
bái táng
  • white sugar;refined white sugar
白糖 [bái táng]
  • [refined white sugar] 用甘蔗或甜菜的汁熬成的糖,是白色或微黄色的结晶,颗粒较小,味甜,供食用

白糖[bái táng]
  1. 测定白糖中淀粉含量的微孔过滤分析方法

    Microporous Filter Analysis Method for Determining Starch Content in White Sugar

  2. 白糖的色泽与色素的问题(一)

    Color of White Sugar and Coloring Matter ( 1 )

  3. 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。

    Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken .

  4. 50年前,20美分买一磅白糖是个过高的价格。

    Fifty years ago , twenty cents were an excessive price for a pound of sugar .

  5. 白色食物指的是白糖、通用面粉等加工食品,或土豆、米饭、通心粉等淀粉类食物。

    White foods refer to processed foods such as white sugar and all-purpose flour , or starchy foods such as potatoes , rice , and pasta .

  6. 例句一般来说,做一个基本的海绵蛋糕,我们需要一杯面粉,一杯白糖和一杯黄油。

    As a rule of thumb , we need a cup of flower , a cup of sugar and a cup of butter to make a basic sponge cake .

  7. 乳来源的酪蛋白糖巨肽(CGMP)的开发概况

    The Development of κ - Casein Glycomacropeptide ( CGMP ) Derived from Milk

  8. 记得在我5岁的时候有一次我正在吃白糖突发奇想DVD可不可以吃白糖呢?

    Remember at I5 years old of time have once me am eating the refined sugar abrupt fantasy DVD and can eat refined sugar ?

  9. 酪蛋白糖巨肽(CaseinGlycomacropeptide,英文缩写CGMP)是一种具有生物活性的高纯度乳清蛋白。

    Casein glycomacropeptide ( CGMP ) is a highly biologically active whey protein with superior purity .

  10. Maire菌丝体生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖、羧甲基纤维素钠和市售白糖;

    Maire are glueose , carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt and commercial sugar .

  11. 曾经的白糖和香蕉仓库被改造为时尚咖啡厅、商铺和数字动画公司的办公场所,包括参与制作奥斯卡(Oscar)获奖影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》(LifeofPi)的一家公司。

    Former sugar and banana warehouses have been turned into chic caf é s , shops and offices for digital animation companies , including one involved with the production of the Oscar-winning film Life of Pi .

  12. 通过以上研究,确定了新型湘西腊肉的生产工艺:试验表明腌制剂最佳配方为:食盐2.5%、白酒1%、白糖1%、亚硝酸钠0.01g/Kg;腌制时间为48h。

    The new production process for Xiang-Xi preserved ham is : Experiments show that the best formula for pickled is : salt 2.5 % , 1 % Liquor , 1 % sugar , sodium nitrite 0.015 .

  13. 用自来水、食用白糖配制培养基,生根采取液体培养15d,比用蒸馏水、蔗糖配制培养基,生根采取固体培养30d,试管苗的直接生产成本可降低28%。

    So using tap water , white sugar and reducing rooting culture time to 15 days in liquid medium instead of using distilled water , sucrose , rooting culture 30 days in solid medium can reduce 28 % of the cost of tube seedling .

  14. 绵白糖对发酵白菜中微生物区系的影响

    The effects of powdered sugar on the microorganism of fermenting cabbage

  15. 这个蛋糕的主要原料是白糖、面粉和黄油。

    This cake mainly consists of sugar , flour and butter .

  16. 把白糖、面粉和鸡蛋混在一起。

    Blend the sugar , flour and eggs ( together ) .

  17. 我们熟知的蔗糖或白糖是从甘蔗和甜菜提炼而成。

    Season it with white rice vinegar , sugar and honey .

  18. 用打蛋器在碗中把蛋黄和白糖打到一起。

    Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl .

  19. 色值是转化糖浆的一个重要质量指标,它直接影响到绵白糖的质量。

    Color is an important quality index of the white sugar .

  20. 甲糖(白糖)分蜜是糖厂成糖工段的关键工序。

    Sugar-separating is a key process in the sugar forming procedure .

  21. 请给我拿两角钱的白糖。

    Give me 20 cents ' worth of sugar , please .

  22. 现在的情景证明了(白糖价格)下降趋势的继续。

    This scenario will prove out a continuation of a downtrend .

  23. 出售茶叶、白糖、面粉这类基本用品的商店。

    Shops selling the basics : tea , sugar , flour .

  24. 真对不起了,我看走眼了,我把食盐当成白糖了。

    I 'm terribly sorry . I took the salt for sugar .

  25. 绵白糖储存过程的酸败变质

    The Acidification And Deterioration of Soft White Sugar during Storage

  26. 把放凉的奶茶过滤一下,倒入蛋黄白糖混合物。

    Filter the cooled milk tea and pour it in .

  27. 榨季亚法全产优级白糖的工艺问题与技术措施

    The Problems and Measures on Producing Quality White Sugar by Sulphitation Process

  28. 归德白糖蒜的生产技术

    Production technology of Gui - de garlic preserved by sugar

  29. 绵白糖在南方贮存过程的质量变化

    The change on quality of soft sugar during storage in south China

  30. 而这件作品最关键的语符是“白糖”的选择和使用。

    The key symbol of this work is the use of sugar .