
  • 网络Partial view;detail view
  1. 局部视图和局部剖视图中波浪线画法的正确表述与剖析

    Right Description and Analysis of Drawing Way of Wave Lines Part Cutaway View

  2. 关于局部视图的正确画法

    Discuss on normative drawing of local type view

  3. 斜视图的断裂边界画法同局部视图。

    The drawing of the broken boundary lines is the same as the partial views .

  4. 视图系统,包括对局部视图和集合视图的支持

    View system including partials and collection support

  5. 此外,系统使用基于领域本体构建全局和局部视图的策略,避免领域中概念的语义冲突。

    Furthermore , because global view and local view are all constructed based on domain-based Ontology , the conflict of semantic field be avoided .

  6. 本文提出如下策略以提供给节点一个可靠的局部视图:服从幂律分布并使用优先连接的增长模型,推拉的闲谈机制,一种基于分布式哈希表的心跳优化。

    This paper proposes the following strategy to provide a reliable local node view : obey the power law distribution and use of priority connections growth model ; push-pull mechanism gossip ; the optimization of the heart based on distributed hash table .

  7. 用二次B样条曲线代替波浪线绘制局部剖视图

    Replacing Wavy Lines by B Spline Curves Twice for Drawing Local Section

  8. AutoCAD中生成局部放大视图的简便方法

    The simple way of producing partial enlarged view in AutoCAD

  9. 含有回转结构的零件局部剖视图

    The Broken & out Section of Machine Parts with the Construction of Revolution

  10. 剖切位置明显的局部剖视图可以不标注。

    If the cutting position is obvious , it needn 't be signed .

  11. 设计一个基于XML的水文数据集成平台框架:本文以典型的Mediator-Wrapper体系结构为平台框架结构,采用虚拟视图的方法,用XML描述局部数据源视图。

    Presents a platform framework based on XML for data integration in water resources domain : This platform framework adopts Mediator-Wrapper architecture and takes virtual view method .

  12. 该框架以典型的Mediator-Wrapper体系结构为平台框架结构,采用虚拟视图的方法,用XML描述局部数据源视图。

    It uses the Mediator-Wrapper structure building up a platform frame . This frame adopts the methods of virtual view and describes the local data view with XML .

  13. 同时通过在运行时为每个用户在内存中建立一个局部角色层次视图提高了系统的权限检查效率。

    We build a local role hierarchy view for each user during the runtime to improve the speed of checking user privileges .

  14. 全局本体作为局部本体的统一视图,描述中间件在特定领域范围内可集成的所有数据。

    Global ontology is as a unified view of local ontology , describing all datum in specific domain that can be integrated in middleware .