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bái kāi shuǐ
  • plain boiled water
白开水 [bái kāi shuǐ]
  • [plain boiled water] 无任何添加物的开水

  1. 其次为白开水,最差为自来水。

    Plain boiled water is fairly good . Running water is worst .

  2. 生活就像白开水,没有味道。

    Life is resemble plain boiled water , tasteless .

  3. 碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用preandpro生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。

    Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks , chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements , which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating .

  4. 但我认为人生就是一杯白开水。

    But I think life is a cup of boiled water .

  5. 他们喝起上千美元的酒就像跟喝白开水一样

    They go through $ 1000 bottles like it 's water .

  6. 我一滴也不喝,我只喝白开水而已。

    I don 't even drink a drop of alcohol ;

  7. 要补充身体流失的水分,最好饮用白开水。

    Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid .

  8. 我是一杯白开水,冷暖自知。

    I am a cup of boiling water , run .

  9. 我们认为餐厅的白开水免费是理所当然的。

    We take it for granted that water is free at restaurants .

  10. 提示:多吃蔬菜水果,多饮白开水;

    To eat more vegetable and fruit : to drink more boiled water ;

  11. 生活就像白开水一样没有波澜,不论喜悲。

    Nothing cheerful or tearful in my life , just like pure water .

  12. 虽然不喜欢喝白开水,还是要多喝。

    Drink a lot of water during the day .

  13. 我爱这一杯白开水,所有的人都清清楚楚地站在面前。

    I love this cup water , all of them clearly stand before .

  14. 幸运的话,你会选到白开水。

    If you 're lucky , you pick water .

  15. 然后,他就会准备午餐----干面包加白开水;

    Then he would prepare for his luncheon of dry bread and water ;

  16. 至于酒,他代以白开水。

    As for wine , he drank water .

  17. 可是,不要因此就得出结论来说,“老外”很抠门,给点白开水都要钱。

    But , do not come to the conclusion that westerns are very mean .

  18. 女人要做的是,至少早晚各一杯白开水。

    Women do is , at least a glass of water morning and evening .

  19. 或许只有在沙漠之中,才能体会到白开水的甘甜!

    Perhaps only in the desert in order to appreciate the sweet boiled water !

  20. 你要喝点东西吗?白开水就好。

    Would you like something to drink ?( Just water will be fine . )

  21. 他经常觉得喝的是白开水而不是汤。

    He often feels as though he is drinking plain boiled water rather than soup .

  22. 碳酸饮料是孩子的最爱,白开水(或矿泉水)、牛奶等健康饮料也有相当高的饮用率。

    Carbonic acid beverage was popular but boiled water or milk was also drunk very often .

  23. 白开水就行了。

    Plain water would be fine .

  24. 如果你发觉白开水喝起来味淡而无味,那么花草茶则是一个很好的替代品。

    If you find water too plain for drinking , herbal tea is a good substitute .

  25. 我要一些白开水.B:好的,马上就来.A:谢谢。

    B : Sure , I 'll be right back with that . A : Thanks .

  26. 草药冰茶:浸泡的草药冰茶比白开水更成为人们喜爱的一种选择。

    Herbal iced tea : Steeped herbal iced tea makes a pleasing alternative to plain water .

  27. 您可以把糖丸化在少量凉白开水中让他喝下去。如:小丸、味精、白糖、汤料、麦片、种子、咖啡、感冒冲剂等。

    You can put the pill in the little cold water and give him to drink .

  28. 最有效的办法是让宝宝多喝白开水,多吃水果。

    The most effective way is to allow your baby to drink water , eat more fruit .

  29. 在撕开薯片包装前先喝杯白开水。

    Before you tear into that bag of potato chips , drink a glass of water first .

  30. 如果您不带上您的鼻子而光是用眼睛看看的话,烧酒就像白开水一样。

    If you watch the liquor without taking your nose toghter , it just like a cup of water .