
  1. 大审美经济与中国传统戏曲发展

    The Economic Situation of Aestheticism and the Development of Traditional Chinese Drama

  2. 而其写意性是在漫长的戏曲发展过程中形成的;

    Its enjoyable feature are formed in the long process of its development ;

  3. 当代若干少数民族戏曲发展概观(1949&1966)

    A General View of Some Modern Minority Nationalities ' Traditional Opera ( 1949-1966 )

  4. 明中叶文艺思潮对戏曲发展的影响

    Influence of the Ming literary and art trend on the development of the traditional opera

  5. 地方戏曲发展刍议

    On the development of Local Operas

  6. 表现在戏曲发展史上,中国古代戏曲经历了一个由俗而雅,由场上逐渐转向案头的过程。

    Chinese traditional opera experienced a process from inelegant to elegant and from stage to book .

  7. 魏晋至五代这一历史时段,是古代戏曲发展的重要时期。

    It was a crucial period for the ancient drama development during Wei Jin and Five Dynasties .

  8. 作为我国戏曲发展成熟标志的杂剧艺术,在元代达到了其发展的黄金时期。

    Drama Arts as the signs of opera development , reached its golden age in the Yuan Dynasty .

  9. 而升平署时期则始于道光七年改制直至清末,这一时期国家发展呈现颓势,宫廷戏曲发展也呈下滑趋势。

    National development appear declining trend in this periods , palace drama is it show a tendency to glide too to develop .

  10. 考察这些实物资料,对于认识戏曲发展的历史面貌,探索戏曲艺术形态的历史成因等,具有重要的意义。

    Investigate these real objects data for knowing the history feature that drama develop , investigate the history of the drama art appearance to have the important meaning .

  11. 本文主要表观田汉对中国戏曲发展的贡献,侧重点是田汉的戏曲观和戏曲创作。这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    This thesis will explain the major contributions that Tian Han has made to the development of contemporary Chinese opera , particularly focused on his theory and works .

  12. 通过本文对隆尧秧歌的艺术风格、特点的研究,希望能够使人们对其有更清楚、更深入的了解和认识,同时对中国的戏曲发展与研究起到一定的启示作用。

    I hope this thesis can help people understand the artistic style and features of Longyao yangge better . Meanwhile , I hope it can contribute to the development and research of Chinese opera .

  13. 女伶的崛起也给戏曲发展带来了消极影响,不仅使演出剧目大量锐减,而且一些表演特技也快速退化。

    In some respects , they exerted some negative influences on the development of theatre , not only because they led to a decrease in the staging of large portion of the repertory , but also because many special performing skills quickly degenerated .

  14. 论皮黄腔在戏曲声腔发展史中的贡献

    The Contribution Of Pi-Huang Tune To Developing The Traditional Chinese Opera

  15. 论戏曲音乐发展的五个时期

    The Five Stage In Development Of The Traditional Chinese Opera

  16. 而明代戏曲的发展,也给藏服注入了色彩上的新鲜血液。

    While the Ming Dynasty drama development , but also add the new blood into the color on clothes .

  17. 具体而言,对于戏曲的发展与变革,弋阳诸腔正是其中的主体力量与主要因素。

    In detail , Yi yang tune-patterns is the principal part and major factor in the development and revolution of drama .

  18. 湖北地区戏曲的发展和戏曲表演活动的发展对于戏场建筑的形成和发展具有支配性的作用。

    The development and the performing action of drama have the dominant function on the formation and development of the theatrical buildings .

  19. 摘要随着戏曲的发展和影响的扩大,自明代开始出现了一股文人填词制曲的热潮。

    Because of the evolution and influence of Chinese traditional opera , there are an upsurge in literati writing lyric for nanbeiqu melody .

  20. 同时,戏曲的发展与繁荣开拓了商路,活跃了市场,在很大程度上促进了商品经济的发展。

    At the same time , thespian art development opened up business roads , activated the markets and improved the development of commodity economy .

  21. 随着戏曲的发展而兴起的临川古戏台遍布城乡祠庙与街头广场,明中晚期兴起直至民国时期,兴建不断。

    The developing of opera push the developing of ancient stage forward , and from the middle Ming dynasty , the building of stage continues .

  22. 晋商出于自身的喜好和精神方面的需求,在经济上对戏曲的发展给予大力支持;

    On one hand , these businessmen , with their own likes and spiritual needs , provided a vigorous support for the development of thespian art economically ;

  23. 由于艺术审美含蕴了对现实人生的超越性想像,因而,这样的研究视点,更易抵达布依戏戏曲艺术发展规律的本质层面。

    This viewpoint of study is easier to reach the nature of law of development , for the art aesthetic contains the imagination of real life beyond the nature .

  24. 嵇永仁对清初戏曲的发展作出了应有的贡献,应给予足够的重视和充分的肯定。

    Ji Yongren has made his position contributions to the development of operas of the early Qing Dynasty , and he should be given sufficient attention and fully affirmed .

  25. 五花爨弄于北宋末传入内地后,不啻巨大地影响了中国戏曲的发展,且直接丰富了中国汉语言的表达。

    After it was introduced into central China , " wu-hua-cuan-long " made great influence to the progress of Chinese opera and quyi and enlarged Chinese words and expression as well .

  26. 明中叶至清初时期出现的个性解放和浪漫主义文艺思潮对戏曲的发展产生了深远的影响。

    From the middle period of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty , the development of the traditional opera was deeply influenced by the trend of thought in literature and art .

  27. 而恰恰在这部由中国学者撰著的第一部《中国文学史》中,摩西对中国戏曲的发展作了言简意赅的论述,对重要作家作品作了精辟的品评。

    In this first History of Chinese literture written by Chinese scholar , Moxi discussed the development of Chinese traditional opera simply , yet precisely , made a brilliant exposition on some important writers and their works .

  28. 本文主要从四个方面进行探讨:一是地方戏在京城流行的情况,以及京城人热衷观戏,从而促进戏曲的发展繁荣;

    This writing researched on four aspects : The first is the situation of local drama being in vogue in Capital and Capital people falling over themselves for theatergoing , thus promoted drama 's developing and prosperity ;

  29. 而商品经济的发展,民众日常生活的需要,文化市场的整体繁荣等都是推动江南地区戏曲消费发展变化的主要动因。

    However , the development of commercial economy , the daily need of the public , and the general prosperity of the cultural market are the main motives to promote the change of dramatics consumption in Jiangnan area .

  30. 电视技术的发展和电视戏曲的发展是戏曲电视剧产生的两个重要条件,即戏曲电视剧是在电视技术发展到一定程度由电视戏曲衍生的产物。

    The development of television technology and TV drama are the two essential conditions of TV drama opera , that is to say , TV drama opera comes out of TV drama when television technology develops to a certain level .