
kǎo gān
  • dry sth. by a fire
烤干[kǎo gān]
  1. 火把老树烤干了。

    The fire thins out old trees .

  2. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干

    The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out .

  3. 你就用煤气火烤干衣服吧。

    But you can parch the clothes with the gas in the kitchen .

  4. 涂油脂烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干。

    The turkey be baste to keep It from drying out .

  5. 热而且干,足以燃烧或者烤干某个表面。

    Hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface .

  6. 把它们放在炉(火)前烤干。

    Put them in front of the fire to dry .

  7. 通过与热空气使枯萎或烤干。

    Cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat .

  8. 炉火的高温能烤干我们的衣服。

    The heat from the fire can dry our clothes .

  9. 我忘了看炉火,结果把烤肉全烤干了。

    I forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up .

  10. 我把你的鞋拿去烤干。

    Let me take your shoes and dry them .

  11. 先用溶剂清洗接触物表面,然后再用酒精清洗并烤干。

    Solvent wash offending material , followed by alcohol rinse and post bakes .

  12. 对,茶叶就好像放进烘箱里去烤干。

    Yes , it 's as if it 's been put in an oven .

  13. 炎热把草烤干了。

    The heat had dried up the grass .

  14. (土耳其)烤干的、碾碎的小麦。

    ( Turkey ) parched crushed wheat .

  15. 要是有办法趁这些漫画书没发霉时把它们烤干就好了

    IF THERE WAS only some way to dry out the comics quickly before they mildew

  16. 干洗把血迹都烤干了。

    The dry-cleaning baked in the blood .

  17. 泻湖不是被炎阳烤干就是变成黏稠的污泥

    The lagoons are either baked dry ,

  18. 白肋烟比烤干型弗吉尼亚型烟稍微要小一些,但有相似宽大的叶子。

    Burley is a slightly smaller plant than the flue-cured Virginia type , but with similarly broad leaves .

  19. 臭氧层会被主要消费甚至于我们的地球被太阳烤干吗?

    Will the ozone layer be depleted so much that our Earth is scorched dry by the sun ?

  20. 圣僧把她带到自己住的小屋,升起火烤干她的衣服让她温暖起来。

    He carried her into his hut and made a fire to dry her off and warm her up .

  21. 太阳烤干了零散的苔藓块儿,他又能喝到热水取暖了。

    The sun had dried stray shreds of moss , and he was able to warm himself with hot water .

  22. 你刚刚在沙龙里做完指甲,现在正在紫外灯下烤干。

    You just got your nails done at a salon , and now they 're drying under an ultraviolet lamp .

  23. 导致活塞不会被敲击,火鸡出锅时大多已经被烤干,这使得许多感恩节失色不少。

    So the plunger wouldn 't pop , birds came out overdone and dry , and many a Thanksgiving was ruined .

  24. 湿围裙不会那么快就被烤干的,所以我就让它离火源更近一些,结果正好碰到了余烬。

    The apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me , so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes .

  25. 而烤干需要一个星期,使用相当低温的火的调制可能需几天到四个星期。

    Whereas flue-curing takes about a week , fire curing , using far lower temperatures , may take from a few days up to4 weeks .

  26. 但其表面被二氧化碳海洋烤干了,温室效应的酷热笼罩着金星。

    But its surface has been cooked and dried by an ocean of carbon dioxide , trapped in the burning death grip of a runaway greenhouse effect .

  27. 我们共享一份沙拉和一些螃蟹蛋糕当开胃菜。然后我点了烤干贝当主菜,哦,我的天,实在太好吃了。

    We shared a salad and some crab cakes for an appetiaer , I ordered baked scallops for my entree and , oh my god , they were incredible .

  28. 很快他们就烤干了衣服,也感觉暖和了,野树林的危险像一场恶梦显得已很遥远。

    Soon the Mole and the Rat were warm and dry , and the dangers of the Wild Wood seemed a long way away , like a bad dream .

  29. 它们的光和热几乎烤干了它,在提供给生命能量的同时也扼杀了其萌芽。

    Their heated rays and energy will draw almost all the water and vapour out , thus giving life the hope for survival but taking it back the next second .

  30. 年轻人回答说:“太阳就要升起来了,如果海星仍然留在海滩上,它们会被烤干致死,我想挽救它们.”

    The young man answered , " The sun is about to rise and if the starfish remain on the beach , they will be dried and dead . I want to save them . "