
xì nǐ
  • parody
  1. 戏拟(parody)是一种古老而崭新的艺术手法,它通过对原有艺术作品的戏谑性模仿,来实现对传统艺术形式的批判与更新。

    Parody is an ancient art technique , and it is a forceful critic tool to criticize the conventional art genre and regenerate them .

  2. 对男性经典的戏拟&《尖嗓子的配偶》

    Squeaker s Mate : A Parody of Male Literary Canon ;

  3. 这种源自网络游戏的场景,乃是对虚拟的戏拟。

    This from the scene , but the network game to virtual parody .

  4. 整个文本体现了反讽和戏拟的后现代主义特征。

    The whole text has reflected the postmodernism characteristic drafted in irony and parody .

  5. 戏拟与复调的寓意

    The Implications of Parody and Polyphony

  6. 戏拟手法既拆解了男性眼光中的女性神话,又消解了男性的主体地位。

    Parody way both men dismantling the myth of women in the vision , a man of the main digestion status .

  7. 女性话语特征主要体现在诗情品格,女性主义的戏拟,女性视角:观看男人的三种眼光,爱情叙事四个方面。

    Feminine discourse also has four features : poetic style , playful parody from feminism theory , female view , loves narrative .

  8. 艺术家通过使用挪用,复制,反讽,戏拟等艺术手段来表述对当下生活的人文关怀。

    Artists express their humanistic concern for the present life by the artistic measures as diverting , copying , satirizing and imitating , etc.

  9. 第四章则利用表示派生关系的互文手法&仿作和戏拟展示《法》与几个十九世纪经典文本及十九世纪常用文体和叙述手法的互文关系。

    In the fourth chapter , the pastiche of several classic Victorian texts and the parody of the literary convention , especially the omniscient narrator , is studied .

  10. 第三章比较两部小说所采用的不同的艺术手法,着重指出戏拟手法对于两部小说的主题阐释和阅读效果的意义。

    Chapter Three compares the art skills applied in the two novels and lays special emphasis on parody 's significance for both the theme interpretation and reading effect .

  11. 从修辞语言的角度切入,当代中国观念艺术最常见的措辞方式主要有重复、戏拟、并置和挪用等诸种。

    From the angle of rhetoric language , the most common rhetoric ways of contemporary Chinese conceptual art include repetition , parody , juxtaposition , diversion and so on .

  12. 《金瓶梅》则有意使小说中的雪场景与雅文化文本中的雪景意蕴构成互文和戏拟,达到对正统文化和传统美学的反讽与颠覆。

    The author of The Golden Lotus intentionally contrasted snow scene itself with the implication in snow in the elegant culture , reversing the orthodox culture and traditional anesthetics .

  13. 在对古典神话、史诗的戏拟中,两位大师对原有文本的叙事结构进行了拆解与重构,建立了全新的小说叙事秩序。

    In parodying mythology and epic , the original narrative structure of the text is dismantling and reconstructing , a new narrative order is established in the new text .

  14. 而近年来我国的批评界主要聚焦于其文体结构、叙事技巧、讽刺戏拟、文字游戏等形式层面,强调纳博科夫无以伦比的技艺;

    In recent years , critics in China mainly focus on formalistic aspect of Lolita , such as style , structure , narrative skill , sarcasm , parody and paronomasia etc.

  15. 本文共分引言、战后英国小说、戏拟的深层内涵、复调的深层内涵、结语五部分。

    The thesis consists of five parts : " Introduction ", " Chapter One The Postwar British Novel ", " Chapter Two The Implications of Parody ", " Chapter Three The Implications of Polyphony ", and " Conclusion " .

  16. 通过对作品的戏拟和复调这两个重要形式特征进行分析,本文旨在揭示此三部曲的创作特点及其对当代英国小说发展所具有的重要启示意义。

    The present thesis , by analyzing the implications of its two important formal features-parody and polyphony , aims to reveal the essential characteristics of its creation and its significance in enlightening the developing trend of the contemporary English novel .