
  • 网络Roast pork
  1. 推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。

    The recommended dishes are roast pork , roast beef stick , thick soya bean soup , and Bibimbap .

  2. 我比较喜欢吃这里烤的五花肉,很香。

    I prefer to eat here baked wild-pigs , very sweet .

  3. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热&上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now & Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .

  4. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热——上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now -- Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .