
fù tiáo yīn yuè
  • polyphony
  1. 钢琴教学中复调音乐的训练方法

    How to Practise Playing Polyphony in Piano 's Teaching

  2. 浅析冼星海复调音乐的民族化

    On the nationality of Xian Xinghai 's polyphony composition

  3. 其次,对西洋复调音乐体裁&《序曲与赋格》作了一些必要的介绍。

    The next , introduced the Preludes and Fugues .

  4. 复调音乐的进一步发展,孕育了现代调性和声的胚胎。

    The development of polyphonic music conceived the embryo of modern tonal harmony .

  5. 复调音乐中由特殊的声音或乐器表现出来的音调。

    The melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music .

  6. 采用复调音乐的形式来结构小说。

    He uses the form of echo tone of music to configure the novel .

  7. 复调音乐创作中对比手法的研究

    The Research of Contrast Technique of Polyphony Creation

  8. 论巴赫的复调音乐

    The Discussion About Bach 's Compound Music

  9. 复调音乐在西方音乐漫长的历史长河中,以其艳丽的风姿,展现着其独特的艺术魅力。

    In the long history of western music , polyphonic music emerges unique art glamor .

  10. 复调音乐中最底的部分。

    The lowest part in polyphonic music .

  11. 复调音乐形式的发展与演变

    Evolution and Development of Polyphony

  12. 本文通过对复调音乐创作中对比手法的研究,在一定程度上启发复调音乐创作的理性思维。

    This article will study on polyphony contrast unique to illume the rational thought of polyphony composition .

  13. 西方基督教教会自复调音乐产生以来,对复调技法的发展一直抱以十分关注的态度。

    The Christian Church had been concerned the development of counterpoint technique since counterpoint music come into being .

  14. 前苏联作曲家谢德林的《24首前奏曲与赋格》,是20世纪钢琴复调音乐中的重要文献。

    That Shchedrin 's 24 Prelude and Fugue is an important work of the counterpoint music in 20th century .

  15. 研究西方早期复调音乐,能够为今天的某些音乐实践找到渊源。

    So the study of the early western polyphony helps to find the source of some music practice today .

  16. 西乐之奇葩&西方早期复调音乐及其对西方音乐的意义

    An Exotic Flower of Western Music - The Polyphonic Music in Early Time in West and the Meaning to Music

  17. 他在浪漫派这一主调音乐盛行的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。

    He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic , which homophony been dominated .

  18. 其中最别出一格的便是最令人关注的复调音乐各种形式与技法。

    Do one of the most out of a grid is the greatest concern in all its forms and techniques of polyphony .

  19. 固定旋律,固定曲调:与对位声部一起作为一首复调音乐基础的一段素歌旋律,如在15世纪复调音乐中。

    A plainsong melody serving as the basis of a polyphonic composition by the addition of contrapuntal voices , as in15th-century polyphony .

  20. 巴赫在创作《勃兰登堡协奏曲》时将意大利的音乐风格与德国传统的复调音乐风格相结合,使这部作品兼有两种不同的音乐文化特色。

    The combining of the Italian music style and German missionaries music style makes the concertos have both of the musical cultural features .

  21. 尤其是记谱法、复调音乐的产生和管风琴的发明,对后来西方各个时期音乐的发展起到了举足轻重的作用。

    The invention of music notation , polyphony and pipe organ counts for much to the development of Western music of all times .

  22. 他对复调音乐的创新性贡献,尤其是对第二个复调音乐高峰所产生的直接影响是不容忽视的。

    That his creative contribution to the counterpoint music , especially directly influence to the second high development of counterpoint music shall not be ignored .

  23. 他的音乐既是对早期复调音乐的一种复古,同时也是即将到来的二十世纪复调音乐复兴的一个先兆。

    S music was not only returned to the early counterpoint , but also an indication to the renascent counterpoint music in 20th century at hand .

  24. 音乐形式则表现为从单个音的线形思维(主调音乐)到多个音的立体思维(复调音乐),最后达到二者的共存;

    Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking ( homophony ) to a three-dimensional sound thinking ( polyphony ), and finally achieved both coexistence .

  25. 传统的音乐检索都是针对哼唱那样的单声道音乐,对钢琴这样的复调音乐检索研究则相对较少。

    The traditional music retrieval aims at monophonic music , such as humming , but there is a little research on polyphonic music , such as piano music .

  26. 陈铭志教授是我国著名的作曲家、理论家、音乐教育家,复调音乐理论与实践的著名专家。

    Professor Chen ' mingzhi is a famous composer , theorist , music educator and an eminent specialist in the theory and practice of polyphonic music in our country .

  27. 目的在于对当今复调音乐在十二音技法的创作与教学中,将传统对位法与现代音乐风格加以继承和创新提供一些有意义的参考和借鉴。

    The purpose of twelve-tone techniques of polyphony in the creation and teaching . Especially the traditional counterpoint and modern music styles to inheritance and innovation of some meaningful reference .

  28. 亨利·浦塞尔是17世纪最杰出的英国作曲家,也是一个处于历史上两个复调音乐发展高峰之间的重要人物。

    Henry Purcell was a most outstanding Briton composer in 17th century , and also a key man exist period between two stages of counterpoint music high development during history .

  29. 在主调的音乐作品中镶嵌复调音乐形式的织体,用复调音乐对主调音乐进行装饰,是贝多芬善用的技术手法之一。

    In music works enchase fabric of polyphonic forms , it is universal phenomenon that homophony decorates to polyphony . It is one of the technical approaches Beethoven usually uses .

  30. 如果说中国的绘画艺术具有一种线韵意味的话,西方的音乐绘画可以称作是绘画中的复调音乐。

    If say that the Chinese painting art has a kind of line melody " spirit , the western music brush art can call to is in the painting of polyphony music " .