
  1. 我的公主,我亲爱的。理解正确吧,哈哈。

    I 'm princess of myself , my darling as well .

  2. 亲爱的,你看上去光彩夺目,真是我的公主啊。

    You look absolutely stunning and you truly are my princess .

  3. 你是我的公主,绝无仅有。

    You are my princess , the only in the world .

  4. 我的公主是活着还是已经冰冷的躺在那死去了?

    Was my Princess Dejah Thoris alive or did she lie cold in death ?

  5. 哦,那你就是我的公主了。

    Well , that makes you my princess .

  6. 我的公主怎么还没有!

    And my princess doesn 't have one !

  7. 我的公主我不告诉�

    Princess , I didn 't tell you

  8. 生日快乐,我的公主。

    Happy Birthday My Princess .

  9. 我的公主小戴好了再来一张我真高兴你终于要去城里过这个夜晚但我也有点伤心因为你今年不会带多莉特去“不给糖就捣乱”了

    My little princess Di . Okay , one more . Well , I 'm glad you 're finally getting a night out on the town , but I am a little sad that you won 't be taking Dorrit trick-or-treating this year .

  10. 孩子们都理应活着,我的好公主。

    All babies are supposed to be alive , my princess .

  11. 王子:我亲爱的公主,可以和你跳舞吗?

    Prince : My dear princess , may I dance with you ?

  12. 33.你是我的小公主。

    33 . I would treat you like a princess .

  13. 最近过得怎样,我的小公主?

    How 's it going there , uh * Princess ?

  14. 你喜欢吗,我的小公主?

    Would you like that , my little princess ?

  15. 我的白雪公主!他不是什么老人,那是邪恶的皇后。

    Snow white ! That was no old man , that was the evil queen .

  16. 你是我永远的公主。

    You are my eternal princess .

  17. 我的小公主,金妮。

    My little princess , Ginny .

  18. 于是半小时后,我的小公主就身着鲜亮的红外衣出现在我的面前。

    Then , my little princess appeared in front of me in bright red half an hour later .

  19. 我的小公主,我们向你致敬,将你深深怀念,永记心间。

    My little princess , we honor you . You will be greatly missed , and never forgotten .

  20. 他已然极度痴迷,当他听说玛撒没有食欲时便写信说,'唉,我可怜的公主。

    He had gone overboard with enthusiasm , writing to Martha when he heard she had lost her appetite ," Woe to you , my Princess " .

  21. 我喜欢的公主床,我喜欢的梳妆台,我喜欢的大衣柜,我喜欢的玩偶,这一切不都是我做梦都想要的吗?

    I liked her princess bed , I liked her dresser , I liked her wardrobe . I liked her dolls . Aren 't these the things that I 've always dreamed about ?

  22. 又一个在我阴影之下的公主觊觎我的皇冠。

    Another princess in my shadow come to covet2 my crown .

  23. 你是王子,我不是你的公主。

    You are the prince but I am not your princess .

  24. 告诉我,我的公主,你什么时候跟我走?

    Tell me my Princess , When do you diside go with me .

  25. 他们该找个真正的男子汉来配我这个真正的公主。

    They 're supposed to find a real man for a real princess .

  26. 你是我心中的白雪公主。

    You cover every inch of my heart .

  27. 恭喜我的宝贝小公主今天50天整啦!

    Jaine is50 days old ! Congratulations !

  28. 我是真正的公主。

    I 'm a real princess .

  29. 我是漂亮的公主,而你要来带我离开这一切,对吗?

    And I 'm a beautiful princess and you 're going to take me away from all this , right ?

  30. 上货区的那些人看到我拖的是公主城堡一直在笑话我。

    Those guys at the loading dock really gave me the business when they found out I was hauling a princess castle .