
  • 网络turkey;Roast Turkey;Roasted Turkey
  1. 感恩节这一天吃烤火鸡的习俗是怎么来的?

    How did the tradition of eating roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day originate ?

  2. 请给我来三块烤火鸡,我要带回家。

    I 'd like three pieces of roast turkey to take out , please .

  3. 他们在炭火上烤火鸡。

    They broiled Turkey over a charcoal flame .

  4. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干

    The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out .

  5. SethTibbott:“这是我们的主打产品,有素烤火鸡,里面的填料……”

    SETH TIBBOTT : " This is some of our product , the Tofurky roast , being made , where the is inside and the ... "

  6. 涂油脂烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干。

    The turkey be baste to keep It from drying out .

  7. 这是与家人分享最喜好的烤火鸡的时辰。

    It is a time to enjoy their favorite'Roasted Turkey'with the family .

  8. 有些烤火鸡会冻起来以后吃。

    We usually freeze some of the turkey for later .

  9. 这是我平生地一次烤火鸡呀!

    Delicious turkey ! It was so nice and moist .

  10. 是的,烤火鸡的味道好极了。

    Yes , the roast turkey is simply delicious .

  11. 星期日的晚饭我们有烤火鸡、土豆和烘南瓜。

    We had roast turkey , potatoes and baked squash for Sunday dinner .

  12. 我能闻到烤火鸡的味道,这使我觉得饿了。

    I can smell Turkey roasting , and it 's making me hungry .

  13. 你妻子在为大家烤火鸡

    your wife will be cooking a turkey

  14. 我可以点小麦面包夹烤火鸡,芥茉酱加在旁边吗?

    Could I get a roast turkey on wheat with mustard on the side , please ?

  15. 烤火鸡、南部烘火腿和晾挂的家制面包喷香四溢。

    The smells of roasted turkey , southern baked ham and homemade bread hung in the air .

  16. 烤火鸡、越橘浆、红薯和南瓜攀都是感恩节晚餐常见的食物。

    Roast turkey , cranberry sauce , sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie are commonly served at Thanksgiving dinner .

  17. 以前我每年都做这个,但后来它开始抢走了烤火鸡的风头。

    Used to make it every year , but it , uh , started to upstage the turkey .

  18. 玩牌、唱圣诞颂歌、白兰地布丁、烤火鸡、槲寄生、装饰品、圣诞老人和礼物。

    Cards , carols , brandy pudding , roast turkey , mistletoe , decorations , Santa Claus and gifts .

  19. 当他看到的不是一只烤火鸡和甜马铃薯而是“中国菜”时,会多么的失望!

    What terrible disappointments would he feel upon seeing not a roasted turkey and sweet potatoes but Chinese food ?

  20. 此外,我们第一次举办感恩节活动并自己动手烤火鸡也是个相当盛大的场面。

    Furthermore , the first time we hosted Thanksgiving and roasted a turkey ourselves was a surprisingly momentous occasion .

  21. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤乾烤蛋糕之前先给烤盘抹上奶油。

    The turkey be baste to keep It from drying out Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake .

  22. 餐桌上摆满了各种美味佳肴,但最好的一道菜要数烤火鸡。

    The table was loaded down with all kinds of delicious dishes , but the roast turkey took pride of place .

  23. 话说这可是个崭新的背包,现在里面却全都是烤火鸡的酱汁!

    You know , this was a brand-new backpack , and now it 's got turkey juice all up in it !

  24. 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。

    Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts .

  25. 一百只胖墩墩的烤火鸡、堆成小山似的烤肉和煮土豆、一大盘一大盘的美味小香肠、一碗碗拌了黄油的豌豆、

    A hundred fat , roast turkeys ; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes ; platters of chipolatas ; tureens of buttered peas ,

  26. 人们还要吃些传统的食物,尤其是那些油腻而味浓的圣诞蛋糕、圣诞布丁(这两样始于中世纪)以及烤火鸡。

    Traditional foods are eaten , especially rich Christmas cakes and Christmas puddings , which date from the Middle Ages , and roast turkey .

  27. 本周,太平洋彼岸的美国人正在热火朝天地烤火鸡和馅饼,这是他们每年感恩节的一部分。

    This week , across the Pacific , Americans are busy polishing off slices of turkey and pie , as part of the annual Thanksgiving holiday .

  28. 烤火鸡的人通常不会依赖自己的臆测和经验甚至是酱汁飞溅的肉类温度计来决定金褐色的火鸡是否烤熟了。

    And the people who roast them don 't have to rely on guesswork and experience-or even juice-splattered meat thermometers-to determine when the golden-brown bird is done .

  29. 实际上,人人都在圣诞节那天下午早早地坐下吃圣诞晚餐,烤火鸡是传统食物,但有些家庭更喜欢鹅或者烤牛肉。

    Practically everyone sits down to a Christmas dinner in the early afternoon of Christmas Day , traditionally roast turkey , but some families prefer goose or roast beef .

  30. 所有圣诞套餐均赠送红酒、香槟及咖啡或茶各一杯,烤火鸡、圣诞糕点、时令水果各一份。

    All Set Menu Serve with a glass of Red Wine 、 Champagne , a cup of Coffee or Tea , a portion of Turkey 、 Christmas Cake 、 Fruit Platter .