
xū tuō
  • collapse;prostration;heat exhaustion
虚脱 [xū tuō]
  • [collapse;heat exhaustion] 由于循环障碍而体液的大量丧失或心脏病和发生在像霍乱、伤寒、肺炎等疾病的晚期时引起的极端疲惫和身体衰弱的状态;生命功能的极度衰竭或减退

虚脱[xū tuō]
  1. 铋中毒可能引起的反应有心血管性虚脱和肾功衰竭。

    Possible effects of bismuth poisoning include cardiovascular collapse and kidney failure .

  2. 在猪出现虚脱和突然死亡的个别急性病例中,毒血症可能是一种原因。

    Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly .

  3. 两位马拉松赛跑选手累倒了,他们在虚脱状态中被抬走。

    Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration .

  4. 暑热导致的虚脱状态

    a state of prostration brought on by the heat

  5. 有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了。

    Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration .

  6. 训练过度是跑步者受伤和虚脱的主要原因。

    Overtraining is the leading cause of injury and burnout for runners .

  7. 监督虚脱:妨碍政策有效执行的重要因素

    Weak Supervision : Factor Harmful to Effective Policy Implementation

  8. 她哭到近乎虚脱。

    She wept herself into a state of exhaustion .

  9. 我觉得筋疲力尽全身虚脱。

    I feel exhausted , tapped , completely tapped .

  10. 在患病或虚脱接下来的几个小时甚至几天之内都要继续补水。

    Continue hydrating in the hours or even days after your illness or exertion .

  11. 治疗副作用包括虚脱3例、感染1例。

    Adverse reactions were encountered as prostration in 3 and infection in 1 case .

  12. 她虚脱的躺在这个房间的地板上。

    She is collapsed on the cell floor .

  13. 一天晚上,她在观看一场足球赛时虚脱了,当即被送入格雷迪医院。

    Then she collapsed one evening while attending a football game and was rushed to Grady Hospital .

  14. 有时带著半虚脱的体力来面对冲突,可避免误将配偶视为出气筒。

    Sometimes you can avoid venting the uncontrolled anger on your spouse when your physical energy is half-drained .

  15. 畏寒的人的症状是虚脱、皮肤湿冷而且血压低。

    A person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure .

  16. 比赛观众说,莎娃简直被酷暑快折磨得虚脱了。她在移动中试图保存体力。

    Onlookers said the teenage sensation looked close to collapse and she barely moved between points to conserve energy .

  17. 反应包括较轻的皮肤反应如瘙痒和荨麻疹,严重者则危及生命,如心血管性虚脱。

    This response ranges from mild cutaneous reactions , such as pruritus and urticaria , to life threatening cardiovascular collapse .

  18. 心理虚脱、性心理障碍、个体人格缺陷和精神抑郁等是大学生心理障碍的主要表现。

    Psychology collapse , psychosexual disorders , personality drawback and mental depression are all main behavior of college students'psychological obstacle .

  19. 虚脱发生后出现的心动过速,可能由机体的代偿功能所致。

    So , the heart 's speeding up after the collapse was probably caused by the organism 's function of compensation .

  20. 阿托品是治疗由于用胆碱酯类不慎而引起的心血管性虚脱的特效解毒剂。

    Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester .

  21. 镜头一切断,我们就会感觉疲惫虚脱,我认为这是一个非常好的迹象。

    As soon as the camera shut off , we would just collapse and I think that 's quite a good sign .

  22. 但是我记得边石油钻井反射的光;来自马来西亚海岸,年轻小伙虚脱而死,

    But I do remember the lights on the oil rig off the Malaysian coast and the young man who collapsed and died ,

  23. 中暑:因曝露在湿热环境下而引起的身体虚脱现象,直接受日晒引起的中暑称为日射病。

    Heatstroke : debility caused by exposure to heat and humidity , usually for many hours , called sunstroke when caused by direct sunlight .

  24. 区域性大断裂+次级断层+层间挤压破碎带(层间滑动面、牵引虚脱空间)是良好的构造控矿配套系统和导、聚、储矿系统。

    REgional big fracture + sub-fracture + extrusion crush belt in stratum are good controlling ore system by structure and collecting , storage ore system .

  25. 如果出现血压降低、虚脱时应立即平卧,及时上医院静脉滴注盐水。

    When fall of blood temperature and collapse appear , immediately lie on the back and promptly go to hospital for intravenous drip of saline solution .

  26. 除了一般虚脱外,可能有腹腔的水肿、肠道不适感,如严重的恶心、呕吐和腹泻。

    In addition to the general collapse , there may be swelling of the abdomen and intestinal distress , such as severe nausea , vomiting and diarrhea .

  27. 肉毒中毒是一种罕见的可致死的食物中毒,可引起全身虚脱、头晕、复视、以及说话吞咽困难。

    Botulism , though rare is a potentially fatal form of food poisoning and can cause general weakness , dizziness , double-vision and trouble with speaking or swallowing .

  28. 大笑常触发昏睡症患者虚脱。而患昏睡症的狗在晚餐时间变得异常激动,在院子里放纵地玩耍。

    Laughter often triggers a collapse in human narcoleptics , whereas narcoleptic dogs can crumple from the thrill of dinnertime or being let loose to play in the yard .

  29. 失去所有力量点的生物将会虚脱并失去意识;如果他们在生命值降低到零点之前就失去了意识,幽影罗网会停止吸取他们的力量。

    Creatures who lose all their strength collapse helplessly , losing consciousness ; if this occurs before they reach zero hit points , the web stops draining them at that point .

  30. 当卡梅伦政府努力解决虚脱的公共财政并尝试把英国领上持续发展的轨道时,他也承诺到:“我们将同舟共济,共渡难关”。

    " WE are all in this together ," promises David Cameron 's government , as it tries to fix shattered public finances and set Britain on a path of sustainable growth .