
  • 网络Phenotypic Variation;variation;phenotype variation;phenotypic
  1. 检测到14个与种子品质耐储藏性有关的QTL,能解释58.48%的表型变异。

    14 QTLs for the storage-tolerance of grain quality were detected , which could explain 58.48 % of total phenotypic variation .

  2. 粗蛋白质含量、粗油含量分别检测到一个主效QTL,分别能解释约23%、22.5%的表型变异。

    Two main-effect QTLs for crude protein content and crude oil content explained about 23 % and 22.5 % of phenotypic variation , respectively . 5 .

  3. 分析了杨树、水稻和甘蔗转基因植株体细胞克隆的表型变异和基因组DNA多态性。

    Morphological and genomic DNA diversities of somaclonal variation in transgenic poplar , rice and sugarcane were analyzed in the present paper .

  4. 高等植物异源核酸转化研究Ⅱ.外源紫菜苔DNA诱导大白菜表型变异

    Studies on Transformation of exotic nucleic acid in higher plants ⅱ . phenotypic variations of Chinese cabbage induced by exotic DNA of purple Chinese Cabbage

  5. 每个QTL分别解释6.8%~18.5%的表型变异。

    Each QTL could explain 6.8 % ~ 18.5 % of phenotypic variance .

  6. 第3和10染色体上的QTL能解释较大的表型变异,可以认为是主效基因位点。

    Two QTL on chromosomes 3 and 10 were infered as major ones .

  7. 主基因遗传变异在F(2:3)家系世代占表型变异的51.33%,多基因变异占47.81%。

    Genetic variation of the major gene ( s ) in F2 ; 3 population is 51.33 % of the total phenotypic one .

  8. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)等植物种群克隆表型变异和遗传变异的分子遗传-生态学分析

    Analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation in clonal population of Leymus chinensis and others

  9. 随着大豆育成品种的增加,有限的表型变异己难以详细阐明2万余份大豆资源的遗传变异情况,需要从DNA分子水平深入研究我国大豆资源遗传变异分布规律。

    Genetic diversity of soybean germplasm and resources should be further studied from the DNA level , for phenotype traits had not enough to expound their relationships with cultivars increased .

  10. 一共定位到28个QTL,单个QTL解释的表型变异方差在7.7%-59.2%之间;

    28 QTLs were detected , The phenotypic variance explained by those QTLs ranged from 7.7 % - 59.2 % ;

  11. 这些表型变异与外源施用BL有相似之处。

    These phenotypical variations in transgenic tobacco are similar to these results from BL exogenous application .

  12. 影响丙二醛含量的QTL共检测到3个,分别位于第1和3号染色体上,对表型变异的总贡献率是13.56%。

    Three QTLs affecting MDA content were detected on chromosomes 1 and 3 , which could explain 13.56 % of phenotypic variance .

  13. 育性载体染色体的定向替换等。本文还对染色体工程技术研究应用进展进行了分析与展望。经复合QTL模型分析,这三个QTL能够解释全部表型变异的38.3%。

    Directional substitution of fertility ( chromosome ) and so on . The storability of 3 chromosome segment substitution lines was also investigated .

  14. 有关膨胀势的3个QTL位点,位于4A染色体上的不同标记区间,共解释面粉膨胀势37.92%的表型变异。

    Three QTLs for swelling power were located in different intervals on chromosome 4A , explaining 37.92 % of the phenotypic variance .

  15. 单株籽粒产量仅定位到3个主效QTL,解释表型变异的12.25%。

    Only 3 M-QTLs were detected for grain yield per plant ( GY ) which explained 12.25 % of the phenotype variance . 2 .

  16. 与溶剂保持力相关的QTL有5个,其中水SRC在北京点检测到2个QTL,分别能解释5.16%和5.99%的表型变异。

    Two QTLs for the water SRC were detected in Beijing , which explaining 5.16 % and 5.99 % of phenotypic variance , respectively .

  17. 与谷蛋白溶涨指数相关的QTL有2个,分别位于1B染色体和7A染色体上,共能解释13.47%的表型变异。

    Two QTLs for SIG were detected on chromosomes IB and 7A , which explaining 13.47 % of the phenotypic variance .

  18. 本研究还对(Opata85×W7984)群体进行了抗白粉病QTL分析,共检测到3个与小麦白粉病抗性相关的加性QTL位点,可以解释42.82%的表型变异。

    In the population of ( Opata85W7984 ), three putative QTLs associated with powdery mildew resistance were detected , totally accounted for 42.82 % of phenotypic variation .

  19. 在抽雄期检测到5个抗病QTL,位于第2、3、5、6和9染色体上,可解释总表型变异的65.1%。

    QTL identified on chromosomes 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 and 9 at anthesis stage , accounting for 65.1 % of phenotypic variance , respectively .

  20. 与淀粉有关的10个QTL分别位于1,3,4,7,9染色体上,单个QTL解释的表型变异为7.93%~20.76%。

    There were 10 QTL associated with starch lying on chromosomes 1,3,4,7 and 9 . Each QTL could explain over 7.93 % ~ 20.76 % of phenotypic variation .

  21. 已经发现14个基因突变后可以导致HCM,其中10个为编码肌小节蛋白的基因。HCM表型变异性比较大,不同致病基因是其原因之一。

    HCM has been shown to be caused by various mutations in at least 14 genes , most of which encoding sarcomere proteins .

  22. 华南沿海曼氏无针乌贼Sepiellamaindroni表型变异研究

    Study on the Phenotypic Variation in the Common Chinese Cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni in South China Coastal Waters

  23. 利用发根农杆菌Ri质粒转化植物材料是促进植物扦插生根的有效方法,但是这些转基因植物同时也产生了比较严重的表型变异。

    More researches on improving rooting ability by the Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes have been taken at present . But the trans-genetic plants demonstrate serious phenotype variation at the same time .

  24. 这些QTL对表型变异的贡献率在2.49%-9.81%之间,总体可解释39.2%的表型方差。

    The proportions of phenotypic variance explained by individual QTLs ranged ( 2.49 % - ) 9.81 % , and the QTLs could jointly explain 39.2 % of the total phenotypic variance .

  25. 单个QTL解释的表型变异都比较小,大部分在10%以下,其中效应值最大的QTL位于2.05bin,解释表型变异为37.5%。

    The effects of each QTL were in general small , most of them below 10 % , with the biggest one explaining 37.5 % of the phenotype variation in bin 2.05 .

  26. 其中Sc2解释表型变异的29%,相对Sc1和Sc3而言,Sc2具有主效基因的特征。

    Among three QTLs , Sc2 has the characteristics of major gene with explained 29 % .

  27. 与上述QTL分析结果一样,Wx基因是决定AAC和GC变异的主要因素,分别能解释AAC和GC表型变异的58.5%和38.9%;

    As shown , the Wx locus was a principal determinant for both AAC and GC , and could account for 58.5 % and 38.9 % of the phenotypic variations , respectively ;

  28. 在1B和6A染色体上分别检测到与蛋白质含量相关的QTL各1个,它们对表型变异的贡献率分别为13.2%和15.6%;

    Two QTLs on chromosomes 1B and 6A , which associated with kernel protein content were found , explaining 13.2 % and 15.6 % of observed phenotypic variation respectively .

  29. 对穗行数,检测到了4个QTL,分别位于第2,5,6染色体上,共解释表型变异的22.74%。

    Four QTLs of rows number per ear were detected on chromosome 2 , 5 , 6 and 6 , which explained phenotypic variance 22.74 % , each explained 4.19 % - 8.79 % .

  30. 本研究利用荧光AFLP技术,对国内外白菜类作物材料进行了基因组DNA水平上的多态性检测,探讨了表型变异和地理来源与分子水平多态性的关系;

    In the present study , Fluorescent AFLP technology was employed to assess the genetic diversity and the relatonship among phenotypic variation , geographic origin and polymorphism at DNA level amongst a large collection of Brassica rapa accessions derived from different countries .