
  1. Blair真的该好好表现,接受现在的他:一个改过自新、善良的男人。

    Blair really needs to shape up and accept Chuck for who he is now : a changed , good-hearted man .

  2. 他是一个善良的男人,穿红色的衣服。

    He is a kind man and in red clothes .

  3. 治疗我的那位医生是个善良的男人。

    The doctor who treated me is a kind man .

  4. 每个女人都梦想嫁给一个善良的男人。

    Every woman dreams to marry a kind man .

  5. 我母亲的第一个丈夫可不是个善良的男人,成长过程中我们听到的刺耳的话语也扎根在我心底。

    My mother 's first husband was not a kind man and the harsh words we heard growing up took root .

  6. 我总是这样回敬我的丈夫。我母亲的第一个丈夫可不是个善良的男人,他粗暴的语言攻击和身体虐待迫使我母亲带着两个孩子去寻找一个安全的地方。

    It was my usual response . My mother 's first husband was not a kind man and his verbal and physical abuse forced her and her two children to find a safe place .

  7. 你的爸爸利奥波德国王是个善良的好男人但是我不爱他

    Your father , King Leopold he 's a kind and fair man ... But I don 't love him .

  8. 我喜欢他他是个善良、健壮的男人。

    I liked himhe was a good , strong man .

  9. 他是个善良的正派的男人。

    He 's a good , decent man .

  10. 我喜欢他——他是个善良、健壮的男人。不久,我就拥有了一支八千士兵的军队。

    I liked him - he was a good , strong man.Soon I had an army of 8000 men .

  11. 此后他对我的态度便冷若冰霜,使我非常痛苦。我开始明白,如果我是他的妻子,这个善良、虔诚的男人会很快要了我的命,而自己却不感到丝毫的愧疚。

    From then on his manner towards me was as cold as ice , which caused me great pain . I began to understand how , if I were his wife , this good , religious man could soon kill me , without feeling any guilt at all .

  12. 我们合众国绝大多数人都是善良的人,不论男人还是女人;

    Overwhelmingly , we of the Republic are men and women of good will ;