
chūn jié
  • the Spring Festival
春节 [chūn jié]
  • (1) [the Spring Festival]∶农历正月初一,是我国的传统盛大节日

春节[chūn jié]
  1. 在春节期间即使提前订票,你也仍可能买不到。

    Even if you book / reserve tickets in advance during the Spring Festival , you may still fail to get one .

  2. 离春节只有一周了。

    The Spring Festival is only a week away .

  3. 春节期间全家人都会聚在一起。

    The whole family will get together at Spring Festival .

  4. 春节前商店里十分繁忙。

    The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival .

  5. 春节即农历新年。

    The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year .

  6. 春节即将来临。

    The Spring Festival is just around the corner .

  7. 春节快到了。

    The Spring Festival is drawing near .

  8. 春节到了,全家老小欢聚在一起。

    The whole family got together happily for the spring festival .

  9. 他们言定过了春节就动手。

    They decided to start work immediately after the spring festival .

  10. 每逢春节,我都要去看老师。

    I always go to see my teachers during the spring festival .

  11. 春节期间城里到处张灯结彩。

    Decorations are hanging up everywhere in the city on the spring festival .

  12. 今年春节,我陪父亲归省。

    During this spring festival , I will accompany my father to visit his hometown .

  13. 春节期间,要全力抓好打黑工作。

    All the efforts are to be devoted to combating underworld gangs during the Spring Festival holidays .

  14. 在春节,人们喜欢和家人在一起。

    On Chinese New Year , people like to spend time with their families .

  15. 李先生:山姆,你在中国过的第一个春节过得愉快吗?

    Mr Li : Sam , did you enjoy your first Spring Festival in China ?

  16. 李先生:你认为春节和感恩节的主要区别是什么?

    Mr Li : What do you think are the main differences between the Spring Festival and Thanksgiving ?

  17. 春节期间的一天,我在家附近散步,突然有一个声音说:"打扰一下,先生。"

    One day during a Spring Festival , I was taking a walk near my house when suddenly there came a voice , " Excuse me , sir . "

  18. 该店计划在春节之后把皮货降价。

    The shop plans to slash fur prices after Spring Festival .

  19. 例句春节期间人们通常大吃特吃。

    Spring Festival is a time when people often pig out .

  20. 传统上,人们在春节前打扫房子。

    Traditionally , people clean the house before the Spring Festival .

  21. 春节期间城里到处张灯结彩

    Decorations are hanging up everywhere in the city on Spring Festival .

  22. 他建议人们在春节期间减少聚集和出行。

    He called for the public to reduce gatherings and travel during and around Spring Festival .

  23. (对于大多数人来说,没有年夜饭的春节是不完整的。)

    For most people , the Spring Festival is not complete without a New Year ’ s Eve dinner .

  24. 春节档影片票价为何偏高主管部门要求低风险地区影剧院采取防控措施,将上座率控制在75%。

    As an anti-epidemic measure , authorities are requiring theaters in low-risk areas to limit seating to 75 percent of capacity .

  25. 《好莱坞报道》称,受众面广的家庭主题,以及感而不伤的小情绪,让电影成为成功的春节档作品。中国的春节档电影偏爱家庭主题,带点小小的伤感。

    China 's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts .

  26. 《你好,李焕英》的“异军突起”说明,这部电影明显是中国观众的春节档最爱。

    The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi , Mom has become China 's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings .

  27. 与此同时,多地已明确,春节假期从低风险区返乡者也需持核酸检测阴性证明。

    Meanwhile , several provinces have made it clear that those returning from low-risk areas during the Spring Festival holidays also need to have negative result of nucleic acid testing .

  28. 影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。

    Written , directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling , Hi , Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release .

  29. 元旦春节假期期间,依旧不允许旅行社及在线旅游企业出入境团队旅游及“机票+酒店”业务。

    During the New Year and Spring Festival holidays , travel agencies and online travel service providers will remain forbidden from offering inbound and outbound group tours and travel packages including flight tickets and hotels .

  30. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .