
xū róng xīn
  • vanity
虚荣心 [xū róng xīn]
  • [vanity] 对虚荣的渴求心理;对自身的外表、学识、作用、财产或成就表现出的妄自尊大;对表场或赞美的渴求

  • 这个女孩的虚荣心驱使她常常去照镜子

虚荣心[xū róng xīn]
  1. 使用类固醇的男人纯粹是受虚荣心的驱使。

    Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity

  2. 由于我一贯的虚荣心作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。

    With my usual vanity , I thought he might be falling in love with me .

  3. 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。

    There is a snob value in driving the latest model .

  4. 人们想买名牌是为了满足虚荣心。

    People want to buy designer labels for snob value .

  5. 他过于骄矜自大,被虚荣心冲昏了头脑,根本不能接受他们对他的意见。

    He was too puffed up with his own importance , too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him .

  6. 他的虚荣心很强。

    He 's a vain person .

  7. 她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。

    Her sarcasm wounded his vanity .

  8. 她拒绝与他合作是对他虚荣心的伤害。

    Her refusal to cooperate with him was a wound to his vanity .

  9. 他的虚荣心随着年龄增长而变盛。

    His vanity increased with years .

  10. 我已经说过我不爱她,而且时时以伤害她的虚荣心为乐

    I 've said I did not love her , and rather relished mortifying her vanity now and then .

  11. 促使我在1959年写出那篇关于苏格兰文学的作文的,是虚荣心、奖项的刺激还有斯蒂尔(Steel)先生的鼓励,不是我遥不可及的继承人得到回报的前景。

    It was my vanity , the spur of the prize , and the encouragement of Mr Steel that prompted me to write that Scottish essay in 1959 , not the prospect of rewards to my distant heirs .

  12. 有些这样的IPO的目的可能仅仅是满足CEO的虚荣心,而这样的IPO为之后的舞弊建立了完美的环境。

    Some of these IPOs may have been done mainly to feed the ego of the CEO , and that sets up the perfect conditions for fraud .

  13. 即使在大衰退让低调行事成为一种必然选择之前,天美时铁人系列手表(TimexIronman)已经成为领导者们的主流选择,这些领导要么没有虚荣心,要么特别自命不凡,想以此彰显其个性。

    Even before the Great Recession made modesty a must , Timex Ironman watches had become a mainstay for leaders who either lack pretension , or have enough pretense to want to appear that way .

  14. 它还说奢侈品可以驱使虚荣心至危险的地步。

    It also states luxury can propel vanity into dangerous places .

  15. 我的诗人的虚荣心,在你的容光中羞死。

    My poet 's vanity dies in shame before thy sight .

  16. 然而我的愚蠢,并不是在恋爱方面,而是有虚荣心方面。

    But vanity , not love , has been my folly .

  17. 一个人的虚荣心实际上和他的愚蠢程度成正比。

    A man 's vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance .

  18. 约翰德北菲尔德的虚荣心比他的精力和体力都大得多。

    John Durbeyfield had more conceit than energy or health .

  19. 我们侍酒师必须学会控制自己的虚荣心。

    We sommeliers have to learn to manage our vanity .

  20. 男人显出虚荣心时可真可爱。

    Men are so cute when they show their vanity .

  21. 我痛恨见到你成为虚荣心的受害者。

    I hate to see you fall victim to vanity .

  22. 因为我的虚荣心已经被狠狠打击过好多次了。

    Because of hard knocks my vanity 's been given .

  23. 她爱戏弄他的男性虚荣心。

    She loves to bait him about his male vanity .

  24. 但他的虚荣心使他喜欢在上流社会捕猎。

    But the snob in him loved hunting in society .

  25. 他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心

    He have many fault , but vanity be not one of them

  26. 他要趁此机会在市中心建造一座金碧辉煌的宫殿来满足自己膨胀的虚荣心。

    It was his chance to build a palace befitting his megalomania .

  27. 暴露真相是伤她的虚荣心的。

    It wounds her vanity to have the truth exposed .

  28. 像旁人一样,她也有点虚荣心。

    Like all human beings , she had a touch of vanity .

  29. 确保你输他赢,这样可以满足他的虚荣心。

    Massage his ego by making sure you lose and he wins .

  30. 他们坦率的谈话刺伤了她的虚荣心。

    His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly .