
kǎo yáng ròu
  • roast lamb;roast mutton;roasted mutton;barbecued mutton;fried mutton
  1. 他们午餐吃的是烤羊肉。

    They had roast lamb for lunch .

  2. 来份薄荷汁烤羊肉怎么样?

    How about the roast lamb with mint sauce ?

  3. 坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。

    Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong .

  4. 我完全可以向您推荐烤羊肉,先生。

    I can thoroughly recommend the roast lamb , sir .

  5. 厨师正准备烤羊肉。

    The chef is preparing a roast of lamb .

  6. “烤羊肉锅肋眼,釉面菊芋,烤大蒜,榛子,蚕豆”。

    Pan roasted lamb rib eye , glazed jerusalem artichokes , roast garlic .

  7. 天然抗氧化剂对烤羊肉中非极性杂环胺的抑制作用不明显。

    Antioxidants were not effectively inhibited the formation of apolar HAAs in cooked mutton .

  8. 我想吃烤羊肉、豌豆和烤土豆。

    I think I 'll have the roast lamb with peas and roast potatoes .

  9. 烤羊肉配上薄荷酱汁味道很好。

    Mint sauce goes well with roast lamb .

  10. 烤羊肉加工新工艺

    A New Technology for Roast Mutton

  11. 在吃过可口的晚饭,烤羊肉和煎蘑菇后,我去了电影院。

    After my delicious supper , roast mutton and fried mushroom , I went to the cinema .

  12. 在珠海的朋友想吃正宗的烤羊肉及不同的吃法,请到草原食府来。

    In Zhuhai friends want to eat authentic roast lamb and eat different , go to Restaurant grassland .

  13. 我知道一处小馆有非常正点的烤羊肉和烤牛肉,极其美味多汁!

    I know a little place where serve fine roast lamb and beef , very testy and very juicy !

  14. 烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。

    The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey predominate over everything else .

  15. 第一天,一只羊死了。我们的饭是烤羊肉。

    Well , the first day I was there a sheep died , and we had roast lamb for dinner .

  16. 通常包括一小块鱼肉、烤鸡或烤羊肉,一份沙拉和一份白米饭。

    It often includes a small portion of fish , roast chicken or lamb , a salad and white rice .

  17. 烤羊肉串摊点对乌鲁木齐市农贸市场空气质量的影响

    The Influence of Roast Lamb Meat Stall on Air Quality in Farm and Trade Market and the Level of HbCO in Blood of Sellers

  18. 烤羊肉的味道在空气中弥漫,升腾而起的烟雾与来自附近一家清真寺塔楼的祷告声交相辉映。

    The smell of grilled lamb wafted through the air , the smoke rising to meet the call to prayer from the tower of a nearby mosque .

  19. 我们从骨头上撕下大块的烤羊肉,一边就着香甜的薄荷茶大快朵颐,一边欣赏着摩洛哥乡村月光下的美景。

    We grabbed hunks of grilled lamb on the bone , and washed it all down with sugary mint tea as we looked out over the moonlit Moroccan countryside .

  20. 烤羊肉卷——烤制而成的切碎的羔羊肉——是采用泥炉炭火烹饪法烹制而成的常见食物,而这个国家沿海地区的美食则以咖喱(辣味)鱼或对虾而出名。

    Grilled minced lamb , seekh kebabs , are the staple of Tandoori cooking , while the nation 's coastal regions are renowned for masala ( spiced ) fish or prawns .

  21. 超过临界点的饮酒量和高脂肪食物如薯条、烤羊肉串、披萨和汉堡等,会让人多摄入6940卡热量。

    The extra drink after this point , combined with fatty food such as chips , kebabs , pizzas and hamburgers , leads to him packing away an extra 6,940 calories .

  22. 想象一下,上床时胃没有任何负担,它不用集中血液来消化你才吃的烤羊肉,这是多么快乐的事啊!

    Can you possibly imagine the joy of going to bed on a stomach that is not bloated or having to concentrate on digesting that rack of lamb you just ate ?

  23. 我看到人们在人民广场跳华尔兹舞,年轻人玩滑板直至深夜。几乎每个人都在享受烤羊肉串的美味,要么坐在餐馆里慢慢品味,要么坐在街头大排档大快朵颐。

    I saw couples waltzing in people 's square , youngsters skateboarding late at night , and pretty much everyone enjoying skewered barbecued lamb in restaurants and from street vendors throughout the city .

  24. 正当他们把那香气扑鼻的烤羊肉从铁叉上取下来的时候,他们看见爱德蒙象一只羚羊那样轻捷而大胆地在岩石上跳来跳去于是他们按刚才约定的信号,放了一枪。

    Just at the moment when they were taking the dainty animal from the spit , they saw Edmond springing with the boldness of a chamois from rock to rock , and they fired the signal agreed upon .

  25. 星期天午餐总是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头。

    It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch .

  26. 我来给你烤一些羊肉吃。

    I 'll grill you some mutton .

  27. 烤小羊肉泡在肉汁里。

    The roast lamb was swimming in gravy .

  28. 像羊杂汤、爆炒羊头肉、烤羊排、羊肉串等等,都是蒙古民间食谱中珍品之作。

    Yangza like soup , Bao Chao sheep 's head meat , lamb row , the string of mutton and so on are all non-diet in Mongolia for the treasures .

  29. 何帆列出的购物长单上有产自新疆维吾尔自治区的烤全羊、羊肉串,有广东的海鲜,有山西的酱牛肉,有浙江的酒糟鱼,还有湖北的酱鸭脖、鸭翅、鸭爪。

    Her lengthy shopping list includes roasted whole lamb and mutton skewers from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region , seafood packages from Guangdong province , sauced beef from Shanxi province , liquor-marinated fish from Zhejiang province , and marinated duck necks , wings and feet from Hubei province .

  30. 简陋的街边烧烤摊上烤着的羊肉串、撒了辣椒和孜然,那股味道是北京夏天最令人神往的快乐之一。如果不是有这样一种廉价且诱人的奖赏,这里的夏天便只剩下难耐的酷热和刺鼻且厚重的空气。

    The scent of mutton skewers , dusted with chili pepper and cumin and roasting atop makeshift streetside grills , is one of the most cherished pleasures of summer in Beijing -- a cheap and seductive reward for suffering through a season otherwise marked by oppressive heat and pungent , chewable air .