
  • 网络spring airlines
  1. 官方媒体新华社周末在其微博账户报道称,中国廉价航空公司春秋航空(SpringAirlines)暂停了6月19日之前所有从上海飞往越南的包机航班。

    Over the weekend , the official microblog of state news agency Xinhua reported that Chinese low-cost carrier Spring Airlines was suspending all charter flights from Shanghai to Vietnam until June 19 .

  2. 21世纪初期,随着春秋航空等廉价航空公司的出现,中国航空业的竞争进一步加剧,运营成本也同时增加。

    Emergence of low-cost airlines at the beginning of the 21st century , such as the Spring Airlines , intensified aviation industry competition in China .

  3. 另外两家民营航空公司吉祥航空(juneyao)和春秋航空(spring)虽然去年摆脱了亏损,但面对有政府撑腰的国有大型航空公司的激烈竞争,它们也难以扩大业务。

    Two other private carriers , Juneyao and spring , were able to stay out of the red last year but have still struggled to expand their business in the face of intense competition from the state-owned giants , which have the government to back them up .

  4. 春秋航空公司的直销渠道没有得到充分利用。

    Direct channel of ChunQiu Airlines has not been fully exploited .

  5. 春秋航空将对此项拟议的处罚提出申诉。

    Spring is appealing against the proposed fine .

  6. 春秋航空有限公司开展的“第二季限时秒杀抢购活动”于昨日上午10点开始抢拍。

    Spring Air 's seasonal sale kicked off yesterday morning at10 , China Radio Network reports .

  7. 根据我国民用航空市场的背景和特有的社会大众意识形态,将进入壁垒理论引入到民用航空业的分析中,导入经济性壁垒和制度性壁垒的分析框架(全文以春秋航空为例)。

    According to Chinese civil aviation market and the special community ideology , this papers build the analytical economical and institutional framework .

  8. 在仍然由三大国有航空公司主导的民航领域,总部位于上海的春秋航空通过大幅削减票价力抗竞争对手。

    The Shanghai-based carrier has fought against its competitors by slashing fares in a sector that is still dominated by the nation 's three state-run airlines .

  9. 最后,根据各驱动因素的重要度与满意度,结合春秋航空的经营现状,运用四分图分析法有针对性地提出了春秋航空顾客满意度提升策略和实施框架。

    And ticket factors and transportation quality factors are more attractive . Finally , according to Spring Airlines it offers the customer satisfaction upgrading strategy and implementation framework by Four Scenarios Model .

  10. 春秋航空表示,该公司一方面需要遵守中国在计划经济体制下制定的规定,另一方面则希望全面参与市场竞争,这使得它陷于极其艰难的境地。

    Spring said it was caught in an extremely difficult position between the need to obey rules created under China 's planned economy and a desire to fully participate in market competition .