- 网络local composition

Local Composition Version of M-H ( 81 ) Equation of State
The method of the combination of local composition concept with equations of state has been used in the study of the correction parameter kji in the Van Der Waals one fluid mixing rule .
The components of CPU include three typical parts : arithmetic unit , control unit and registers .
P-T EQUATION OF STATE WITH LOCAL COMPOSITION MIXING RULES & Phase Equilibrium Calculations for Ethanol Extraction With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
A Simplified Local Composition Mixing Rule on the Basis of the UNIFAC Equation
Taking advantage of mixture rules on the basis of local constituent concept , we improved the PT state equation to make the model more suitable to predict the system containing the polar inhibitors .
Based on Guggenheim 's quasi-chemical equation and one-fluid model , a formula for the calculation of local composition and the molecular model for the component activity coefficient in liquid mixtures are derived .
The vapor-liquid equilibrium data of carbon dioxide-water , carbon dioxide-ethanol systems at high pressure were measured - A new local composition mixing rule was deduced based on EOS / GE model . The correlated results with SRK equation were in good agreement with the experimental data .
Quasi - Chemical local composition model and its application
Mutual Diffusion Coefficient Model Based on Local Composition Concept
A Study on Local Composition Model (ⅱ) A Group Contribution Quasi-Chemical Local Composition Model
A Density Dependent Local Composition Mixing Rule
Drawing phase diagrams from prediction results of multicomponent salt containing systems by local composition model
A non-local-composition activity coefficient equation
Correlation of ~ 1H NMR chemical shift for associated systems by local composition model and two-liquid theory
New correlations of Excess Enthalpy is developed by combining the corresponding state principle and local components concept .
Study on the Local Composition Model in the Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Progress on the Thermodynamics of Electrolyte So (?) utions
It can be seen that the newly proposed model is better than the regular solution model for calculating wax precipitation at low temperature .
Through microscopic appearance the inspection and the partial composition element analysis , the ash deposition mechanism of municipal solid waste could be revealed .
A new activity coefficient model was established based on the generalized van der Waals partition function and the coordination number model for mixtures with chainlike molecules .
Expounds the principle of audio frequency power amplifier is designed for manostat , preamplifier , volume control , power amplifier four parts digital power amplifier megaphone .
A local composition activity coefficient model was proposed and applied to calculate the wax precipitation from crude oil . The calculation result was compared with that of the regular solution model .
Based on the model of statistical thermodynamics and the theory of surface thermodynamics , the equation of local composition is given . Combining it with the reaction rate theory , a new equation of surface tension is given .
It was proved that this equation is general , namely it is applicable not only to various small molecular liquid mixtures , but also to various polymer solutions , and has more extensive applicability than local-composition activity coefficient equations .
Based on the concept of local composition and two-liquid theory , a semi-empirical physical local composition model was proposed to correlate ~ 1H NMR chemical shift of associated solution . The model contained two parameters denoting the intermolecular interaction energy .
The architecture is composed of virtual server and local DBMS .
RNNs are characterized by interconnection of a large number of neural units , which formes highly nonlinear dynamical systems .
The actuators and sensors are connected only by local feedback loops . Procaine alleviates the ache aroused by intravenous dripping of Ciprofloxacin Injection
The anticline consists mainly of an overthrust nappe and two partial anticlines , and includes a blind thrust and two surface active faults .
The business level which includes logistic network and information network , comprises of three local networks which is recycling , processing and trading , and the renewable resources recycling and reusing business information flows in the local networks .