
fù yìn jiàn
  • copy;photocopy;duplicate;duplicated documentation
  1. 那记者显然弄到了史蒂夫辞职信的复印件。

    The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve 's resignation letter

  2. 她给他们寄去了她美国护照的复印件。

    She forwarded them a copy of her American passport .

  3. 你需要多少复印件就复印多少吧。

    Make as many photocopies as you need .

  4. 他保留下原件而只给了她一份复印件。

    He kept the original copy and gave her only a Xerox .

  5. 他把复印件和原件都保留着。

    He kept both the duplicate and the copy .

  6. 所有与会人员都收到了会议通知的复印件。

    All members received duplicated notices of the meetings .

  7. 请将复印件与原件对比一下。

    Contrast the copy with the original .

  8. 达尔文写这封信是为了感谢美国的一位地质学家费迪纳得·万德韦尔·海登博士,感谢他给自己寄送的个区域地质研究的复印件,该区域后来成为黄石公园。

    The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park .

  9. 如上所述,我们将需要四份所有相关文件的复印件,每位客人一份。

    As mentioned above , we will need four copies of all the relevant documents – one for each of our guests .

  10. B:请填写委托扣款协议申请表,并提供身份证复印件和交费卡号码。A:行。这样填写可以吗?

    B : Please fill out the Application Form of Entrustment Agreement for Charges with a copy of your ID card and your Charge Card number . A : OK.Is that all right ?

  11. 如果贵司已经通过ISO9000或是其它质量管理体系认证,请递交有关证书的复印件。

    If your factory has been certified according to ISO9000 or other quality management system certification , please attach a copy of the certificate .

  12. 将学生证复印件通过邮寄或电子邮件的方式发给IMA中国并注明已在线支付会员费;

    Deliver the copy of student identification to IMA China office by mail or email and confirm that they have already paid the fee online ;

  13. “影印”是一个过时的术语复印件。

    " Photostat " is an outdated term for a photocopy .

  14. 打印;为排字工人保存复印件。

    Used in printing ; holds the copy for the compositor .

  15. 施工企业营业执照、资质证书复印件。

    Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise .

  16. 史密斯教授的文章的复印件吗?

    Would you like a copy of Professor Smith 's article ?

  17. 我要不要事先给您寄上我的资格证书复印件?

    Should I send you copies of my qualification in advance ?

  18. 请确定您的文件复印件是有效的及可辨证的。

    Please ensure that your Scanned documents are valid and legible .

  19. 邀请人绿卡,医疗保险卡,社会安全卡的复印件。

    B-10.Photocopies of Permanent Resident Card , Medicare insurance card and .

  20. 玛丽,约翰先生需要这些文件的复印件。

    Marry , Mr Johnson wants these documents to be copied .

  21. 这个复印件被弄模糊了,不太清晰。

    The copy is blurred , it is not very clear .

  22. 我忘记告诉你了,她把给你的复印件送到我这儿了。

    I forgot to tell you she gave me your copy .

  23. 复印件不是伪造罪的对象;

    Duplicated documents are not the objects of the crime .

  24. 和一份签署文件的复印件给国家档案馆。

    And a copy of the signed document to the National Archives .

  25. 我们附上我们身份证复印件,以此证明我们的身份。

    Photocopies our identification cards are attached herein to prove our identity .

  26. 留下原始收据给我们寄一份复印件。

    Keep the oriainal receipt and send us a photocopy .

  27. 我把就业保险上诉的复印件给他看。

    I showed him the copy of Employment Insurance appeal .

  28. 我们需要两份团体签证复印件以办理入境手续。

    We need two copies of your group visa for entry procedures .

  29. 所有报名参加者报名时都须提供有效身份证复印件。

    The entire racer must provide the copy ID card when enrolling .

  30. 29.能给我一份你的出生证明复印件吗?

    29 . Can I have a copy of your birth certificate ?