
chūn qiū
  • spring and autumn;the Spring and Autumn Period;a year;annals;age;the Spring and Autumn Annals
春秋 [chūn qiū]
  • (1) [a year]∶一年,四季

  • 春秋匪解,享祀不忒。--《诗.鲁颂.閟宫》

  • 几度风雨,几度春秋

  • (2) [age]∶年龄

  • (3) [the Spring and Autumn Period]∶我国古代名,指公元前770-前476年中国各诸侯国争霸的时代

  • (4) [the Spring and Autumn Annals]∶史书名。儒家经典之一,相传孔子根据鲁国的编年史修订而成

  • 本之《春秋》以求其断。--柳宗元《答韦中立论师道书》

春秋[chūn qiū]
  1. 春秋多佳日。

    There are many fine days in spring and autumn .

  2. 春秋佳日,每作郊游。

    We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn .

  3. 斯坦·盖兹的音乐生涯跨越50个春秋。

    Stan Getz 's musical career spanned five decades

  4. 她在这所大学教书已有20个春秋。

    She has taught in this university for twenty years .

  5. 春秋是我喜欢的季节。

    Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons .

  6. 七十春秋减二十,仅剩五十余徘徊。

    And take from seventy springs a score , It only leaves me fifty more .

  7. 西施是春秋时期越国有名的美女。

    Xi Shi was a famous beauty of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period .

  8. 晏子是春秋时期齐国有名的相国。

    Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period 。

  9. 这些文物时间跨度从春秋到清代,质地多为陶瓷,地域分布江西、安徽、福建、河南、陕西、河北、贵州等。

    The cultural relics . They are from provinces including Jiangxi , Anhui , Fujian , Henan , Shaanxi , Hebei and Guizhou .

  10. 春秋时期,鲁国一户姓施的人家,有两个儿子,一个学文,一个学武。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons . One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial1 arts .

  11. 春秋时代,有个叫俞伯牙的人,精通音律,琴艺高超,是当时著名的琴师。

    There was a man whose name was Yu Boya . Yu boya famous music master at that time , having a good command of the temperament1 and superb skills in playing the musical instrument .

  12. 官方媒体新华社周末在其微博账户报道称,中国廉价航空公司春秋航空(SpringAirlines)暂停了6月19日之前所有从上海飞往越南的包机航班。

    Over the weekend , the official microblog of state news agency Xinhua reported that Chinese low-cost carrier Spring Airlines was suspending all charter flights from Shanghai to Vietnam until June 19 .

  13. 经统计学分析0~4岁组AFP报告发病率较高,春秋夏季节高发;

    Through statistical analysis the AFP cases reported rates were the highest whin 0 ~ 4 years . The onset of the AFP presented a clear seasonal peak in spring , summer and autumn .

  14. 春秋季层状云降水过程Z-I关系计算与讨论

    Calculation and Analysis of Z-I Relation Among Precipitation Processes Caused by Sheet Cloud in Spring and Autumn

  15. SPM有机质含量的季节差异比较大,与水深和粒度有显著负相关关系。春秋冬三季悬浮颗粒物的可溶性磷在涨潮初期均发生释放;

    The highest SPM appeared at the beginning of all flood tide , the content of organic material of SPM showed seasonal difference , and had a negative significant correlation with water depth and particulate granularity .

  16. 二者的N20释放通量也表现出较为明显的季节变化,夏季释放通量较高,春秋季节释放通量较低。

    N2O flux also showed a more significant seasonal variation . Flux in summer was higher than flux in spring and autumn .

  17. 从土壤酶活性的季节变化来看,表层土壤(0~10cm)土壤酶活性均表现出冬夏两季较低而春秋两季较高。

    The seasonal changes of surface soil ( 0 ~ 10cm ) enzyme activities under two control showed that the soil enzyme activities were higher in spring and autumn , lower in winter and summer . 5 .

  18. 并在此基础上,计算了全国6个典型地貌类型区,在春秋分日、夏至日和冬至日,两个空间分辨率下(500m和1km)地面日照时间的空间分布。

    In this study , 6 typical terrain areas within China were selected and their spatial distributions of sunlit time on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes , the Summer Solstice and midwinter day in two different resolutions ( 500m and 1km ) were calculated using the developed model .

  19. 论春秋时期郑国的外交政策

    Foreign Policies of Zheng State during the Spring and Autumn Period

  20. 《建筑理论与评论》(纲要)·序&建筑理论春秋

    Architecture Theory and Comment ( Compendium ) · Preface-Architecture Theory Annais

  21. 大连湾春秋季浮游植物的调查研究

    Study on phytoplankton in the Dalian Bay in spring and Autumn

  22. 笔者对春秋金文中的构件做统计,排除未识构件和非基础构件,得到基础构件476个。

    In author 's statistics , foundation components 476 are obtained .

  23. 春秋时期,吴国和越国之间进行了一场战争,吴王不幸受了重伤,不久就死了。

    The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died .

  24. 春秋天信仰的特点

    The Characteristic of Belief in Heaven in the Spring and Autumn Period

  25. 试论春秋时期人类的迁徙

    On the Population Migration in the Spring and Autumn Period

  26. 春秋时期(770bc&446bc),围棋就很流行。

    In the spring and autumn period , Weiqi was already popular .

  27. 春秋时期商业发展的几个特点

    On the Several Features of Commercial Development in Spring and Autumn Periods

  28. 春秋时期伦理政治价值观的转向

    Transformation in Political Values during the Spring and Autumn Period

  29. 试论春秋行人的知识结构

    Discussing the Knowledge Structure of Diplomats at the Spring and Autumn Period

  30. 《春秋》经传研究选题举例

    Examples of Selected Topics for Research on the Spring ■ Autumn Scripture