
  • white hair;gray hair;grey hair
  1. 那位白头发黑眼睛的人是谁?

    Who is that man with white hair and dark eyes ?

  2. 妈妈没有任何的白头发。

    My mother doesn 't have any white hair .

  3. 她已有几根白头发。

    She has already had a few white hairs .

  4. 小男孩沉思了一下,就天真地说:“哦,我知道爷爷为什么有那么多白头发了。我想他的儿子们一定也非常顽皮。”

    The boy thought for a moment , and then naively1 said : " Oh , I see why my grandpapa has a lot of gray hair on his head . I think he must have had very naughty boys . "

  5. 或许人们会说:“天哪,小乔治长大了!”但我不觉得让米歇尔·道克瑞(MichelleDockery)染白头发有什么连贯性可言。

    Maybe people would say , " Oh my God , that 's baby George , grown up ! " But I don 't think it would be continuous , with Michelle Dockery with her hair covered with talcum powder .

  6. 她企图拔掉一些白头发。

    She tried to pluck out some of her gray hairs .

  7. 朱利安:那是什么,另一根白头发?!

    Julian : What is that , another gray hair ? !

  8. 为什么最初的白头发会挺得笔直的(那么显眼)?

    Why be It that the first gray hair stick straight out ?

  9. 我没注意到她现在有那么多白头发。

    I do not realize she has so much gray hair now .

  10. 他看见一个白头发的矮个子向后门走走。

    He glimpsed a short white-haired figure heading for the back gate .

  11. 对的,我们都是皮肤很白头发颜色很深。

    Jason : Yes , we 're all very fair-skinned and dark-haired .

  12. 他头上没有一根白头发。

    There is not a gray hair on his head .

  13. 在一个花圃边有两个白头发的老太太在织毛衣。

    Near a flower garden , two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine .

  14. 我也有一些白头发,但我比克劳馥小姐要年轻。

    I 've got some too and I am younger than Miss Croft .

  15. 你的皱纹和白头发完全提醒着我们自己的死亡……

    Your wrinkles and grey hair totally remind us of our own mortality ...

  16. 是那白头发男子自己的号码

    is the white-haired man 's own number ,

  17. 你一定经历了许多,看看你的白头发!

    It must have been so hard on you , you have more gray hairs !

  18. 白头发,戴眼镜。这有一张他的照片。

    He has white hair and wears glasses . Here is a photo of him .

  19. 两个人都还没有白头发!

    Neither have white hair yet !

  20. 那根白头发反映出…

    In that one silver hair ...

  21. 而你又这么多白头发。

    And you are oid enough .

  22. 那根白头发反映出

    In that one silver hair

  23. 母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”

    Mother : " Susie , every time you misbehave , I get another gray hair . "

  24. 看见那几位先生了吗?白头发那位就是我父亲。

    Do you see those gentlemen over there ? The one with grey hair is my father .

  25. 在他骑上自行车是,我看见他飘在风里的白头发。

    In his on the bike is , I saw him floating in the wind of hair .

  26. 我们的车子倒退到一个白头发老头跟前,他长得活像约翰-D-洛克菲勒,真有点滑稽。

    We backed up to a gray old man who bore an absurd resemblance to John D. Rockefeller .

  27. 幽默母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”

    Humor Mother : " Susie , every time you misbehave , I get another gray hair . "

  28. 但是我知道自己已经老了也有白头发了我们需要你们在座的年轻人

    But I know I 'm getting a little grayer we need it from you , the young people .

  29. 于是,她看著妈妈好奇地问:“妈妈,为什么你的头上有几根白头发?”

    She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks ," Why are some of your hairs white , Mom ?"

  30. 小路上又来了一个女人,也是半白头发,褴褛的衣裙;

    Another woman came along the small lane with half of her hair grey , dressed in a shabby clothing .