
kǎo yā
  • roast duck
烤鸭 [kǎo yā]
  • [roast duck] 烤制的北京填鸭

烤鸭[kǎo yā]
  1. 主菜是烤鸭。

    The main course was roast duck .

  2. 艾米端着烤鸭。

    Amy carried roast duck .

  3. 这里再举一个例子:“西方美食家已对北京烤鸭极有兴趣。”

    Here is another example : " Western gourmets are sold on Peking Duck . "

  4. 一个美国的游客来到中国,他到了一家专营烤鸭的饭店进餐。

    An American tourist was lunching in a restaurant in China , whose specialty was roast duck .

  5. 官方的《中国日报》(chinadaily)周一表示,北京将日益以“北京咳”而闻名,而不是以北京烤鸭或京剧而闻名。

    The official China Daily newspaper on Monday said the city was becoming better known for " Beijing cough " than for Peking duck or Peking Opera .

  6. advise是动词木木建议我吃北京烤鸭。

    Mumu advised me to eat Beijing Roast Duck .

  7. 专门用于制作烤鸭的鸭子在养殖65天后就被屠宰了,鸭子在烤制前要先用调料腌制(season),然后才送进焖炉或者挂炉。

    Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven .

  8. 另外一种表示建议的方法是说recommend/推荐,例如:Irecommendtheroastduck/我推荐烤鸭。

    Another way to suggest something is to say recommend , e.g. : I recommend the roast duck .

  9. Flair的烤鸭红咖喱第一勺就告诉你其中的差别。

    The first spoonful of Flair 's roast-duck red curry tells you the difference .

  10. 历史最悠久的北京烤鸭连锁店&中国全聚德(集团)股份有限公司(ChinaQuanjudeGroupCo.,简称:全聚德)即将在中国饮食服务连锁业的上市热潮中打响第一枪。

    The owner of China 's oldest Peking-duck restaurant brand , Quanjude ( Group ) Co. , is set to be the first in a wave of Chinese food-services chains that plan to go public .

  11. 国营的全聚德烤鸭店(QuanjudeRoastDuck)已经在奥运主会场附近的新店推出了奥运菜肴。

    Elsewhere , the state-owned Quanjude Roast Duck has Olympic dishes already on the menu at a new branch near the main stadium .

  12. 在接受CNN访问时,店长韩阳说,他们的厨师均来自大董高端烤鸭店。

    Han Yang , the restaurant 's manager , told CNN that all the chefs working at the venue are from its upscale sister restaurant .

  13. 如今,吃北京烤鸭最好的地方是在北京大董烤鸭店(DaDongRoastDuckRestaurant)的新分店,该店位于曾经的皇家粮仓内。

    These days , the best place to eat Peking Duck is at the new branch of the Beijing Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant , which stands amid the former imperial granaries .

  14. 按特许经营模式运作的在华业务是15年前由前花旗集团(Citigroup)投资银行家贾斯汀•肯尼迪(JustinKennedy)在香港建立的。他为中国食客推出了“北京烤鸭”比萨饼。

    The China franchise was established 15 years ago by Justin Kennedy , a former investment banker at Citigroup in Hong Kong , who introduced a ' Peking Duck " pizza for Chinese diners .

  15. 举个例子,游客可以到离福和慧不到一英里的玉佛寺(JadeBuddhaTemple)素斋餐厅品尝由豆腐、素排骨做成的“素烤鸭”、“素火腿”以及“素炒蟹粉”。

    Less than a mile from Fu He Hui , for example , you can drop into the restaurant at the Jade Buddha Temple for some " roast duck " and " ham " made with tofu , or vegetarian " pork chops " and " stir-fried crabmeat . "

  16. 尽管“脸基尼”(facekini)在中国海滩之外的地方,可能怎么无法与中国陶瓷或北京烤鸭相提并论,但它受到了国内报纸的称赞,被誉为中国向世界输出的最新文化礼物。

    It may never rival porcelain or Peking duck in popularity beyond China 's shores , but the " facekini " is being hailed by domestic newspapers as the country 's latest cultural gift to the world .

  17. 他很饿,因而叫了两份烤鸭。

    He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast duck .

  18. 我用烤箱自己做了这个烤鸭。

    I do this roast duck by myself with the oven .

  19. 街道左侧,是一家美味的烤鸭店。

    On the left , a restaurant serving delicious roast duck .

  20. 京菜尤以北京烤鸭而闻名。

    Beijing cuisine is especially well known for the roast duck .

  21. 介绍了北京烤鸭的历史沿革和加工制作方法。

    History and processing technology of Bejing roast duck are specified .

  22. 让我们尝尝北京烤鸭和五星啤酒。

    Let me try the roast duck and Five Star beer .

  23. 北京烤鸭是这家餐厅的特色菜。

    The Beijing roast duck is a specialty of this restaurant .

  24. 好的,我再吃点。这烤鸭真好吃。

    Yes , I thought I will . it 's delicious .

  25. 今天你想让我给你做烤鸭吗?

    And today you want me to roast duck for you ?

  26. 遇到北京烤鸭总会把自己吃撑。

    She gorges herself on Peking duck every chance she gets .

  27. 我要北京烤鸭和一些蔬菜。

    I 'd like beijing roast duck and some vegetable .

  28. 气体射流冲击北京烤鸭鸭皮膨化试验研究

    Study on epidermal expansion of Peking-duck with air-impingement roasting technique

  29. 你喜好吃甚么,烤鸭仍是腊肠?

    What do you prefer , roast ducks or sausages ?

  30. 我借借得记着去吃北京烤鸭。

    And I 'll remember to est Beijing Roast Duck .