果实表皮组织中超氧阴离子自由基,SOD、POD和MDA对高温和强光胁迫的反应比较敏感。

    The changes of O2 - SOD , POD and MDA in fruit peel are sensitive to higher-temperature and intense-light stress .

  4. 目的∶建立从石蜡包埋表皮组织中提取DNA,进行β连环蛋白基因3号外显子聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增的方法。

    Objective To establish a method of extracting DNA from the paraffin-embedded epidermal tissue and examine the amplification of β - catenin gene by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) analysis .

  5. 已有研究证实在不同的化学药物或细胞因子的作用下,MSCs可向表皮组织,骨组织,软骨组织,神经组织等分化。

    Some reports suggested that MSCs can differentiate into epidermal tissue , bone tissue , cartilaginous tissue , nervous tissue by the effect of different chemicals and cytokine .

  6. 结论:10mg及10mg以上且10年以内的石蜡包埋表皮组织可用于目标基因PCR扩增。

    Conclusion Epidermal tissue whose weight is 10 mg or more within 10 years of embedding can be used in the amplification of purpose gene by PCR .

  7. 剥离的白色幼虫表皮组织在不同条件下培养,进一步研究TmTH在表皮黑化过程中作用,48h后倒置显微镜下观察表皮颜色变化。

    In order to deeply research the function of TmTH in epidermis melanization , white epidermis was dissected from larvae and was cultured 48h in different conditions , then observed the changes of cuticle color by inverted microscope .

  8. 石蜡包埋表皮组织中β-连环蛋白基因扩增技术的建立

    Amplification of β - catenin gene in the paraffin-embedded epidermal tissue

  9. 目的:了解糖尿病表皮组织在未遭受外源性损伤时存在的病理生理改变。

    Objective : To elucidate the pathophysiological changes in diabetic epidermis .

  10. 小麦花粉植株时表皮组织细胞的变异

    Variation of Leaf Epidermal Tissue Cells in Wheat Pollen Plant

  11. 目的本研究选择人表皮组织为研究对象。

    Objective This study choose human epidermis as the specimen . 1 .

  12. 微域环境对苹果果实表皮组织细胞膜稳定性的影响

    Effect of Microenvironments on Membrane Stability in Apple Peel Tissues

  13. 糖尿病合并创面难愈机制研究&表皮组织的病理生理改变

    Study on impaired wound healing in diabetes : the pathophysiological characteristics in epidermis

  14. 主要表现为组织炎性浸润,表皮组织增生,核固缩等。

    The main manifestations were inflammatory infiltration , epidermal hyperplasia , nuclear condensation , etc.3 .

  15. 老师给我们看肌肉组织、脑组织和表皮组织的图片。

    The teacher showed us pictures of muscle tissues , brain tissues , and skin tissues .

  16. 表皮毛是大部分植物地上部分表皮组织所特有的一种结构。

    Trichomes are specialized structures which originate and project from the above-ground epidermal tissues of most plants .

  17. 蒜瓣鞘表皮组织中肌动蛋白纤丝跨胞分布的共焦荧光显微镜观察

    Confocal Fluorescence Microscopic Observation on the Transcellular Distribution of Actin Filaments in the Epidermis of Garlic Clove Sheath

  18. 采集正常组大鼠皮肤及烫伤大鼠创缘皮肤,观察其表皮组织学特征;

    Skin specimens from the wound edge were harvested for the observation of the histological characteristics of the epidermis .

  19. 结论如下:(1)香根草主要由表皮组织、基本薄壁组织、维管束组织及纤维组织带构成。不同部位相对结晶度含量不同,其纤维细胞壁为多层结构。

    The conclusions were listed as follows : ( 1 ) The Vetiver was consisted of epidermis tissue , parenchymatous cell tissue , libriform tissue and band of fibre .

  20. 叶片内部光分布微分曲线说明:叶片表皮组织的存在有利于叶片内部各组织之间光吸收的均匀化。

    Based on differential analysis of the light curve , it seems that the epidermic cell layer could facilitate the averaging light absorbance between different tissue layers within a leaf .

  21. 结果:①P-钙黏素在正常表皮组织仅表达于基底细胞层;

    Results : ① P-cadherin was expressed throughout the entire epidermal layer in psoriatic skin sample , but its expression was restricted to the basal cell layer in normal human skin .

  22. 结果无毛鼠耳部和背部皮肤在紫外线慢性暴露下,表皮组织中免疫递呈细胞&郎格罕细胞数显著减少,脾脏T细胞增殖功能明显下降,提示紫外线可抑制细胞免疫。

    Result After exposure to UV the number of immune presentation cell-LC in epidermis and proliferating function of spleen T cell of the hairless mouse were all declined significantly , UV could inhibit cellular immunity .

  23. 方法上肢标本18侧,显微剥离表皮组织,观察前臂内侧皮神经、贵要静脉及各自营养血管的起始、走行、分支、分布及与其它血管的吻合情况;

    Methods In 18 adult upper extremity cadavers , origins , courses , branches , distribution and the anastomosis of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve , basilic vein and their nutrient vessels were studied under the operating microscope .

  24. 在容易发生果实日灼的高温天气里,增加果园空气湿度有助于提高果实表皮组织抗氧化能力和细胞膜的稳定性,从而提高果实的抗热性。

    In hot weather when fruit sunburn is likely to happen , enhancing the relative humidity in an orchard could be beneficial to raise the antioxidative capability in fruit peel tissues , hence improving fruit resistance to heat .

  25. 热水处理可明显促进表皮组织木栓质及胼胝质的积累,减少果实表面的污垢,融化蜡质晶体并覆盖气孔,减少细胞间隙面积,增加表皮组织致密度。

    The treatment noticeably accumulated the suberin and callose content , decreased the dirt particles on the surface of fruits , melted the epicuticular waxes and then covered and sealed the stomata , reduced the cells interval , tighted the tissues of fruit cortexes . 5 .

  26. 表皮细胞组织与内含物质共同称为皮肤保湿机构

    Cuticular cell organization and embedded material call the skin to protect wet organization jointly .

  27. 用PCR技术检测皮肤表皮肿瘤组织HPVDNA

    Detecting HPV DNA in Tissue of Epidermal Neoplasms

  28. 目的了解表皮肿瘤组织环氧合酶-2(COX-2)与P53的表达情况。

    Objective To investigate COX-2 expression and the mutation of P53 in skin neoplasms .

  29. 在拟皮肤和新生大鼠皮肤上涂布巯基乙酸溶液局部染毒1h,培养一定时间后对表皮进行组织学观察。

    The rat pseudo skin and new born rat skin were topically exposed to TGA for an hour and the pathological changes of them were observed under microscope .

  30. 隐花色素主要存在于视网膜中,但是他们在身体的很多靠近表皮的组织也有表达。

    Although cryptochromes are mainly found in the retina of the eye , they are also present in many different tissues of the body that are close to the surface .