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  • roast chicken
  1. 她丈夫只记得过去吃烤鸡、喝威士忌的日子。

    Her husband 's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky

  2. 他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后是苹果派。

    He decided on roast chicken and vegetables , with apple pie to follow .

  3. 帕姆正在往烤鸡上淋油。

    Pam was in the middle of basting the turkey

  4. 帕姆正在往烤鸡上淋油

    Pam was in the middle of basting the turkey .

  5. 狗主人非常爱它,她甚至给它做烤鸡肉当晚饭。

    His owner loves him so much she even gives him roast chicken for dinner !

  6. 而且吃很多薯条、两顿午餐,或是吃下一整只Nandos烤鸡也没什么不对,何必像其他人那样克制食欲的过日子呢。

    There 's nothing wrong with having loads of chips , or two lunches , or an entire Nandos chicken while everyone else has a half .

  7. 我并不是说如果你吃没有经过腌制的烤鸡,你就一定会得癌症然后死去。

    Now I 'm not saying that if you eat grilled chicken that 's not marinated , you 're definitely going to catch cancer and die .

  8. 我对此很惊讶,我很奇怪为什么没有人知道有害烤鸡,虽然它们看起来不那么有害。

    So I was very surprised about this . And I was wondering why nobody knew more about this dangerous grilled chicken , which doesn 't seem very harmful .

  9. 但是一天晚上,晚餐时我妈妈在烤鸡,我注意到鸡肉的边缘,经过柠檬汁的浸泡,变白了。

    But then one night , my mom was cooking grilled chicken for dinner , and I noticed that the edges of the chicken , which had been marinated in lemon juice , turned white .

  10. Eric,快来看这世界上最美的烤鸡调皮

    Eric , come see the world 's most beautiful chicken . Naughty . Wow .

  11. 你做到了,烤鸡Brent,你真的做到了。

    You did it , Chicken Brent . You really did it .

  12. 他选了tivoli火腿配芦笋,及烤鸡配蔬菜。

    He plumps for the Tivoli ham with asparagus , followed by grilled chicken and vegetables .

  13. KFC总裁对事件公开道歉。不过KFC说,烤鸡的推出和广告宣传活动获得了成功。

    KFC 's president publicly apologized for the'kerfuffle . 'But KFC says the grilled chicken launch and its campaign were successful .

  14. 前不久,大厨马库斯·萨穆埃尔松(MarcusSamuelsson)在这里开设了UptownBrasserie餐馆,多样性的菜单上有烤鸡和意大利面食。

    The chef Marcus Samuelsson recently opened Uptown Brasserie here with an eclectic menu including fried chicken and pasta .

  15. Jeremy告诉我你最爱帕尔马烤鸡。因为意大利血统,我刚好是很棒的厨师。

    Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites , And I happen to be a good cook . The Italian roots demand it .

  16. 这位《搏击俱乐部》和《点球成金》的男主角曾打扮成鸡妈妈为ElPolloLoco(西班牙语:疯狂烤鸡)店招揽顾客。

    The " Fight Club " and " Moneyball " actor used to don a chicken suit for the El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant franchise .

  17. 与提供复杂美食LeRicher不同的是,CaféConstant专注于提供让食客重温鸡蛋含羞草、蓝带牛肉以及烤鸡这些儿时的美味佳肴——制作水准甚至连法国老奶奶也望尘莫及。

    Instead of the complex food served at Le Richer , Caf é Constant 's kitchen focuses on revisiting such childhood classics as eggs mimosa , veal cordon bleu and roast chicken - and even a French grand-m è re would have trouble rivalling its versions .

  18. 在美国,大号烤鸡培根汉堡含310卡和14g脂肪,只比烧烤汉堡少40卡和1g脂肪。

    In the US , a premium bacon ranch salad with grilled chicken contains 310 calories and 14g fat , which is only 40 calories and 1g fat less than a BBQ ranch burger .

  19. 我点了各式“bruschette(面包)“spaghetticacioepepe”(简单的罗马特色菜,添加起司与胡椒),以及一小只烤鸡。烤鸡最后我和一条盯着我吃午饭的野狗分享了。

    I order an assortment of bruschette , some spaghetti cacio e pepe ( that simple Roman specialty of pasta served with cheese and pepper ) and then a small roast chicken , which I end up sharing with the stray dog who has been watching me eat my lunch the way only a stray dog can .

  20. 做烤鸡怎么样,或者做中国菜?

    A : What about roast chicken ? Or Chinese food ?

  21. 他们看着我就像看着一只烤鸡。

    And they iook at me Iike I 'm a turkey .

  22. 法医以后需要牙科记录才能辨认那些可怜的烤鸡了。

    They 're gonna need dental records to identify those chickens .

  23. 其中包括腌制鸡肉,烤鸡,

    which consisted of marinating the chicken , grilling the chicken ,

  24. 老爸,我被会吃人的烤鸡包围着。

    Dad , I 'm surrounded by man-eating chickens right now .

  25. 特别好吃的是烤鸡心、鸡臻也不错!

    Is particularly delicious chicken heart , chicken Zhen is not bad !

  26. 我要烤鸡套餐。

    B : Yes , I 'll have the roast chicken dinner .

  27. 是在肚子里面塞满鸡肝和奶油芝士制成的烤鸡。

    It 's roast chicken stuffed with chicken livers and cream cheese .

  28. 原来我的宝藏在那里,烤鸡,太美味了。

    There is my treasure . Roast chicken . Yummy .

  29. 杰里米告诉我你最爱帕尔马烤鸡

    Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites ,

  30. 侍应生:今晚的烤鸡不错。

    Walter : The roast chicken is very good tonight .