
chūn jì
  • spring;springtime;spring season
春季 [chūn jì]
  • [spring] 一年的第一季,我国习惯指立春到立夏的三个月时间,也指农历正、二、三三个月

春季[chūn jì]
  1. 这项工程预定在明年春季竣工。

    The project is due for completion in the spring .

  2. 谈判预期在春季举行。

    It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring .

  3. 寒冷的春季会自然控制昆虫的数量。

    A cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects .

  4. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。

    She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring .

  5. 一有机会就把春季卷心菜移种到地里。

    Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise .

  6. 我们于1977年春季再次见面。

    We met again in the spring of 1977 .

  7. 首先,让我来夸几句,你们《三角迷踪》春季号的大部分内容都非常精彩。

    Firstly I compliment you on most of your excellent Spring issue of ' Triangle ' .

  8. 这儿春季雨水勤。

    Rains are frequent here in spring .

  9. 已经有50名选手报名参加春季长跑。

    Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long-distance race .

  10. 冬小麦在春季返青。

    The winter wheat turns green in spring .

  11. 他把废水引到浅水池里,待其结冰后就一直储存到春季。

    He directed the wasted water into shallow basins where it froze , and was stored until the spring .

  12. 在春季训练结束时,学校的老队与该队比赛是一个传统。

    It was a tradition for the school 's old team to play against the team at the end of spring practice .

  13. 体育系正在寻找能在2016年秋季、2016-17冬季和2017年春季学期帮助工作人员的学生。

    The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016 , Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters .

  14. 此图显示了一只鸟在春季迁徙前五天的飞行距离(见图2)

    Here is a graph that charts how far a bird flies during the first Five days of its spring migration ( See Graph 2 ) .

  15. 在春季,阿巴拉契亚地区的小城镇为社区举办大型三叶韭晚餐很常见。

    During spring , it is common for small towns in the Appalachian area to hold large ramp dinners for the community .

  16. 今日小常识侯丽节Holi,是印度每年春季中的一个重要节日。

    Holi , the annual Hindu festival , is celebrated3 in Spring across India .

  17. 有些花在春季里很早发出叶来。

    Some flowers bud their leaves very early in spring .

  18. 时当春季,怒放的扁桃花使那片山坡鲜红似火

    It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossoms .

  19. 一家大商店正在进行鞋子和长筒靴的春季大销售。

    A large store was having the spring sale on shoes and boots .

  20. 春季里,他们在苗床发芽并生长一年

    In spring they are germinated and grown for a year in beds .

  21. 他补充道,今年的春季对花期影响尤其大。

    This year 's seasons in particular influenced the blossom dates , he added .

  22. 你的生日在春季。

    Your birthday comes in spring .

  23. 春季——比如五月——的樱桃园美不胜收。

    A cherry-orchard1 in spring , say in the month of May , is a beautiful sight .

  24. “没关系!万物复苏的春季就要来了,天气在逐渐变好。”

    B : Don 't worry ! Spring 's round the corner – things are looking up .

  25. 到了春季,橡树又会重新长出树叶,而四月或五月时分就会出现一小簇一小簇的绿色花朵。

    In the spring the leaves grow again , and in April or May little clusters of small greenish flowers appear .

  26. 教育部要求高校错峰安排春季学期开学时间,同时做好线上教学的准备。同时,高校应定期对重点人群和环境进行核酸检测,并对重要场所进行消杀处理。

    Universities should also conduct routine nucleic acid tests on key groups of people and the environment and frequently sterilize , it added .

  27. 霍华德和莫尔豪斯等学校的春季庆典就是让你们显露身手的。

    Springfest at schools like Howard and Morehouse , that ’ s the time when you get to strut7 your stuff a little bit .

  28. 多地明确:返乡者需持核酸检测阴性证明为了遏制冬春季疫情,我国将进一步扩大核酸检测范围,并增加定期检测频率。

    To curb the epidemic in this winter-spring period , China will expand nucleic acid testing to a larger scale and increase regular testing frequency .

  29. 多所高校近日均调整了新学期开学安排至少16所在京高校已经宣布延迟春季学期开学时间,在此期间将开展线上教学。

    At least 16 universities in Beijing have announced that they will postpone the start of spring semester and resort to online teaching in the meantime .

  30. 不失时机抓好春季农业生产。要抓紧解决影响春耕备耕的突出问题,组织好农资生产、流通、供应,确保农业生产不误农时。

    In doing so , we should make efforts to address the protruding issues in spring farming preparation and ensure well-organized production , transportation and supply of farming materials .