
  • 网络Steak;roast beef;Grilled steak;Roast Steak
  1. 三份清汤、三份烤牛排、一份煮鸡蛋、两份什锦蔬菜、三份苹果派和三杯咖啡。

    Three portions of clear soup , three portions of roast steak , one portion of poached eggs , two portions of assorted vegetables , three apple pies and three cups of coffee .

  2. 一般的烧烤就是烤牛排和香肠。

    For a typical barbeque , you cook steak or sausages .

  3. 紧随其后的是ATM数现钞的声音,烤架上烤牛排的滋滋声及苏打水被打开和倒出时的声音。

    Others that followed were an ATM dispensing cash , a steak sizzling on a grill and a soda being popped and poured .

  4. 所有的烤牛排都比汉堡中的肉瘦。

    All roast beef was leaner than all hamburger meat .

  5. 在蛋奶酥和香滨酒后面的烤牛排是很引人注目的。

    Roast beef stood eminent behind the souffle and champagne .

  6. 请四点钟左右来,我们喝鸡尾酒,吃烤牛排。

    Come about 4 o'clock . We 'll have cocktails and grill steaks .

  7. 烤牛排的时候,我拌了一碗沙拉,摆好了桌子。

    I made a salad while the steaks cooked , and set the table .

  8. 烤牛排的味道弥散在走廊里。

    With smells of steaks in passageways .

  9. 烤牛排是他的拿手好菜。

    His speciality is barbecued steaks .

  10. 简单轻松的啤酒腌制法也许可以让你放心的去烤牛排,然后大块朵颐中也别忘了来上一杯。

    A simple beer marinade might let you have your steak ... and eat it , too .

  11. 在夏天的几个月里,很多家庭在后院自己烤肉,还使用一种特制木炭煤球的烤炉来烤牛排。

    In the warm summer months many families have backyard barbecues , and cook steak over charcoal grills .

  12. 厨师为服务员准备好顺序,配制好菜,例如烤牛排应当在最后做。

    Cooks get orders ready for the waiters and prepare dishes such as grilled steaks that are cooked at the last minute .

  13. 例如:投资银行家偏爱寿司,而对冲投基金人士更钟爱烤牛排、三明治等熟食。

    For example : investment bankers order more sushi while hedge funders prefer Deli options & roast beef sandwiches and the like .

  14. 服务生:这是您的酒。今晚我们有烤牛排特餐,附餐有烤洋芋、萨沙拉和甜点。

    Waiter : Here you go . Tonight we have a special grilled steak served with baked potato , Caesar salad , and dessert .

  15. 如果你想要瘦肉,你又想在快餐店吃,我建议你吃烤牛排。

    If you want red meat and you want to eat at a fast food restaurant , I recommend going for the roast beef .

  16. 要把中餐和美国菜结合起来,需要更多研究和技巧,不只是在烤牛排或土豆泥等西餐上滴几滴酱油和海鲜酱。

    This new effort to synthesize Chinese and American cuisines takes more study and skill than squirting a few drizzles of soy and hoisin onto Western dishes like grilled steak or mashed potatoes .

  17. 按你的喜好烤的牛排(如果可能的话,用烤架烤)

    steak to your liking ( on the grill if possible )

  18. 两种特价菜,炭火烤的牛排和小羊腿。

    Tow specials , charbroiled steak and leg of lamb .

  19. 我来烤点牛排,开瓶小酒。

    I 'll grill some steaks , open a bottle of wine .

  20. 晚上,我们搭起了帐蓬,烤着牛排,围着篝火懒散地躺着,睡眼朦胧地凝望着满天繁星。

    That evening we pitched tents , broiled steaks and sprawled around the campfire , staring sleepily at the stars .

  21. 在开着的大壁炉里,厨师烤着牛排、羔羊排骨、小烤鸡肉串、肥鹅肝和鸭脯,美味四溢。

    At the huge open fireplace , the chef grills steaks , lamb chops , chicken brochettes , foie gras and duck breasts to absolute perfection .

  22. 就给我上道烤土豆和牛排。

    Just bring me a baked potato and a steak .

  23. 那旁边那一盘子就是烤好的牛排了!

    Then that 's a plate of baked steak .

  24. 妇女:谢谢,我要加烤土豆的牛排,那正合我的口味。

    W1 : Thank you . I 'll have New York steak with the baked potato , and that will perfect .

  25. 自从比尔和大卫开始使用她的烤箱作为惠普最早的油漆烘干设备后,露西尔抱怨说烤出的牛排味道再也不对了。

    Lucile claimed the roast beef never tasted right after Bill and Dave started using the oven as HP 's first paint-baking facility .

  26. 我舅舅帮我烤了一块牛排。

    My uncle barbecued a steak for me .

  27. 她给我烤了一块牛排。

    She barbecued me a steak .

  28. 传统的浪漫食物包括烤羊排,菲列牛排和龙虾。

    Traditional romantic fare includes rack of lamb for 2 , filet mignon , and lobster .

  29. 推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。

    The recommended dishes are roast pork , roast beef stick , thick soya bean soup , and Bibimbap .

  30. 嗯……没有什么比在户外烤香肠和烤牛排的香味更美味的食物了。

    Umm ... There is nothing better than the smell and sound of sausages or steak cooking on an outdoor barbeque .