
jú wài rén
  • outsider;stranger;nonmembership
局外人 [jú wài rén]
  • (1) [stranger]∶不属于一个组织、社团或没有得到允许参加其活动的人

  • (2) [outsider]

  • (3) 不被某单位、范畴或组织承认或接纳者

  • (4) 与世隔绝或感到自己是被孤独的人

  • (5) 指与某事无关的人

  • (6) [nonmembership]∶非成员的状况或身份

局外人[jú wài rén]
  1. 她说,尽管她在意大利呆了多年,能流利地说当地语言,意大利人还是总"把我看成外国人",一个局外人,。

    Italians always " see me as a foreigner , " an outsider , even though she 's stayed in the country for years and can speak the local language fluently , she said .

  2. 唯一一个见到AppleII的局外人是酒店的技术员。

    The only outsider who saw this first Apple II was the hotel 's technician .

  3. 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。

    These activists don 't want to feel out of the loop .

  4. 我抽身出来,从局外人的角度分析了形势。

    I stepped back and analysed the situation

  5. 有时安全措施过于严密,使本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。

    Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture .

  6. 个中事局外人无从知晓。

    Outsiders have no way to know the inside story .

  7. 尽管Rational仍然看起来像一个局外人,但是它正在团体中形成联盟,并从中学习。

    Although Rational was still looked upon as an outsider , it was forging alliances within the community and learning from them .

  8. 而且,正如有些人指出的,我们也许会进入一个新的冷战时代&与作为局外人的Google,而不是Oracle。

    Moreover , as several have pointed out , we may be entering a new cold-war era & with Google , not Oracle , as the outlier .

  9. 评论人士此前就认为该剧集中的英国明星本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)和马丁•弗里曼(MartinFreeman)是艾美奖的局外人。

    The critics had considered British stars of the show Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman to be outliers for the awards .

  10. 但我认为从一个全新视角,以一个企业软件局外人的角度来考量BI问题更有利于创新。

    But I think thinking about BI problems from a fresh perspective , from the perspective of someone outside the enterprise space , will lead to the invention of new visualization methods .

  11. 此外,作为一个生活在自称为圣经腰带(BibleBelt)带扣上的这座城市中的犹太人(孟菲斯号称教堂多于加油站),我一向很清楚我的局外人身份。

    Moreover , as a Jew living in a town that declared itself the buckle of the Bible Belt ( Memphis boasted more churches than gas stations ), I was always aware of my outsider status .

  12. Raj开始感到孤独,同时他也意识到,在此地他将会被永远视作“二等公民”,一个局外人。

    Raj felt very lonely because of this . He also understood that he would always be treated as a second citizen - an outsider .

  13. 他可能缺乏信心,但是他拥有成群的粉丝和未显出任何迟钝迹象的幽默感,就SIR公司的前途和这位伟大的好莱坞局外人打赌显然是十分不明智的。

    He may lack confidence but with an army of fans behind him and a killer sense of humour that shows no sign of losing its edge , it would be unwise to bet against the great Hollywood outsider in his new venture .

  14. 黑色孤儿于3月30日首播。Sarah,一个局外人和孤儿,目击了一个和她长得一模一样的女子Beth自杀过程,此后她的生活发生了戏剧性的改变。

    The groundbreaking series launched on March 30 with Sarah ( Maslany ), an outsider and orphan whose life changes dramatically after witnessing the suicide of a woman , Beth , who looks just like her .

  15. 作为一个局外人,Sakamaki的照片展现了迟疑与忧虑。

    Sakamaki works as an outsider , and his photos offer glimpses of indecision and unease .

  16. 在他迫使Turner先生提前退休之后,人们认为Olver先生将与过去做出果断的决裂,选择一位局外人来推动他的改革运动。

    After he pushed Mr Turner into early retirement , it was assumed that Mr Olver would make a clean break with the past by choosing an outsider to carry forward his crusade .

  17. 领导共和党过渡团队的Walden强调说,许多未来的共和党人都是华盛顿的局外人。

    Walden , who leads the Republican transition team , emphasized that many of the incoming Republicans are Washington outsiders . " The incoming republican freshman class , well , it 's no ordinary group , " said Walden .

  18. 他认为,新近加入富人行列的DIY客户尤其应当认真考虑聘请理财公司。它们不仅可以为客户节省时间、提供专业管理,还能够用宝贵的局外人眼光,审视客户的投资组合。

    He believes that DIY clients in the newly affluent category in particular should give serious consideration to using a wealth manager not just to provide time-saving , professional management but also to provide an valuable external eye on their portfolios .

  19. 随着望远镜性能的不断提高,我们也许会发现更多像Segue2一样的“局外人”。这对于数学的发展无疑是件好事,因为这样大小的星系曾被预测过,但直到最近才被观测到。

    As the capabilities of our telescopes improve , we might find more outliers like Segue 2 , which is great for math , because galaxies of this size were predicted but never observed until recently .

  20. 哈佛商学院的古塔姆穆昆达(gautammukunda)所著的新书《不可或缺》里就用林肯作为例子,讨论了现代管理学里最激烈的辩论之一到底局内人还是局外人当老板更好?

    In his new book , " indispensable " , Gautam mukunda , of Harvard Business School , uses Lincoln to examine one of the liveliest debates in modern management-whether insiders or outsiders make better bosses .

  21. 现在,Sakamaki来到中国的新疆、云南、辽宁等边远省份,拍摄他的摄影项目“中国的边远地带”。这个项目纪录了中国边远地区的少数族群,正在迅速变为那片他们称之为故乡的土地的局外人。

    Now , Mr. Sakamaki has turned to China 's fringe provinces - Xinjian , Yunnan , Liaoning and others - where his project , " China 's Outer Lands , " catalogs marginalized minority groups that are rapidly becoming strangers in the territories they call home .

  22. 作为一个局外人,索罗斯显然成为了受害者。

    Soros , as an outsider , was an obvious casualty .

  23. 做为一名局外人,他一向十分赏识这位丽莉·巴特。

    As a spectator , he had always enjoyed Lily Bart .

  24. 越来越多的法国人签订临时合同,成为享受不到特权的局外人。

    Ever more French people are unprivileged outsiders on temporary contracts .

  25. 《局外人》是加缪荒诞哲学的文学表现。

    The Stranger is Camus 's literary expression of preposterous philosophy .

  26. 话说回来,这位局外人最终成为了一个美国标杆。

    Still , the outsider has finally become an American success .

  27. 对于多数局外人来说,政府公告的语言令人头脑发木。

    To most outsiders the language of official declarations is mind-numbing .

  28. 他是个局外人,虽然看起来并不像。

    He 's an outsider who doesn 't look like one .

  29. 本章第二节探究了局外人形成的原因。

    The second section explores the reasons why they become outsiders .

  30. 局外人很难把握的一个因素是片长。

    One variable that is hard for outsiders involves running time .