
  • Spring and Autumn and Warring States;The Spring and Autumn period
  1. 这个节日起源于春秋战国时期介子推的故事。

    I know this festival came from the story about Jie Zitui in the Spring and Autumn period . /

  2. 建湖县域历史悠久,早在春秋战国时代就有先民渔稼耕猎。

    Jianhu domain has a long history , as early as Spring and Autumn Period , there ancestors hunting fishing Jia-Geng .

  3. “中部列国”是指秦朝(QinDynasty)统一中国之前,春秋战国(SpringandAutumnPeriod)时期位于今天中国中部、东部和东南部的王国。

    The central states were those kingdoms that existed in what is today central , east and southeastern China during the Spring and Autumn Period prior to the Qin Dynasty and the creation of a unified country .

  4. 论春秋战国时期人的觉醒

    Humanity Independence Trend in Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  5. 长城是中国古代历史上的伟大创举,春秋战国长城则是中国古代长城史的开端。

    The Great Wall was a great creation in Chinese ancient history .

  6. 茶饮料之春秋战国&记2001年茶饮料市场主流品牌

    A Report on Mainstream Brand of Tea Drinking in 2001

  7. 春秋战国时期的人格独立化倾向

    Personality Independence Trend In Period Of Spring And Autumn And Warring States

  8. 春秋战国时期军队的跑跳训练

    The Military Running and Jumping Training in Warrior States Period

  9. 春秋战国时期商业发展原因新探

    Causes of Business Development in the Spring and Autumn Period

  10. 春秋战国时期政治思想

    Political thought in Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods of China

  11. 春秋战国时期

    The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period

  12. 春秋战国时期的开放精神

    The Opening Spirit of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods

  13. 春秋战国时期的文化转型

    Culture turning during the period of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  14. 这些从一个侧面反映了春秋战国时期伦理道德意识的过渡性特征。

    It indirectly reflects transitional character of ethical thoughts during a turbulent period .

  15. 春秋战国时期,龙湾成为越国辖地。

    Spring and Autumn period , Longwan become more jurisdiction in the country .

  16. 早在春秋战国时期。

    As early as the Spring and Autumn Period .

  17. 春秋战国时期商人兴起的原因

    Causes of Spring-Autumn and War Dynasty 's Merchant Appearing

  18. 春秋战国时代军事伦理理念的嬗变

    The Conversion of the Military Ethical Opinions in Spring and Autumn Warring States Period

  19. 第四部分析了女子选择花草作为饰物的社会根源,认为女子社会地位的降低决定了对饰物的选择和春秋战国时的家庭模式。

    Segment 4 analyzes social rootstock that female select flowers or as being accouterment .

  20. 春秋战国时期商业自由发展和繁荣的程度,为中国几千年文明史所罕见。

    The extent of development of commerce is really a miracle in that period .

  21. 福利思想是中国社会思想史中较为重要的组成部分。自中国远古时代有群体组织出现以来,福利思想就非常发达,以儒家思想为主体的宗族福利思想,早在春秋战国时期就已经成熟。

    The welfare thought is a comparatively important component in China 's social intellectual history .

  22. 春秋战国时期的鬼神思想

    Thoughts on Ghosts and Gods during the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  23. 远古至春秋战国时期音乐与诗歌的同源性研究

    Assimilation of poetry and music in the Spring and Autumn Warring periods in ancient China

  24. 春秋战国时期文化繁荣的历史反思

    Historical Reflections on Cultural Prosperity of the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  25. 春秋战国时期诉讼证据研究

    Study on Evidence of Litigation in Period of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States

  26. 说服的作用、影响说服的主要因素等是概括总结春秋战国时期说服思想的主要内容。

    The function of persuading and factors influencing persuading are the main contents of the thought .

  27. 春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。

    In ChunQiu era , there is a father and his son going for a war .

  28. 春秋战国时期,巴国的城市获得了一定的发展,从文献可知者有江州、垫江、平都、阆中、枳5座都城。

    In the period of Warring States , the city of Ba State acquires certain development .

  29. 春秋战国时期是中国思想史的黄金时代。

    The Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period was a golden age of Chinese ideology .

  30. 中国自春秋战国起,就对歌唱理论十分重视,历代都有唱论问诸于世。

    Since period of the Warring States , much emphasis on singing theory has been placed .