
jú miàn
  • situation;aspect;scale;prospects;phase;dispensation;ballgame
局面 [jú miàn]
  • (1) [dispensation]∶原指在棋局上所下棋子的形势

  • 互相残杀的局面已占上风

  • (2) [aspect;situation]∶后用以比喻事态;形势

  • (3) [scale]∶度量;规模;排场;铺面

  • 这个商店的局面不小,经营得却不太好

局面[jú miàn]
  1. 开源Linux操作系统在嵌入式领域的发展,为我国扭转在嵌入式操作系统领域的落后局面提供了机遇。

    Linux & opens the source operating system in the embedded domain development , has provided the opportunity to reversed for our country in the embedded operating system domain backward aspect .

  2. 适应新形势开创新局面

    Adapting to the new situation and starting the new aspect

  3. 主队牢牢控制着比赛的局面。

    The home team took a firm grip on the game .

  4. 我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。

    It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation .

  5. 你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的手段。

    You have to admire the way he handled the situation .

  6. 这一局面煞是怪异,让她惊愕不已。

    She was struck by the incongruity of the situation .

  7. 这种局面从未间断地持续了一百年。

    This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years .

  8. 她因妥善处理了那个局面而受到表扬。

    She was commended on her handling of the situation .

  9. 他未领略到这种局面的滑稽可笑之处。

    He didn 't appreciate the comedy of the situation .

  10. 旅游市场出现了萧条局面。

    The bottom has fallen out of the travel market .

  11. 当地的警察竭力缓和这个社区种族间的紧张局面。

    Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community .

  12. 已经采取措施以改善局面。

    Steps have been taken to ameliorate the situation .

  13. 随着他的辞职,局面恶化得难以收拾。

    Matters came to a head with his resignation .

  14. 我们一定要采取措施整顿局面。

    We must take steps to rectify the situation .

  15. 我们在这里所面临的是一个危急局面。

    What we have here is a crisis situation .

  16. 我们都遇到过类似的尴尬局面。

    We have all been in similar embarrassing situations .

  17. 你只有道歉才能挽回这个局面。

    You can only retrieve the situation by apologizing .

  18. 他像行家一般处理了这一局面。

    He handled the situation like an old pro .

  19. 无论从哪一方面看,这个局面都很尴尬。

    The situation is an awkward one , whichever way you look at it .

  20. 这是一个各得其所的局面。

    This is a win-win situation all around .

  21. 你应付那种局面很有一套。

    You dealt with the situation very effectively .

  22. 直到后来她才看出了那种局面的荒唐。

    It was only later that she could see the absurdity of the situation .

  23. 我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。

    To a certain extent , we are all responsible for this tragic situation .

  24. 我们已无法控制这一局面。

    The situation is beyond our control .

  25. 该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。

    The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs .

  26. 这支队得扳回上半场0:2的落后局面。

    The team has to come back from a 2 – 0 deficit in the first half .

  27. 他那时正试图把导致这一局面的一系列复杂事件理出个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation .

  28. 要是不请她走,我们也就没有多少办法应付这种局面了。

    Short of asking her to leave there 's not a lot we can do about the situation .

  29. 我必须查清造成这一混乱局面的真正原因。

    I have to get to the bottom of this mess .

  30. 他是唯一能挽回局面的人。

    He is the one man who could retrieve that situation .