
xū shù
  • imaginary number;unreliable figure
虚数 [xū shù]
  • (1) [unreliable figure]∶虚假不实的数字

  • (2) [imaginary number]∶实数与虚数单位之积,亦即实部为零的复数(如3i)

虚数[xū shù]
  1. 万有引力场是虚数场

    The universal gravitation field is an imaginary number field

  2. 量子理论中的虚数i

    The Imaginary Number I in Quantum Theory

  3. 1843年,威廉汉密尔顿(williamhamilton)在都柏林发明了四元数,将虚数扩展到四维空间。

    Quaternions , which extend imaginary numbers into a further dimension , began to be developed by William Hamilton in Dublin in 1843 .

  4. 基于这个原因,通过将MDCT系数作为实数部分,将与其对应的MDST(modifieddiscretesinetransform)系数作为虚数部分来构造一个复值域。

    For this reason , we combining the MDCT coefficients as real part and the corresponding MDST ( modified discrete sine transform ) coefficients as the imaginary part to form a complex domain .

  5. 本文介绍了Hermite算法和Rothstein算法,并给出和证明了将可能出现的虚数结果都换成实数结果的算法。

    This paper describes Hermite algorithm and Rothstein algorithm . It gives and proves the algorithm with which all possible imaginary results can be changed into real ones .

  6. 例如,此方法可以轻易地支持虚数。

    For example , this method could easily support imaginary numbers .

  7. 最著名的例子便是虚数理论的发展。

    The most famous example is the development of imaginary numbers .

  8. 文件虚数组类模板的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Class Template of File Virtual Data Set

  9. 虚数这个名字本身就传递出了人们认为这一概念无用的态度。

    The very name conveys the supposed uselessness of the concept .

  10. 处理量子反应散射的负虚数势方法

    Method of Negative Imaginary Potentials for Treating Quantum Reactive Scattering

  11. 当代物理学的发展是与虚数进入物理世界联系在一起的。

    The imaginary number comes in physical world along with physical evolution .

  12. 它证明任何的零点必须是纯虚数。

    It shows that any zero must be pure imaginary .

  13. 虚数单位i的平方等于-1。

    Square the imaginary unit , I , and you get minus one .

  14. 这一切是不是虚数,是每天和每小时的现实。

    All this is not imaginary , it is daily and hourly reality .

  15. 由于虚数部分抵消了,故其总和就是总阻尼。

    Since the imaginary parts cancel the result is the sum of the dampings .

  16. 虚数的她的回忆录中有许多虚构的人物。

    Her memoirs are people with imaginary creatures .

  17. 量子理论的数学公式需要运用虚数。

    The mathematical formulation of the quantum theory has required the use of imaginary numbers .

  18. 当间隔为虚数时,我们说这两点之间有一个类空间隔。

    When an interval is imaginary , we say that the two points have a space-like interval between them .

  19. 磁头磁阻的计算中,分别就磁芯材料的磁导率为实数和虚数的情况进行了讨论。

    The calculation of head reluctance deals with two conditions in which the core material permeability is real or complex .

  20. 考察具有一对共轭纯虚数特征值的二维非线性临界解析动态系统的局部渐近稳定性。

    The locally asymptotic stability of a2-dimension nonlinear analytic dynamic system with a pair of conjugated imaginary eigenvalues is studied .

  21. 顺便也从理论上讨论了估计系偶差出现虚数的问题。

    A problem that the imaginary numbers is taken place in estimation of regular errors is theoretically discussed in passing .

  22. 当指数α为纯虚数时,无穷多值是孤立点集并分布在射线上。

    If α is a pure imaginary number , the values form an isolated set and are distributed on a ray .

  23. 波函数相对误差随时间的演变表现出一定的规律性,其实数部分和虚数部分的相对误差周期性地在正负之间来回变化。

    The relative errors of real number part and imaginary number part of wave function change periodically between positive and negative numbers .

  24. 采用虚数场描述万有引力场,其场能密度是负实数,满足能量守恒定律。

    The universal gravitation field is described by imaginary number in the paper . It 's energy density is negative real number . And it accord with conservation of energy .

  25. 那么,可能有很多办法来计算内部回报率,其中一些可能是数学家善意嘲讽的虚数。

    Then there may be many solutions to the calculation of an internal rate of return . Some may be what mathematicians , with nice irony , call imaginary numbers .

  26. 从磁极化子的色散方程出发,得到结论:①当α2为实数或虚数时,可分别得到表面模和导模的色散关系;

    From the dispersion equations , it is concluded ① In case that α _2 is real or imaginary , the surface mode and the guide mode are obtained respectively .

  27. 同时,对数词进行分类,对四类重要数词,即基数、序数、概数、虚数进行描写,并分析其内部结构。

    Besides , I classify the numerals , describe the four important types of numerals & cardinal numeral , ordinal numerals , approximate numerals and imaginary numerals , and construe their interior structures .

  28. 处理材料粘性的一般办法是将粘性项作为虚数部分插入到本构关系中,从而使得原来的弹性常数转变成了复弹性常数。

    One approach to treat material viscosity is to assume the elastic constants as complex constants , in which the real part is the elastic constant and the imaginary part is the viscosity that is related to the frequency .

  29. 最初人们引入复数,将实数与虚数(比如-1的平方根)结合起来的时候,数学家们感到非常纠结,不知道这样的东西是否真的存在。

    Originally , complex numbers had been introduced to combine ' real ' numbers with the ' imaginary ' square root of minus one , and mathematicians had agonised over the question of whether such things really ' existed ' .

  30. 由于波被扰动黑洞散射,使得不存在正规模振荡方式,取而代之的是似正规模,其频率的实数部分表示振荡的频率,虚数部分表示衰减的快慢。

    Due to the waves emitted by perturbed black holes there are no normal mode oscillations but instead of quasi-normal mode ( QNM ) frequencies , with the real part representing the actual frequency of the oscillation and the imaginary part representing the damping .