
  • 网络Gong Yoo
  1. 听众们都知道,今年12月孔刘会在我的演唱会里担任嘉宾演唱一首流行歌曲。

    Listeners will know that Gong Yoo ssi will sing a ballad song in my concert , December this year .

  2. 演员孔刘(GongWoo)成功地饰演了这位有缺陷的男主角--石宇(Seok-woo)。

    Gong Woo played the flawed lead character Seok-woo very well .

  3. JY表示他很高兴看到孔刘。

    JY reacted that he feels happy to see Ggong .

  4. 听众想让孔刘在广播中称呼她为“Noona”。

    She want to listen to Ggong addressing her as " Noona " during his broadcast .

  5. 那天早上,孔刘在军营里换衣服时看到电视M-Net节目上播放的音乐录影时,他感到韩国音乐市场正值惨淡时期。

    When Ggong was watching music video through M-Net program on TV while changing his clothes in the camp that morning , he felt that Korean music market is going through tough time .

  6. 孔刘:感谢你的到来。请和听众们打个招呼吧。

    Thanks for coming , please say hello to our listeners .

  7. 所以日方邀请孔刘来日本举行影迷见面会。

    So Japan had invited Ggong to have his fans meeting there .

  8. 所以,孔刘得到了作为这次比赛的奖励的额外假期。

    Therefore , Ggong got to have a leave as a prize .

  9. 孔刘:这样在两位兄弟面前说我有点不好意思。

    I 'm a little ashamed saying in front of two brothers .

  10. 我觉得我们孔刘有很多爱情经历。

    Actually , I think our Ggong seems to have many love experiences .

  11. 听众的先生请求孔刘为太太唱歌庆祝属于太太的特别日。

    Her husband asked Ggong to sing for celebrating his wife 's special day .

  12. 孔刘读短信:绿茶包面膜对减轻痘痘有帮助。

    Ggong read message : " Green-Teabag 's mask will help control pimples " .

  13. 孔刘说之前他曾受邀参加孔孝珍的生日派对。

    Ggong said that he was invited to Gong Hyo Jin 's birthday party before .

  14. 这位听众与孔刘通话,她向孔刘描述了她的梦。

    This listener got to speak with Ggong and she describe her dream to Ggong .

  15. 她自己已经放弃了陶艺,只是一直支持孔刘。

    She already gave up studying ceramic pottery and only giving her support to Ggong .

  16. 广播一开始,孔刘读了一个日本听众的故事。

    At the start of today 's broadcasting , Ggong read a Japanese listener 's story .

  17. 由此孔刘联系起他的朋友姜东元,他在做家俬工艺设计。

    Ggong then relate that one his friend , Kang Dong Won is doing furniture crafting .

  18. 孔刘读关于毕业的短信

    While Ggong read sms about graduation

  19. 孔刘:好吧,不用全说,只说最喜欢的(孔刘演绎)的场面。

    Well , you don 't say it , only say about the scene you like .

  20. 孔刘也认同。

    Also Ggong agrees with that .

  21. 将来有机会的话,孔刘打算开办一个小型酒吧。

    Ggong is thinking of opening a small bar if he has a chance in the future .

  22. 今天下午孔刘在电视上看了一会儿国家地理节目,节目内容是关于美洲鳄。

    Ggong watched National Geographic on TV about " alligator " this afternoon just for a while .

  23. 孔刘说,我也想说“将来和我的太太像朋友一样(相处)”。

    Ggong said ," I 'd like to say'My wife is like a friend'in the future " .

  24. 你最喜欢孔刘演绎哪一个场面?

    If you can 't pinpoint , what do you like most in Ggong 's acting scene ?

  25. 嗯,如果此刻你在收听广播,请在他(孔刘)的网页上留个短信。

    Well , If you listen to the radio , please leave a message at his homepage .

  26. 孔刘:嗯。总之,我们只能根据你发来的简短故事给出建议。

    Yes , after all , we can only say based on the short story that you sent .

  27. 一位听众做梦梦到孔刘,梦到孔刘的照片挂在美国曼哈顿某个地方。

    A listener dreamt of Ggong , that his pic was hung on the wall somewhere in Manhattan , USA.

  28. 孔刘读听众的短信,听众说自己和丈夫就像朋友一样(相处)。

    Ggong read a listener 's message introducing her hubby as " My hubby is like a friend " .

  29. 孔刘请教顾问如果看待当他投入一段恋爱时总是感觉爱得很艰难的问题。

    Ggong asked the manager how she thinks , whether it would be difficult when he falls in love .

  30. 李长赫告诉孔刘,他对刚才用简短答案回答孔刘的问题感到很抱歉。

    He then told Ggong that he 's sorry for answering in short statements or making Ggong feel embarrassed .