- local circulation

A Study on Local Circulation and Temperature in Alpine Glaciated Area
Numerical simulation of 3D local circulation over a complicated terrain
A method of calculating the velocity of local circulation by wind observational data
Numerical forecasting experiments on local circulation in Jinan City
Local Atmospheric Circulations over Beijing-Tianjin Area in Summer
Numerical Simulation of Regional Circulation in Complex Terrain
Numerical study on the interaction between local circulations and turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer
Influence of summer local circulation on the transportation of ozone from urban to the downwind area in Beijing
The vertical flow over the urban generally consists of a close circulation characterized by strong daytime updrafts at the center city .
The model results denote that the variation of pollutants are strongly affected by synoptic wind , local circulation and boundary layer stability .
The distinct mountain system could cause a different surface-to-air exchange process from that over the plateau flat areas and other mountain regions .
The local climate can be classified into three categories , that is the mountain scale , the valley scale and the glacier scale .
Local Atmospheric Circulation is a global common phenomenon , and it has a close relationship with the occurrence of suspended dust . 2 .
The emphasis of the research is put on the simulation of the local circulations in Jinan , such as heat island circulation , mountain-valley breeze .
The converge that the surface and low altitude airflow and the part circumfluencethe on account of terrain action of mountain Taihang make the smog converge in Shijiazhuang .
On the issue of energy transform in local circulation , the theory on perturbation potential energy ( PPE ) and its application are investigated in a series of researches .
The analysis shows that ① the formation and evolution of the local circulation in the urban boundary layer is influenced by the mountain breeze circulation and heat island circulation together .
The layout for city industrial enterprise needs to consider fully the transportation characteristic in area , first the characteristic of city wind field ( includes the influence of local circulation ) .
There is a close relationship between aerosol concentration distributions and synoptic conditions . The aerosol pollution is very severe while a fine and breeze weather appears and a local circulation dominates over Beijing area .
The interaction of the local circulation in some areas resulted in the complexity and variability of the temperature and salinity structure in the upper layer , and the alternating distribution of cold and warm water regions ( blocks ) .
The amount of pollutant emission and the atmosphere stability state are major factors that influence air pollutants in the urban area . The weather change is the dominant factor of the urban air pollution density change . The local circulation is also a key factor influencing pollutant distribution .
The interdecadal variability of surface energy balance and its related regional atmospheric circulation results from that of the global climate system .
The results suggest that the diurnal variation of GPS PWV seems to be strongly affected by the local thermal circulations generated by the topography around these stations .
The variations of the Antarctic sea-ice in each sea region are obviously different . This kind of different variations in each region may have different influence on a regional atmospheric circulation and further on global climate system .
The mechanisms of the weather disasters in2003 are analyzed quantitatively with the local meridional circulation model based on NCEP reanalysis data and observational data provided by MICAPS system .
Such local meridional circulation leads to the dry climatology over the two deserts .
Characteristics of surface winds in Takla-Makan deserts and their relationship to the orientation of dunes in neighboring regions
Effect of urban heat island can produce local secondary circulation and form regional convergence and divergence structure .
6 , The zonal difference and seasonal change of locally anomalous meridional circulation are great . The meridional circulation anomaly over the Pacific Ocean relates closely with the El Nino / La Nina events .
THE SWELTERING SUMMER AND SUBTROPICAL HIGH IN 1978 Analysis of a Typical Air Pollution Process in Relation to Local Meteorology and Atmospheric Circulation in the Early Summer